Victory for Clean Water: Your Advocacy Made a Difference

Victory for Clean Water: Your Advocacy Made a Difference

Victory for Clean Water: Your Advocacy Made a Difference

Earlier this year, you joined us in speaking out for clean water and sustainable development by submitting comments and attending public meetings on Henderson County’s Clear Creek Sewer Project. With this project, County Commissioners proposed constructing a new sewer line extending to Edneyville and sought permits for a new wastewater treatment plant that would discharge into Clear Creek — a stream that has already been listed as impaired by the state due to ongoing pollution problems. 

In response to your public pressure and our advocacy, the NC Department of Environmental Quality revised its draft permit to severely limit pollution discharge levels and the overall capacity of a treatment plant in the final permit. That means that the County has had to come up with a better solution that doesn’t further pollute Clear Creek. This is a major victory for protecting water quality. Thank you for making your voice heard!

Public pressure in combination with a stricter permit, rising material and construction costs, and federal funding restrictions made the County’s proposal infeasible. At their recent mid-July meeting, County Commissioners decided to move forward with design for a sewer expansion that connects to the existing City of Hendersonville Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is the outcome we had advocated for since the beginning because the existing City of Hendersonville plant has the capacity to treat wastewater from a new sewer line without adding a new discharge to an impaired stream, and because it is more cost effective. We encourage the City and County to come to the table together with a common vision for the future of sewer service in the area. 

Extending the City’s sewer service to Edneyville also protects water quality by allowing residents to connect to sewer lines, as opposed to depending on septic systems which can fall into disrepair and introduce bacteria and other pollutants into groundwater and waterways. However, because the new County Comprehensive Plan leaves rural development largely unchecked, sewer expansions could facilitate sprawling development to a largely rural and agricultural part of the county. MountainTrue will remain vigilant and we will need you to advocate for responsible land-use ordinances to protect the rural character of the area.

The success to keep Clear Creek free of an unnecessary wastewater discharge is owed to you and your advocacy, thank you! It is great to see what dedicated local residents standing together can accomplish for natural resource protection and the future of our community. 

Follow us and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed on our efforts to protect the places we share.

NCDOT Feedback on STIP

NCDOT Feedback on STIP

NCDOT Feedback on STIP

The North Carolina Department of Transportation is seeking input as they prioritize road projects for the next ten years. This is our best opportunity to influence the process and call for needed improvements like sidewalks, greenways, and bike lanes, while also speaking out against further highway expansions that are bad for our environment. See MountainTrue’s project priorities below and then use this interactive project map to tell DOT which projects you think they should prioritize and which ones you think they should not pursue.

Click Here for Project Map


MountainTrue Priorities for our Central Region:

Vote Yes!

Blue Projects:

  • US 70 (Tunnel Road) – 24 – Implement Road Diet to Improve Safety – Implement a road diet with intersection improvements on US 70 (Tunnel Road) from Beaucatcher Tunnel to US 74A (South Tunnel Road)
  • US 70 (Tunnel Road) – 11 – Access Management – Roadway improvements and access management to include complete streets elements.
  • US 25 (McDowell Street) – 26 – Upgrade Roadway – Upgrade roadway to improve safety, address congestion bottlenecks, and accommodate pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
  • Tunnel Road Sidewalks – 7 – Protected Linear Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian) – Construct new sidewalks and fill-in sidewalk gaps from New Haw Creek Road to the Blue Ridge Parkway.
  • NC 63 (New Leicester Highway) – 11 – Access Management – Construct access management improvements.

Pink Projects:

  • Tunnel Road Sidewalks – 7 – Protected Linear Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian) – Construct new sidewalks and fill-in sidewalk gaps from New Haw Creek Road to the Blue Ridge Parkway.
  • Reed Creek Greenway Extension – 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) – Extend the Reed Creek Greenway from the existing Reed Creek Greenway termini near WT Weaver Boulevard to the planned Riverside Drive Sidepath on NC 251.
  • NC 251 (Riverside Drive) – 7 – Protected Linear Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian) – Construct sidewalks along NC 251 (Riverside Drive) from future I-26 to Woodfin Ave.
  • Patton Avenue – 7 – Protected Linear Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian) – Construct sidewalks from Old Haywood Road to Johnston Blvd along Patton Avenue.
  • Bent Creek Greenway (WNC Farmers Market to Asheville Outlets) – 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) – Construct a new multi-use path from the WNC Farmer’s Market to Asheville Outlets along NC 191
  • Bent Creek Greenway (Hominy Creek/WNC Farmer’s Market Segment) – 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) – Construct a new multi-use path from Hominy Creek Greenway to Hominy Creek River Park.

Green Projects:

  • NS AS Line (WNC Passenger Service) – 5 – Passenger rail service (line) – Upgrade rail infrastructure to support new intercity passenger service from Salisbury to Asheville on the AS Line. Project includes necessary infrastructure, stations, and passenger equipment to begin service with three roundtrips per day. 

Hard No!

  • I-40 – 1 – Widen Existing Roadway – SR 1200 (Wiggins Road), Exit 37 to SR 1224 (Monte Vista Road). Add additional lanes.
  • I-40 – 1 – Widen Existing Roadway – Widen Roadway. (2 separate sections to vote on here between Candler and Clyde)

MountainTrue Priorities for our Western Region:

Vote Yes!

  • SR 1307 (Tusquittee Rd) – 16 – Modernize Roadway – Modernize roadway to standard lane and shoulder widths with sidewalk to Ritter Road and Greenway to the Hiwassee River. (Clay Co.) [This one is straight out of the  Hayesville Moves Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan!]
  • SR 1363 Texana Rd – Linear Pedestrian Facility (Cherokee Co)
  • SR 1127 (Snowbird Road) – 16 – Modernize Roadway – Modernize roadway to standard lane and shoulder widths with pedestrian and bicycle facilities. (Graham Co)
  • Hwy 441 Between Whittier & Cherokee – Provide access management by upgrading the roadway from 5-lane to a 4-lane divided facility. Include bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. (Jackson Co)
  • SR 1364 (Fontana Drive) – 7 – Protected Linear Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian) – Construct a sidepath connecting the high school to downtown. (Swain Co)
  • Richland Creek Greenway– North – 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) (Haywood Co)
  • Raccoon Creek Greenway – 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) (Haywood Co)
  • US 64 Multi-Use Path – 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) in Cashiers (Jackson Co)
  • US 64 (Franklin Rd) -7 – Protected Linear Pedestrian Facility in Highlands (Pedestrian). Construct sidewalk. (Macon Co)

Hard No!

  • US-64 between Peachtree and Hayesville: creating a 4-lane divided highway. This will destroy our rural character and is completely unnecessary. Making it 3-lane in places to allow for passing, maybe, but not 4-lane divided.

MountainTrue Priorities for the High Country:

Vote Yes!

  • US 221 Truck, US 321 Truck, NC 105 – 4 – Upgrade Arterial to Signalized RCI Corridor – Improve corridor by constructing median and RCI intersections. Also construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements
  • NC 163 – 16 – Modernize Roadway – Modernize roadway and construct multiuse path
  • New River Hills Road Multi-Use Path – 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) – Construct a multi-use sidepath along New River Hills Road from US 421 multi-use path termini and future committed project (EB-5983) termini to connect to the existing Boone Greenway termini at Casey Lane.
  • Middle Fork Greenway Sections 5B, 5C, 3A, and 1B – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) – Construct greenway along US 321 to Watauga Medical Center

Hard No!

  • US 421 (Daniel Boone Parkway) – 5 – Construct Roadway on New Location – Construct freeway on new location south of the City of Boone (there are 2 sections to vote on here, one west of Boone and the other southeast of Boone)

MountainTrue Priorities for our Southern Region:

Vote Yes!

  • Greenway-Jackson Park to Blue Ridge CC 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle)
  • Church Street and King Street 7 – Protected Linear Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian)
  • Saluda Grade Rail Trail 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle)
  • Above The Mud Greenway Connector 2 – Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle)


Thank you for helping make our roadways safer for all users by supporting multi-modal transportation projects and opposing unnecessary highway expansion!

MT Raleigh Report: NC State Budget Update – July 2024

MT Raleigh Report: NC State Budget Update – July 2024

MT Raleigh Report: NC State Budget Update – July 2024

When – or if – the history of the 2024 legislative session of the North Carolina General Assembly is ever written, it will be recalled more for what lawmakers were NOT able to accomplish than what they managed to do. 

The General Assembly’s paralysis was most striking in its attempts to approve a revised budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year. Lawmakers approve a two-year budget in odd-numbered years and adjust the second-year spending plan in even-numbered years to account for fluctuations in revenue, salary increases for state employees, and dozens of other needed changes.  

Despite months of negotiations, veto-proof Republican majorities in both the House and Senate AND a revenue surplus of more than $1 billion, the  GOP-controlled House and Senate were unable to agree on a revised budget. Instead, they approved very limited funding bills to provide modest, stopgap assistance for childcare centers and a few other items. 

In the absence of a revised budget, the FY24-25 budget approved last year remains in place, but leaves the state’s massive budget surplus sitting, uninvested, in the state’s coffers until lawmakers decide to act – most likely during next year’s long session, which begins in January.

For MountainTrue  – and Western North Carolina – the budget stalemate means that our requests for investments to help reduce water pollution in the French Broad, to improve paddle trails on the First Broad and Watauga Rivers, and to fund a variety of nonpartisan outdoor recreation projects across the region will have to wait at least another year. You can find a list of MountainTrue’s legislative priorities here

The paralysis in Raleigh was not limited to the budget. Dozens of bills – most of them noncontroversial – died in committee, held hostage in vain efforts by both the Senate and House to force the other to come to the table on unrelated issues. Among the victims: a bill to require local governments to pass ordinances encouraging “accessory dwelling units”. MountainTrue supported this legislation – which was approved by the House last year nearly unanimously – as a noncontroversial way to increase affordable housing stock without encouraging sprawl, among other environmental benefits to building more densely in already developed urban areas. Unfortunately, the bill was never heard in the Senate and will have to start from the beginning of the legislative process next year. 

Despite our frustrations with the General Assembly, MountainTrue will continue to advocate for a clean, healthy mountain region in the state capital. We are already drawing up plans for our 2025 priorities and meeting with lawmakers in their home districts to discuss our to-do list for next year. Your support of MountainTrue makes this work possible – thank you for being part of our lobbying team. 

MountainTrue’s July 2024 E-Newsletter

MountainTrue’s July 2024 E-Newsletter


July 2024 E-Newsletter

July news from MountainTrue’s four regional offices:  

Central Region News

Click here to read

High Country News

Click here to read

Southern Region News

Click here to read

Western Region News

Click here to read

Central Region News

A message from Executive Director Bob Wagner: 

I’ve just returned from a five-day camping trip with no cell phone service and my most used phone apps were AllTrails, Merlin BirdID, and iNaturalist. It can’t get any better than that! It’s full-on summer in the mountains and MountainTrue staff and volunteers are busy. This month, we continue to monitor water quality at your favorite swim spots so you can stay safe; we’ve been treating ash trees to protect them from the emerald ash borer; we’re overseeing the removal of a dilapidated dam in the High Country, which will contribute significantly to the health of the Watauga River; and we’re having some fun with river cleanups, a French Broad River talk at RAD Brewing, and even a benefit concert at Beech Mountain. Join us!

Want to be part of Plastic-Free July but aren’t sure how to do it? 

MountainTrue is partnering with Pirani on Tuesday, July 2, to clean up the French Broad River! Together, we aim to inspire our community to reduce waste, Leave No Trace, opt for reusables versus single-use items, and adopt sustainable living practices. Come on out and lend a helping hand!


Have you ever wondered if the French Broad River is safe to play in? 

Come out to another Brainy Brews event from 6-7 p.m. at RAD Brewing Co in Asheville, NC, on Wednesday, July 10. Hear French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson discuss the State of the French Broad River, MountainTrue’s current initiatives to improve the quality of the river, and learn how you can help. While you’re at it, grab a glass of Stream of Consciousness from the bar — a percentage of proceeds benefits MountainTrue while supplies last!


Bring the fam + celebrate our friends at Sugar Hollow Solar: August 17

Sugar Hollow Solar is celebrating its 14th anniversary and their one-year partnership with MountainTrue at Hickory Nut Gap Farms in Fairview, NC, on Saturday, August 17, from 2-5 p.m. This free, family-friendly event will have live music, good eats, face painting, and a crown making workshop with the French Broad Mermaid! Celebrate local businesses working hard to make a difference. We hope you’ll join us and bring some friends. Please RSVP by August 11 to ensure we have enough food and drink for everyone!


Paddling Film Fest: August 22 in Asheville, NC

Join us for the Paddling Film Festival World Tour at New Belgium Brewing in Asheville, NC, on August 22! Organized by Paddling Magazine and Rapid Media, sponsored by Headwaters Outfitters, and hosted by New Belgium Brewing, this event is a fundraiser for MountainTrue’s French Broad Riverkeeper program, which includes Swim Guide and the French Broad Paddle Trail. You’ll be inspired to explore rivers, lakes and oceans, push extremes, embrace the paddling lifestyle, and appreciate the wild places. Find out more and buy tickets!

Photo: Riverkeeper American Wheat Ale, photo courtesy of Wicked Weed Brewing via Instagram​

Raise a glass of Riverkeeper to your French Broad Riverkeeper 

Stop by the original Wicked Weed brewpub on Biltmore Avenue in Asheville, NC, to grab a Riverkeeper American Wheat Ale w/ Apricots. $1 of all pours will benefit MountainTrue’s French Broad Riverkeeper program while supplies last. Come on out and help us support our supporters!


Win a sweet paddle made by the Broad Riverkeeper! 

Want to paddle in style? Grab a raffle ticket for a chance to win a paddle designed and crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell! Proceeds support MountainTrue and the Broad Riverkeeper program. This paddle is made of walnut, basswood, oak, and mahogany; it’s 150 cm long and weighs 32 oz. Unlike most “production” paddles, which have a hard finish, Caldwell Carvings’ paddles have an oil finish that is warm to the touch and easily maintained. The raffle winner will be drawn on September 14. Click here for full guidelines or to purchase tickets.


Help us recognize outstanding members of our community

MountainTrue award season is here, and we’re taking nominations for our Esther Cunningham Award and our Regional Volunteer of the Year Awards through July 25. Awards will be presented at our Annual Gathering on Saturday, September 14, in Asheville, NC. For more information on the award categories or to nominate someone, click here.


Farm Weather Impact Survey 

Calling all farmers! Click this link to fill out our Farm Weather Impact Survey and enter to win a $100 Tractor Supply Co. gift card! 

As extreme weather events continue to pose challenges for farming operations, we must take steps to rally behind our farmers. This is why MountainTrue is launching a Farm Weather Impact Survey. The survey aims to better understand how extreme weather is affecting agricultural production in the Southern Blue Ridge and what resources are needed for resiliency. The information we receive will help guide MountainTrue in tailoring support initiatives, advocating for vital resources, and implementing strategies to support farms in Western North Carolina. 

Any farmer cultivating, operating, or managing a farm for profit in the Buncombe, Haywood, Transylvania, Henderson, Polk, Rutherford, & Cleveland Counties is encouraged to participate. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete and will be open until September 1, 2024. Your responses will be anonymous unless you choose to share your contact information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please reach out to climateaction@mountaintrue.org.


100+ Women Who Care Asheville

MountainTrue has been nominated to speak at 100+ Women Who Care Asheville‘s next grant gathering. 100+ Women Who Care Asheville is part of a nationwide movement of Giving Circles — groups that are coming together to support our local communities and approach philanthropy in new ways. They meet quarterly for an hour to hear from three local nonprofits, and then vote on which one they’ll support that quarter. Each member who joins the group agrees to support the nonprofit with a $100 payment, so with their goal of 100 members, the nonprofit receives $10,000! You can find more information on their website, including how to sign up. If you’d like to join their next meeting on Tuesday, July 23, as a guest, you can find more information here.

High Country News

A message from High Country Regional Director & Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill: 

Happy summer, folks! The High Country team is hard at work on multiple projects, including hellbender relocation, dam removal, water sampling, river cleanups, and hosting guided adventures. Read on to see what we’ve been up to, and stay tuned for exciting news about our ongoing dam removal project!

Jam to some bluegrass at Beech Mtn tomorrow evening! 

Come out to Beech Mountain Brewing Co on Tuesday, July 2 (tomorrow!) for a special benefit concert featuring bluegrass sensations Shadowgrass, with opener Liam Purcell & Cane Mill Road. Doors open at 5 p.m. and showtime is at 7 p.m. Tickets are available for $15 in advance and $20 on the day of the show. All proceeds from the concert will support MountainTrue and the Colon Cancer Coalition. This family-friendly event offers a fantastic opportunity to enjoy high-energy bluegrass music while supporting important initiatives. Kids under 12 get in free. Attendees can look forward to a range of activities, including inflatables for children, a photo booth, and more. Dinner options will also be available, so plan to come early and enjoy a meal before the music begins.


Snorkel the Watauga on August 2

Join us for a guided Watauga River snorkel on Monday, August 2, near Sugar Grove, NC. Get up close and personal with local aquatic wildlife, including many native fish species, and maybe catch a glimpse of the gorgeous tangerine darter! Learn more + register.


Help us recognize outstanding members of our community!

MountainTrue award season is here, and we’re taking nominations for our Esther Cunningham Award and our Regional Volunteer of the Year Awards through July 25. Awards will be presented at our Annual Gathering on Saturday, September 14, in Asheville, NC. For more information on the award categories or to nominate someone, click here.


Win a sweet paddle made by the Broad Riverkeeper! 

Want to paddle in style? Grab a raffle ticket for a chance to win a paddle designed and crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell! Proceeds support MountainTrue and the Broad Riverkeeper program. This paddle is made of walnut, basswood, oak, and mahogany; it’s 150 cm long and weighs 32 oz. Unlike most “production” paddles, which have a hard finish, Caldwell Carvings’ paddles have an oil finish that is warm to the touch and easily maintained. The raffle winner will be drawn on September 14. Click here for full guidelines or to purchase tickets.

Photo: A hellbender rests on some underwater rocks beneath Shulls Mill Dam. ​

Hellbender Surveys + Symposium

In partnership with Dr. Mike Gangloff’s Aquatic Conservation Lab, Hannah and Andy have been surveying hellbender populations at the Shulls Mill Dam site. With dam removal ongoing, these surveys will allow us to relocate the salamanders to another section of the river where they can live happily and remain unharmed by the dam removal. To round out the surveys, our Watershed Coordinator, Hannah, enjoyed a few days in Clemson, South Carolina at the June 2024 Hellbender Symposium. She enjoyed networking with folks from all over the country who are fighting to protect and raise awareness for the Salamandridae family. 


Beech Mountain concert series

The first Beech Mountain Concert of 2024 was better than ever! Our team had an awesome night jamming out to String Cheese Incident and The Wood Brothers on June 8. With perfect summer weather on the mountain, the grooviest outfits, and celebrating all that MountainTrue does to serve and protect our communities, it was a great start to the summer concert series. Don’t forget to grab your tickets for the Party on the Mountain three-day concert series happening July 19-21!


AMB Brewing Good Pint Night

A big thanks to everyone who came to visit us at Appalachian Mountain Brewery for their Brewing Good June Pint Night! $1 of all beer pours on June 11 benefited MountainTrue. We are so thankful to our AMB family, and hope to catch y’all at the next Pint Night!


2024 MountainTrue BioBlitz recap

The Nolichucky BioBlitz in June was a big success — 67 people attended, with 36 people braving the Class IV whitewater of the Nolichucky Gorge and 31 people exploring the Appalachian Trail above the Gorge. There were some really amazing finds, including a mink by Emily Whitely and Emolyn Buskirk; Virginia spirea by Claire Jarvis and others; pirate bush by Adrianne Chang and others; bleeding heart by Kevin Colburn; and Weller’s salamander by Madeline Lafferty and others. So far, 796 observations totaling 400 species have been submitted. The Nolichucky is eligible for a Congressional Wild and Scenic designation, which would prevent this iconic place from being submerged by a dam. Citizen scientists at the BioBlitz proved that the Nolichucky River Gorge is not only the deepest gorge in the Southern Appalachians and an iconic whitewater run, but a biological treasure worthy of permanent protection. 


High Country Young Professionals June social

The Chamber of Commerce’s High Country Young Professionals held their June Social at Boone’s Fly Shop and partnered with MountainTrue for a downtown litter sweep. Participants traded in their “trashy” treasures for refreshments, light appetizers, and a fly shop tour. It was a lovely evening of networking, community building, and cleaning up our beautiful town!


Valle Crucis Community Park knotweed treatment

Our High Country Outreach Coordinator, Emma, spent the first few days in June out at Valle Crucis Community Park to work on eradicating Japanese knotweed around the wetlands and river banks. Following the recipes and techniques of former MountainTrue ecologist, Bob Gale, there’s no doubt the park will be in better shape after tackling some of the wicked knotweed over the next few seasons. 


Boone Sunrise Rotary talk

Hannah and Emma had a wonderful morning speaking with the Boone Sunrise Rotary Club in early June. They enjoyed catching up with old friends and meeting new ones, as well as learning about the great work the group is consistently a part of. Our team spoke about the various programs, guided adventures, and projects going on throughout the year in the High Country. Thank you to our Sunrise Rotary friends for the great conversations!


Waterkeeper’s Carolina guided paddle

On June 22, our team had a wonderful time floating the New River with a group of awesome folks. This guided paddle was initiated by Waterkeepers Carolina, which has made a uniform effort to get folks on the water with their riverkeepers. We enjoyed a beautiful day of celebrating community, clean water, and the beauty of the High Country. Stay on the lookout for upcoming guided paddle and snorkel events to soak in the sunshine!


High Country Forest Wild outreach

Emma enjoyed leading a two-day educational lesson with our friends at High Country Forest Wild. With age groups ranging from 3-14, Emma spent the day teaching them about varying forms of pollution that circulate in our watershed and helped them explore the creek with viewbuckets and identification materials. It was a lovely day of exploring, learning, and laughing. Thank you to Rémi, Cullen, and the other counselors for providing such a fun and safe learning environment for our High Country kiddos.


Boonerang Festival

Another year, another amazing Boonerang! This year, the High Country team enjoyed a Saturday downtown celebrating what makes Boone so awesome! We saw so many of our friends and met so many new ones. Our favorite part of this work is connecting with y’all at community events, and we’re very thankful to the Town of Boone for creating such great spaces for community building, like Boonerang. See y’all next year!

Southern Region News

A message from Southern Regional Director Nancy Díaz: 

We’ve moved! MountainTrue’s Southern Regional office has moved to a new location in Saluda, NC. We’re yards from I-26, in the heart of the meeting space for Green River users, and we’re excited about the impact this move will have on the growth and impact of our Green Riverkeeper Program. The office isn’t quite ready for visitors, but stay tuned for an office opening!

In other exciting news, after two years as Southern Regional Director, I will assume a new role in our Healthy Communities Program as an Organizer. I appreciate everything I’ve been able to experience with MountainTrue’s Southern Region and look forward to engaging with other MountainTrue communities, advancing environmental justice, affordable housing, and anti-displacement efforts. This transition is part of our ongoing effort to enhance our organizing and advocacy capacity across our program areas. 

This transition is truly full-circle for me. I was introduced to MountainTrue through their outreach on land-use issues in the 2045 Henderson County Comprehensive Plan, and I’m very excited to follow the program’s lead and continue to bring folks into the MountainTrue folds through organizing communities to advance affordable housing and anti-displacement policies. 

MountainTrue is intensifying its program support for our Southern Region (Henderson, Transylvania, Polk, Cleveland, and Rutherford counties), similar to how we manage our Central Region. You’ll be seeing more of Healthy Communities Director Chris Joyell and French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson, as well as other staff. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to me (my contact information remains the same) or our Deputy Director & General Counsel, Gray Jernigan (gray@mountaintrue.org). Thanks for all your support!

Broad River Race Day & Fun Float: July 20

Join us for the 6th annual Broad River Race Day on Saturday, July 20! We welcome folks to race at their own pace and enjoy five miles on the most beautiful stretch of the Broad River. Remember, the hare may not always outrun the tortoise! This race has only two rules: you MUST wear a PFD, and no motors allowed. Paddle solo, tandem, or with as many people as will fit in your boat. Previous Race Champions include: 

???? 2019 Eric Condrey, solo kayak

???? 2020 David Caldwell, solo canoe

???? 2021 Jordan Jackson & Marc Stowe, tandem canoe

???? 2022 Jolly Horn & Coleman Putnam, tandem canoe

???? 2023 Macayla Jackson, solo kayak

???? 2024 could be YOU!


Summer Clean on the Green River: July 27

Join MountainTrue’s Green Riverkeeper for a day of cleaning the Green! We’ll meet at the Fishtop Access at 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 27, and set shuttle to clean the lower Green! Bring your: boat, paddling gear (including life jacket), snacks/lunch, water, sunscreen, any necessary medical supplies you may need, and be prepared to get dirty and wet. Roadside cleanup is also an option for folks who don’t want to get on the water! Join us after the cleanup at The SPOT (101 E. Main Street, Saluda, NC 28773) in downtown Saluda for tacos and drinks! MountainTrue will not be covering the cost of food, but we’ll gather to continue the fun off the river.


Bring the fam + celebrate our friends at Sugar Hollow Solar: August 17

Sugar Hollow Solar is celebrating its 14th anniversary and their one-year partnership with MountainTrue at Hickory Nut Gap Farms in Fairview, NC, on Saturday, August 17, from 2-5 p.m. This free, family-friendly event will have live music, good eats, face painting, and a crown making workshop with the French Broad Mermaid! Celebrate local businesses working hard to make a difference. We hope you’ll join us and bring some friends. Please RSVP by August 11 to ensure we have enough food and drink for everyone!


Paddling Film Fest: August 22 in Asheville, NC

Join us for the Paddling Film Festival World Tour at New Belgium Brewing in Asheville, NC, on August 22! Organized by Paddling Magazine and Rapid Media, sponsored by Headwaters Outfitters, and hosted by New Belgium Brewing, this event is a fundraiser for MountainTrue’s French Broad Riverkeeper program, which includes Swim Guide and the French Broad Paddle Trail. You’ll be inspired to explore rivers, lakes and oceans, push extremes, embrace the paddling lifestyle, and appreciate the wild places. Find out more and buy tickets!


Help us recognize outstanding members of our community!

MountainTrue award season is here, and we’re taking nominations for our Esther Cunningham Award and our Regional Volunteer of the Year Awards through July 25. Awards will be presented at our Annual Gathering on Saturday, September 14, in Asheville, NC. For more information on the award categories or to nominate someone, click here.

Photo: Paddlers utilize a brand new boat ramp at an access site built by NCWRC in Casar, NC, during the First Broad Fun Float on June 8.

New Broad Riverkeeper volunteer program: Adopt-A-River Access 

The Broad and First Broad Paddle Trails are adding access sites at an amazing rate. Some of these sites are owned by private landowners and some are on NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) right-of-way, managed by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). At present, the City of Shelby owns one site and Cleveland County Water owns two, and will soon add a third. NCWRC has done an outstanding job building four of these sites and has two more in the works! One of the challenges of keeping a paddling access site open to the public and in good/safe condition is the litter that is inevitably left to deface a lovely spot beside the water. 

MountainTrue’s Broad Riverkeeper is assembling small teams of volunteers to adopt river access sites and visit them once or twice per month to pick up trash, sweep off steps or concrete walkways, and possibly perform other light maintenance work necessary to keep the sites in good condition. Volunteer teams can schedule their maintenance days amongst themselves, and the Broad Riverkeeper will assign a team leader to rally efforts when needed. The Broad Riverkeeper will join cleanups when available. There are currently nine access sites along the Broad and First Broad Rivers that offer public access — take your pick as to which beautiful location(s) you’d like to “adopt” and help to keep them looking good! Sign up to volunteer + sign the volunteer waiver here.


Win a sweet paddle made by the Broad Riverkeeper!

Want to paddle in style? Grab a raffle ticket for a chance to win a paddle designed and crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell! Proceeds support MountainTrue and the Broad Riverkeeper program. This paddle is made of walnut, basswood, oak, and mahogany; it’s 150 cm long and weighs 32 oz. Unlike most “production” paddles, which have a hard finish, Caldwell Carvings’ paddles have an oil finish that is warm to the touch and easily maintained. The raffle winner will be drawn on September 14. Click here for full guidelines or to purchase tickets.


Farm Weather Impact Survey

Calling all farmers! Click this link to fill out our Farm Weather Impact Survey and enter to win a $100 Tractor Supply Co. gift card! 

As extreme weather events continue to pose challenges for farming operations, we must take steps to rally behind our farmers. This is why MountainTrue is launching a Farm Weather Impact Survey. The survey aims to better understand how extreme weather is affecting agricultural production in the Southern Blue Ridge and what resources are needed for resiliency. The information we receive will help guide MountainTrue in tailoring support initiatives, advocating for vital resources, and implementing strategies to support farms in Western North Carolina. 

Any farmer cultivating, operating, or managing a farm for profit in the Buncombe, Haywood, Transylvania, Henderson, Polk, Rutherford, & Cleveland Counties is encouraged to participate. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete and will be open until September 1, 2024. Your responses will be anonymous unless you choose to share your contact information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please reach out to climateaction@mountaintrue.org.

Western Region News

A message from Western Regional Director Callie Moore: 

It’s officially summer, and quite a warm one so far! Our Western Region Swim Guide program is in full swing. Don’t forget to check our weekly results before heading out on the waterways for your 4th of July holiday celebrations. And it’s not too late to get involved; we could still use volunteers for Swim Guide sites on Lake Nottely, the Little Tennessee River, and Fires Creek in Clay County — email me to join our volunteer ranks!

Like each month, July has multiple awareness initiatives, but one that aligns closely with MountainTrue’s work is Plastic-Free July. Plastic-Free July provides resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work, school, and even at your local café. Click here to learn more and participate in MountainTrue’s Plastic-Free WNC campaign.

Enjoy your summer and thank you for being MountainTrue!

Septic system repair program accomplishments

Over the past two years, 34 homeowners in nine WNC counties who were unable to afford necessary but costly septic repairs received financial assistance from a MountainTrue grant program. MountainTrue partnered with the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to provide septic repair grants to qualifying homeowners who were desperately in need of a functioning system. These efforts support our fellow community members and help protect and improve water quality in our rivers, lakes, and streams at the same time. We exceeded our goal of 30 repairs, and demonstrated the serious need for more funding, as there were an additional 34 applicants who qualified but couldn’t be served with available funds.

Six of the 34 repairs were in the Western Region: three in Cherokee County, two in Haywood County, and one in Macon County. MountainTrue took no fees for implementing the program, so 100% went to serve qualifying households. The program ended on May 31; however, MountainTrue is lobbying the NC General Assembly to continue providing funding to WNC counties for this work. Click here to read about our 2024 legislative agenda.


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Healthy Communities program staff visits WNC

30 staff of the national Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) made stops in MountainTrue’s Western Region as part of a Healthy Communities Site Visit and Learning Exchange from June 11-14. RWJF focuses on access to health care, public health, health equity, leadership and training, and changing systems to address barriers to health. This trip was a city exchange pairing Atlanta, GA, with Southern Appalachian counties, including stops in Murphy, Cherokee, and Asheville, NC, to explore and appreciate the diverse urban and rural contexts of both areas. MountainTrue was pleased to host the group’s visit to the Town of Murphy on June 13. Through our own Healthy Communities program, MountainTrue partners with communities in our region to support smart planning, sensible land use, and multi­-modal transportation initiatives.

Photo: Members of Oconaluftee Job Corps sever invasive vines at the site of a future riverside park.​​

New volunteer water quality monitoring program starting in Sapphire & Cashiers

Nine Lonesome Valley residents recruited by MountainTrue volunteer Bill Horton learned how to sample physical and chemical characteristics, as well as E. coli, in streams and rivers at a workshop on June 20. MountainTrue’s Western Region participates in the Georgia Adopt-A-Stream volunteer water quality monitoring program, and volunteers were certified using those EPA-approved protocols. These volunteers will monitor sites on Logan Creek and the Horsepasture River. MountainTrue plans to expand the program with another workshop in Cashiers in September. Email Callie Moore if you’d like to be added to the interest list. Click here for more information about the Georgia Adopt-A-Stream program.   


Help us recognize outstanding members of our community!

MountainTrue award season is here, and we’re taking nominations for our Esther Cunningham Award and our Regional Volunteer of the Year Awards through July 25. Awards will be presented at our Annual Gathering on Saturday, September 14, in Asheville, NC. For more information on the award categories or to nominate someone, click here.


Take the Murphy in Motion Survey

The Town of Murphy, NC, is developing a pedestrian and bicycle plan, called Murphy in Motion. Your input is invaluable as Murphy strives to create safer, more accessible, and enjoyable walking and biking experiences for everyone in the community. Your input will be used to create the Murphy in Motion Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan. Once the plan is adopted, the Town and the NC Department of Transportation can use it to direct how we build projects, make policy choices, build programs and events, and apply for new types of funding. The survey will remain open until July 15, and you can take the survey here.


Farm Weather Impact Survey 

Calling all farmers in Haywood County! Click this link to fill out our Farm Weather Impact Survey and enter to win a $100 Tractor Supply Co. gift card! 

As extreme weather events continue to pose challenges for farming operations, we must take steps to rally behind our farmers. This is why MountainTrue is launching a Farm Weather Impact Survey. The survey aims to better understand how extreme weather is affecting agricultural production in the Southern Blue Ridge and what resources are needed for resiliency. The information we receive will help guide MountainTrue in tailoring support initiatives, advocating for vital resources, and implementing strategies to support farms in Western North Carolina. 

Any farmer cultivating, operating, or managing a farm for profit in the Buncombe, Haywood, Transylvania, Henderson, Polk, Rutherford, & Cleveland Counties is encouraged to participate. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete and will be open until September 1, 2024. Your responses will be anonymous unless you choose to share your contact information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please reach out to climateaction@mountaintrue.org.

Victory for Conservation: Protecting Pisgah & Nantahala National Forests!

Victory for Conservation: Protecting Pisgah & Nantahala National Forests!

Victory for Conservation: Protecting Pisgah & Nantahala National Forests!

Background graphic photo credit: Will Harlan w/ Center for Biological Diversity


We are happy to share a significant victory in our ongoing efforts to protect the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests and their precious ecosystems. Thanks to your steadfast support and our collective advocacy efforts, the U.S. Forest Service has agreed to abandon plans to log a sensitive area near the Whitewater River as part of the controversial Southside timber project.

This victory follows months of determined action culminating in a lawsuit filed by the Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of a coalition of conservation groups, including MountainTrue, Center for Biological Diversity, Chattooga Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, and Sierra Club. 

We challenged the agency’s plans to log a designated “exceptional ecological community”  as inconsistent with the “new” Forest Plan, given that it is located in a Plan-designated Special Interest Area that restricts logging. The logging was also within the corridor of the Wild and Scenic eligible Whitewater River. The area proposed for logging sits above stunning waterfalls, boasts towering trees, and shelters rare plants in a unique, wet microclimate. Nevertheless, the agency proposed to move forward with logging this area anyway. The lawsuit would not have prevented the agency from implementing other parts of the Southside project. 

The Forest Service has now agreed to withdraw this area completely from the Southside Project.

This is a significant victory that preserves a critical habitat within Nantahala National Forest and helps ensure that federal laws protecting our natural heritage are upheld. 

Our work is far from over. MountainTrue remains dedicated to safeguarding the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests and advocating for responsible forest management practices that support sustainable timbering while protecting wildlife and sensitive habitats.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you who support our advocacy efforts through donations, calls to action, and spreading awareness. Your commitment to preserving our forests and protecting biodiversity is truly inspiring. Join us in celebrating this victory, and the fight continues. 

Battling Invasive Plants in Jackson County: A Community Effort

Battling Invasive Plants in Jackson County: A Community Effort

Battling Invasive Plants in Jackson County: A Community Effort

Photo: Volunteers work to clear NNIPs along the Jackson County Greenway in Cullowhee, NC.


MountainTrue’s Western Regional Office is heading up an ambitious initiative to tackle the pervasive issue of nonnative invasive plants (NNIPs) in Jackson County, NC. Resilient and prolific, NNIPs are wreaking havoc on local ecosystems, outcompeting native flora, and altering the region’s natural beauty. Here’s a closer look at the community-driven efforts to combat this environmental challenge.


Community Efforts and Volunteer Impact

The Jackson County Greenway has become a focal point for removal efforts, with coordinated workdays led by MountainTrue’s AmeriCorps Western Region Water Quality and Habitat Restoration Associates, Darby Stipe (2022-2023 term) and Eve Davis (2023-2024 term)

From January to April 2023, 33 volunteers contributed 99 hours. This number grew significantly in the following months, with 63 volunteers donating 189 hours from November 2023 to April 2024.

Overall, 96 unique volunteers have contributed 288 hours across nine workdays. This collaboration includes partners like Mainspring Conservation Trust, Jackson County Parks & Rec, WCU EcoCats Club, and others.


Understanding the Invaders

NNIPs exhibit several problematic characteristics that make them particularly troublesome:

  • Opportunistic: They thrive in disturbed ecosystems, quickly taking root and spreading.
  • Prolific: High reproduction rates enable rapid colonization.
  • Resilient: Many can resprout after attempts at removal.
  • Competitive: They overshadow native plants, reducing biodiversity.
  • Unchecked: Lacking natural predators, these plants grow uncontested.


Some of the most common invasive plants in Jackson County include:

  • Vines: Oriental (Asiatic) Bittersweet, Japanese Honeysuckle, English Ivy
  • Shrubs: Chinese Privet, Burning Bush, Autumn Olive, Multiflora Rose


The Threat Posed by Specific Invaders

Oriental (Asiatic) Bittersweet

  • Habit: Coils around trees, girdling them and cutting off light to understory plants.
  • Threat: Prolific seed production leads to widespread distribution.

Japanese Honeysuckle

  • Habit: Forms dense ground cover and climbs trees and shrubs.
  • Threat: Outcompetes native plants for sunlight.

English Ivy

  • Habit: Invades ground and tree canopies.
  • Threat: Prevents photosynthesis and adds weight to tree limbs.

Chinese Privet

  • Habit: Forms tall, impenetrable thickets.
  • Threat: Dominates landscapes if allowed to seed.

Burning Bush

  • Habit: Dense stands spread by birds.
  • Threat: Outcompetes native vegetation.

Autumn Olive

  • Habit: Rapid growth, drought and flood tolerant.
  • Threat: Crowds out native plants.

Multiflora Rose

  • Habit: Thorny thickets spread by animals.
  • Threat: Produces up to 2 million seeds annually.


Effective Removal Strategies

Successful removal involves localized herbicide application, avoiding broad spraying. Techniques include:

  • Root Pulling or Cut Stump Treatment: Cutting the plant below the first node and applying Triclopyr to prevent resprouting.


Looking Forward

The fight against NNIPs is ongoing. Upcoming events include several workdays planned at Pinnacle Park and other locations. Community engagement remains crucial, and the collective effort will ensure the preservation of Jackson County’s natural beauty.

If you’re interested in joining the battle against invasive plants or want to learn more about these efforts, stay tuned for upcoming workday announcements and volunteer opportunities on our events page. Together, we can protect and restore our local ecosystems for future generations.


MountainTrue’s June 2024 E-Newsletter

MountainTrue’s June 2024 E-Newsletter


June 2024 E-Newsletter

June news from MountainTrue’s four regional offices:  

Central Region News

Click here to read

High Country News

Click here to read

Southern Region News

Click here to read

Western Region News

Click here to read

Central Region News

A message from Executive Director Bob Wagner: 

MountainTrue volunteers are awesome! With spring upon us and summer arriving soon, our volunteers are busy collecting water samples for our annual Swim Guide Program so that you can know if your favorite swim sites are safe. At our BioBlitz this past Saturday, volunteers identified hundreds of plants along the Nolichucky River, which may one day help the area obtain a Wild & Scenic designation — our nation’s strongest form of protection for free-flowing rivers and streams. Throughout the summer, our volunteers will remove invasive plants, advocate for environmental protection to local leaders, and more. 

Lastly, I want to give our Board of Directors a special shoutout. These dedicated volunteers commit significant time to learning about, supporting, and guiding MountainTrue. They help us navigate the business side of running a nonprofit and the programmatic direction. They play a critical role in our success. Thanks to all of you who give time and resources to protect our rivers, forests, and mountains!

Help us clean the Swannanoa River this summer

Join Wicked Weed, Dewey Property, and MountainTrue’s French Broad Riverkeeper for a river cleanup on Saturday, June 8. Stick around for the after-party at The Outpost. Learn more + register here!


See Michael Franti & Spearhead at the Salvage Station on June 28-29

Asheville’s cherished summer tradition returns to the scenic banks of the French Broad River for its 8th year. Music icon Michael Franti, renowned for his global performances and deep commitment to social causes, will headline a two-night musical extravaganza at the Salvage Station, continuing his support for the environmental efforts of the French Broad Riverkeeper. Get your tickets here.


Catch us at AMB Mills River for our June pint night

Join us at Appalachian Mountain Brewery’s Mills River location from 5-8 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, for a MountainTrue pint night. MountainTrue will receive $1 of all beers poured on June 11. Can’t make it on the 11th? MountainTrue will be the featured nonprofit for the month of June and will receive $1 of all pours of AMB’s chosen beer for June: Czech One, Two — a classic Czech lager.


Volunteer with us on the French Broad Paddle Trail

Get out on the river with your French Broad Riverkeeper and help clean up a section of the French Broad Paddle Trail on Friday, July 19, near Alexander, NC! This will be a paddle-based cleanup, with the option to stay on land to clean up the access points and roadside areas if paddling is not of interest. Find out more or register!


Paddling Film Fest: August 22 in Asheville, NC

Join us for the Paddling Film Festival World Tour at New Belgium Brewing in Asheville, NC, on August 22! Organized by Paddling Magazine and Rapid Media, sponsored by Headwaters Outfitters, and hosted by New Belgium Brewing, this event is a fundraiser for MountainTrue’s French Broad Riverkeeper program, which includes Swim Guide and the French Broad Paddle Trail. You’ll be inspired to explore rivers, lakes and oceans, push extremes, embrace the paddling lifestyle, and appreciate the wild places. Find out more and buy tickets!

Photo: Green Riverkeeper Erica Shanks (left), Development & Engagement Manager Amy Finkler (center), and Southern Regional Director Nancy Díaz (right) pose for a photo before meeting with elected officials in Raleigh.

MountainTrue advocates for environmental priorities in Raleigh

At the beginning of May, our legislative advocacy team traveled to Raleigh to champion key environmental initiatives during the NC General Assembly’s short session. We met with several legislators to discuss stormwater pollution reduction, rural septic system repairs, E. coli monitoring in the French Broad River, and securing State Trail designations. Learn more about our advocacy efforts and legislative priorities in our latest Raleigh Report.


Madison County cryptocurrency ordinance update

With its moratorium set to expire this month, Madison County Commissioners unanimously approved language to amend their land use ordinance to regulate data processing facilities, including cryptocurrency mining operations. During the year-long moratorium, MountainTrue shared with the county a draft ordinance we developed in response to cryptocurrency mines in Cherokee County and advocated for the adoption of updated ordinance language to regulate cryptomine use. The updated ordinance now regulates small data processing facilities (<10,000sf), which would be permitted in Madison County’s commercial districts, and permits large facilities the county’s industrial districts. MountainTrue is grateful to Madison County for stepping up to regulate this potentially disruptive industrial use and keep it out of agricultural and residential zoned areas.

Photo: MountainTrue Deputy Director & General Counsel Gray Jernigan (left), Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill (center), and French Broad Paddle Trail Manager Jack Henderson (right) showcase three handmade paddles crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell.

Win a sweet paddle made by the Broad Riverkeeper!

Want to paddle in style? Grab a raffle ticket for a chance to win a paddle designed and crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell! Proceeds support MountainTrue and the Broad Riverkeeper program. This paddle is made of walnut, basswood, oak, and mahogany; it’s 150 cm long and weighs 32 oz. Unlike most “production” paddles, which have a hard finish, Caldwell Carvings’ paddles have an oil finish that is warm to the touch and easily maintained. The raffle winner will be drawn on September 14. Click here for full guidelines or to purchase tickets.


Just released: Pirani x MountainTrue reusable Hellbender cup

Pirani’s mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high-quality, sustainable solutions to single-use products. Forget those disposable party cups and party on sustainably! Sales of these special edition cups benefit MountainTrue. Get your Hellbender cup now (and receive free shipping on your Pirani cup through the end of June!)


MountainTrue partners with Sugar Hollow Solar

Something exciting is brewing in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains — a new collaboration between MountainTrue and Sugar Hollow Solar, a forward-thinking solar power company! This partnership isn’t just about harnessing the sun’s energy; it’s about fostering a community committed to a greener, more sustainable future. From now until September 30, 2024, Sugar Hollow Solar is running an inspiring referral program. For every new customer who signs a solar contract based on your referral, Sugar Hollow Solar will generously donate $50 to MountainTrue. And that’s not all – as a token of appreciation, you, the referrer, will receive $250. But if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can opt to have the full $300 benefit go to MountainTrue. To be a part of this impactful program, visit Sugar Hollow Solar’s Referral Page, send an email to hello@sugarhollowsolar.com, or give them a call at (828) 776-9161. Learn more about this exciting partnership on our blog. 


Farm Weather Impact Survey

Calling all farmers! Click this link to fill out our Farm Weather Impact Survey and enter to win a $100 Tractor Supply Co. gift card! 

As extreme weather events continue to pose challenges for farming operations, we must take steps to rally behind our farmers. This is why MountainTrue is launching a Farm Weather Impact Survey. The survey aims to better understand how extreme weather is affecting agricultural production in the Southern Blue Ridge and what resources are needed for resiliency. The information we receive will help guide MountainTrue in tailoring support initiatives, advocating for vital resources, and implementing strategies to support farms in Western North Carolina. 

Any farmer cultivating, operating, or managing a farm for profit in the Buncombe, Haywood, Transylvania, Henderson, Polk, Rutherford, & Cleveland Counties is encouraged to participate. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete and will be open until September 1, 2024. Your responses will be anonymous unless you choose to share your contact information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please reach out to climateaction@mountaintrue.org.

High Country News

A message from High Country Regional Director & Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill: 

We’re so excited about summer in the High Country. We’re thrilled with all the good rain and new growth with healthy flows in our rivers. We’re excited to host guided snorkel trips, Trash Trout cleanouts, invasive plant workdays and, of course, Swim Guide! We’re so grateful to our volunteers and Swim Guide site sponsors. Join us for an impactful volunteer opportunity or a Beech Mountain Resort Summer Concert.

Catch us at AMB for our June pint night

Join us at Appalachian Mountain Brewery in Boone on Tuesday, June 11, for a MountainTrue pint night. MountainTrue will receive $1 for all beers poured on June 11. Can’t make it on the 11th? MountainTrue will be the featured nonprofit for the month of June and will receive $1 of all pours of AMB’s chosen beer for June: Czech One, Two — a classic Czech lager.


Join us on a guided paddle adventure

Mark your calendars for our upcoming guided paddle adventure! This family-friendly guided paddle trip on Saturday, June 22, will be full of knowledge sharing, meeting new people, and celebrating the High Country’s clean and cold water. Learn more + register.


Help us clean up our rivers this summer

Throughout the summer, our High Country team will be hosting Trash Trout cleanouts at the Boone Greenway for the whole family to take part in! Volunteers are needed on June 28, July 27, and August 24. Be sure to keep an eye on our volunteer opportunities tab to stay up to date on ways to keep our community cleaner this summer!


Swim Guide launch party

The Watauga Riverkeeper team recently had a wonderful time at Valle Crucis Community Park celebrating the upcoming summer days and Swim Guide season with this year’s volunteers! We enjoyed a yummy pizza dinner together, went over Swim Guide protocols, and made new friends. Our team is so thankful for the incredible community members, volunteers, and sponsors that make every Swim Guide season a success. If you or your business is interested in sponsoring a Swim Guide site or becoming a backup volunteer this summer, please contact High Country Outreach Coordinator Emma Crider (emma@mountaintrue.org).


INFRAMES Knowledge Co-Production Workshop

Andy and Emma had the privilege of attending and serving as panelists at the INFRAMES workshop held at Appalachian State University in May. This workshop was a demonstration of knowledge co-production, bringing researchers, practitioners, educators, artists, and the public together around a particular topic and problem space: interactions between surface waters and human decisions, targeting microplastics and nutrient cycling in waters. We met great people, discussed mitigation strategies, and began creating solutions to some of the High Country’s most “wicked” problems.

Photo: High Country Outreach Coordinator Emma Crider (right) and Will Bennett (left) take a selfie at the May 28 garlic mustard workday.

Pulling garlic mustard in Boone

Warmer weather means invasive plants are out and causing problems again! Our Outreach Coordinator, Emma, partnered with Grandfather Mountain Research Coordinator and Town of Boone Intern Will Bennett to host a garlic mustard workday at Rivers Park on May 28. We had a wonderful time meeting new people and helping out one of our local parks. Stay tuned for more workdays this summer!


MountainTrue advocates for environmental priorities in Raleigh

At the beginning of May, our legislative advocacy team traveled to Raleigh to champion key environmental initiatives during the NC General Assembly’s short session. We met with several legislators to discuss stormwater pollution reduction, rural septic system repairs, E. coli monitoring in the French Broad River, and securing State Trail designations. Learn more about our advocacy efforts and legislative priorities in our latest Raleigh Report.

Photo: MountainTrue Deputy Director & General Counsel Gray Jernigan (left), Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill (center), and French Broad Paddle Trail Manager Jack Henderson (right) showcase three handmade paddles crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell.

Win a sweet paddle made by the Broad Riverkeeper!

Want to paddle in style? Grab a raffle ticket for a chance to win a paddle designed and crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell! Proceeds support MountainTrue and the Broad Riverkeeper program. This paddle is made of walnut, basswood, oak, and mahogany; it’s 150 cm long and weighs 32 oz. Unlike most “production” paddles, which have a hard finish, Caldwell Carvings’ paddles have an oil finish that is warm to the touch and easily maintained. The raffle winner will be drawn on September 14. Click here for full guidelines or to purchase tickets.


Just released: Pirani x MountainTrue reusable Hellbender cup

Pirani’s mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high-quality, sustainable solutions to single-use products. Forget those disposable party cups and party on sustainably! Sales of these special edition cups benefit MountainTrue. Get your Hellbender cup now (and receive free shipping on your Pirani cup through the end of June!)


MountainTrue partners with Sugar Hollow Solar

Something exciting is brewing in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains — a new collaboration between MountainTrue and Sugar Hollow Solar, a forward-thinking solar power company! This partnership isn’t just about harnessing the sun’s energy; it’s about fostering a community committed to a greener, more sustainable future. From now until September 30, 2024, Sugar Hollow Solar is running an inspiring referral program. For every new customer who signs a solar contract based on your referral, Sugar Hollow Solar will generously donate $50 to MountainTrue. And that’s not all – as a token of appreciation, you, the referrer, will receive $250. But if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can opt to have the full $300 benefit go to MountainTrue. To be a part of this impactful program, visit Sugar Hollow Solar’s Referral Page, send an email to hello@sugarhollowsolar.com, or give them a call at (828) 776-9161. Learn more about this exciting partnership on our blog. 

Southern Region News

A message from Southern Regional Director Nancy Díaz: 

Welcome, summer! What are you looking forward to the most this season? In the Southern Regional Office, we’re excited to be joined by Golden Leaf Scholar, Caleb McCabe. Caleb is a student at NC State University, from Lawndale, NC, studying Environmental Science. This summer, he’ll be adding capacity to our Broad Riverkeeper program, supporting our Swim Guide program, outings, events, and river stewardship programs. Thank you to the Gold Leaf Foundation for facilitating this opportunity for their scholarship recipients. Please join me in welcoming Caleb, and consider joining a Broad River event to meet Caleb this summer!

Float the First Broad River with us on June 8

Join your Broad Riverkeeper for a fun paddle on the cool, shady waters of the First Broad River on Saturday, June 8! Just downstream from the South Mountain Game Lands and one of our few Outstanding Resource Waters, this is some of the cleanest and life-filled water in the Broad River basin. For safety reasons, this event is limited to participants aged 18 and older. Learn more + register.


Catch us at AMB Mills River for our June pint night

Join us at Appalachian Mountain Brewery’s Mills River location from 5-8 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, for a MountainTrue pint night. MountainTrue will receive $1 of all beers poured on June 11. Can’t make it on the 11th? MountainTrue will be the featured nonprofit for the month of June and will receive $1 of all pours of AMB’s chosen beer for June: Czech One, Two — a classic Czech lager.


Spring + summer ‘24 Hendersonville Green Drinks lineup

Join us at Trailside Brewing Co for these upcoming spring and summer ‘24 installments of Hendersonville Green Drinks, presented by MountainTrue, Conserving Carolina, and Trailside Brewing Co:

???? 6/13 from 5:30-7pm: “Why should environmentalists support building more housing?” w/ MountainTrue Housing and Transportation Director Susan Bean

???? 7/11 from 5:30-7pm: Green Drinks with The Carolina Farm Trust

???? 8/8 from 5:30-7pm: Conserving Carolina’s restoration work along the French Broad River


Save the date: 9th Annual Sarah Sweep on September 7

Join us on Saturday, September 7, as we honor Sarah Spencer and friends with our 9th Annual Sarah Sweep on the First Broad River. Volunteers will spend the day removing litter from the river before heading back to enjoy the live music and food at the First Broad River Festival.

Photo: MountainTrue Deputy Director & General Counsel Gray Jernigan (left), Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill (center), and French Broad Paddle Trail Manager Jack Henderson (right) showcase three handmade paddles crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell.

Win a sweet paddle made by the Broad Riverkeeper!

Want to paddle in style? Grab a raffle ticket for a chance to win a paddle designed and crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell! Proceeds support MountainTrue and the Broad Riverkeeper program. This paddle is made of walnut, basswood, oak, and mahogany; it’s 150 cm long and weighs 32 oz. Unlike most “production” paddles, which have a hard finish, Caldwell Carvings’ paddles have an oil finish that is warm to the touch and easily maintained. The raffle winner will be drawn on September 14. Click here for full guidelines or to purchase tickets.


Just released: Pirani x MountainTrue reusable Hellbender cup

Pirani’s mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high-quality, sustainable solutions to single-use products. Forget those disposable party cups and party on sustainably! Sales of these special edition cups benefit MountainTrue. Get your Hellbender cup now (and receive free shipping on your Pirani cup through the end of June!)


MountainTrue partners with Sugar Hollow Solar

Something exciting is brewing in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains — a new collaboration between MountainTrue and Sugar Hollow Solar, a forward-thinking solar power company! This partnership isn’t just about harnessing the sun’s energy; it’s about fostering a community committed to a greener, more sustainable future. From now until September 30, 2024, Sugar Hollow Solar is running an inspiring referral program. For every new customer who signs a solar contract based on your referral, Sugar Hollow Solar will generously donate $50 to MountainTrue. And that’s not all – as a token of appreciation, you, the referrer, will receive $250. But if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can opt to have the full $300 benefit go to MountainTrue. To be a part of this impactful program, visit Sugar Hollow Solar’s Referral Page, send an email to hello@sugarhollowsolar.com, or give them a call at (828) 776-9161. Learn more about this exciting partnership on our blog. 


Farm Weather Impact Survey

Calling all farmers! Click this link to fill out our Farm Weather Impact Survey and enter to win a $100 Tractor Supply Co. gift card! 

As extreme weather events continue to pose challenges for farming operations, we must take steps to rally behind our farmers. This is why MountainTrue is launching a Farm Weather Impact Survey. The survey aims to better understand how extreme weather is affecting agricultural production in the Southern Blue Ridge and what resources are needed for resiliency. The information we receive will help guide MountainTrue in tailoring support initiatives, advocating for vital resources, and implementing strategies to support farms in Western North Carolina. 

Any farmer cultivating, operating, or managing a farm for profit in the Buncombe, Haywood, Transylvania, Henderson, Polk, Rutherford, & Cleveland Counties is encouraged to participate. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete and will be open until September 1, 2024. Your responses will be anonymous unless you choose to share your contact information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please reach out to climateaction@mountaintrue.org.

Photo: Green Riverkeeper Erica Shanks (left), Development & Engagement Manager Amy Finkler (center), and Southern Regional Director Nancy Díaz (right) pose for a photo before meeting with elected officials in Raleigh.

MountainTrue advocates for environmental priorities in Raleigh

At the beginning of May, our legislative advocacy team traveled to Raleigh to champion key environmental initiatives during the NC General Assembly’s short session. We met with several legislators to discuss stormwater pollution reduction, rural septic system repairs, E. coli monitoring in the French Broad River, and securing State Trail designations. Learn more about our advocacy efforts and legislative priorities in our latest Raleigh Report.


NC issues Clear Creek Treatment Plant Discharge Permit

In May, the NC Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Resources (DWR) approved a permit for the Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Henderson County. MountainTrue and our legal partners at the Southern Environmental Law Center challenged the permit, stating that issuance of the permit would further pollute an already impaired waterway. After considering comments from MountainTrue members and others, DWR approved a permit with some significant changes, including: 

  • Maximum treatment capacity of 200,000 gallons per day;
  • More stringent limits for five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and ammonia nitrogen to ensure the protection of downstream water quality; and
  • A required annual study of in-stream impacts to biological integrity after discharge begins.


Hendersonville Gen H Plan: Community Input Survey

The Gen H comprehensive plan draft is now available. The City welcomes the community to provide feedback on the draft plan by completing this survey. Also, mark your calendars for two upcoming Gen H public hearings: Monday, June 24 at 4 p.m. with the Hendersonville Planning Board, and Wednesday, July 10 at 5:45 p.m. with the Hendersonville City Council. Both meetings will be held at the City Operations Building (305 Williams St), and the public is welcome and encouraged to provide public comment. Learn more about the Gen H Plan here.

Western Region News

A message from Western Regional Director Callie Moore: 

Welcome, summer! What are you looking forward to the most this season? In the Western Region, we’re looking forward to significantly reducing the invasive aquatic parrot feather in Lake Chatuge, keeping everyone updated on where it’s safe to swim, and training new volunteers in our water quality monitoring program. We’re also looking forward to meeting and helping orient MountainTrue’s new Public Lands Organizer, who will hopefully be starting in July! And lots of Healthy Communities work as well, including managing a project to develop a conservation plan for the southern half of Jackson County, NC. Personally, I’m also looking forward to homegrown garden produce! Let us know how you’d like to be involved with MountainTrue this season.

Robbinsville High senior Donovan Carpenter wins Carson Conservation Scholarship

The 2024 winner of the Glenn F. Carson, II Memorial Conservation Scholarship Graham County resident and Robbinsville High graduate Donovan Carpenter. Donovan plans to major in either civil engineering or construction management when he heads to Western Carolina University this fall. Read more about Donovan and the Carson Conservation Scholarship.


Recap of habitat restoration work in Jackson Co, NC

MountainTrue, in partnership with several other organizations that included Jackson Co. Parks & Recreation and Mainspring Conservation Trust, organized volunteer workdays beginning in January 2023 to control invasive plants along the Jackson Co. Greenway. In 2024, those efforts expanded to include workdays at Pinnacle Park and the site of a future park on the Tuckasegee River. Altogether, 96 volunteers participated in one or more of nine workdays, contributing 288 hours! Click here to watch a fun 15-minute presentation about these efforts by Western Region AmeriCorps member, Eve Davis.


Get involved: volunteer with us this summer!

MountainTrue’s Western Region team is in need of:

  • Microplastics volunteers in Jackson and Swain counties
  • Weekly Swim Guide volunteers in Union County, GA, and Macon County, NC

Photo: Members of Oconaluftee Job Corps sever invasive vines at the site of a future riverside park.​​

MountainTrue partners with Oconaluftee Job Corps for kudzu control in Cullowhee

Cullowhee Revitalization (CuRev), MountainTrue, and American Rivers are laying the groundwork for the creation of a future riverside park along the Tuckasegee River in the Cullowhee community of Jackson County, NC. One step toward the goal is to eradicate nonnative invasive plants – mainly kudzu and oriental bittersweet – from the project site, which is between Old Cullowhee Road, Wayehutta Road, and the Tuckasegee River. On April 27, 14 members of the Oconaluftee Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center completed the first steps in the process by cutting invasive vines and shrubs there.


Parrot feather control is underway in Lake Chatuge!

On May 3, Aqua Services conducted an initial treatment of the invasive aquatic plant called parrot feather that has infested the southern end of Lake Chatuge for the past two years. A survey of the treatment area on May 17 showed significantly diminished aquatic vegetation. The areas still showing vegetation consist of dead, but standing, parrot feather and other plants. Aqua Services projects the second application will happen this week. Read more about the treatment plan here.

Photo: Western Region summer ‘24 Water Quality Intern, Joshua Jones, collects water samples as part of our weekly Swim Guide program.​​

Western Region intern starts just in time to help kick off Swim Guide in the Hiwassee Watershed

Joshua Jones of Cumming, GA, is this summer’s Western Region Water Quality Intern. Josh is a biology major minoring in music at Young Harris College. He’ll be a senior in the fall and is looking to gain experience for a possible career after graduation in environmental science or conservation. He began work just one day before the first sample collection for our Swim Guide monitoring program in the Hiwassee River Watershed; join us in welcoming Josh to the team! Click here to learn more about Swim Guide and download the app.


MountainTrue advocates for environmental priorities in Raleigh

At the beginning of May, our legislative advocacy team traveled to Raleigh to champion key environmental initiatives during the NC General Assembly’s short session. We met with several legislators to discuss stormwater pollution reduction, rural septic system repairs, E. coli monitoring in the French Broad River, and securing State Trail designations. Learn more about our advocacy efforts and legislative priorities in our latest Raleigh Report.

Photo: MountainTrue Deputy Director & General Counsel Gray Jernigan (left), Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill (center), and French Broad Paddle Trail Manager Jack Henderson (right) showcase three handmade paddles crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell.

Win a sweet paddle made by the Broad Riverkeeper!

Want to paddle in style? Grab a raffle ticket for a chance to win a paddle designed and crafted by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell! Proceeds support MountainTrue and the Broad Riverkeeper program. This paddle is made of walnut, basswood, oak, and mahogany; it’s 150 cm long and weighs 32 oz. Unlike most “production” paddles, which have a hard finish, Caldwell Carvings’ paddles have an oil finish that is warm to the touch and easily maintained. The raffle winner will be drawn on September 14. Click here for full guidelines or to purchase tickets.


Just released: Pirani x MountainTrue reusable Hellbender cup

Pirani’s mission is to empower everyday heroes in safeguarding our planet through raising eco-awareness and creating high-quality, sustainable solutions to single-use products. Forget those disposable party cups and party on sustainably! Sales of these special edition cups benefit MountainTrue. Get your Hellbender cup now (and receive free shipping on your Pirani cup through the end of June!)


MountainTrue partners with Sugar Hollow Solar

Something exciting is brewing in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains — a new collaboration between MountainTrue and Sugar Hollow Solar, a forward-thinking solar power company! This partnership isn’t just about harnessing the sun’s energy; it’s about fostering a community committed to a greener, more sustainable future. From now until September 30, 2024, Sugar Hollow Solar is running an inspiring referral program. For every new customer who signs a solar contract based on your referral, Sugar Hollow Solar will generously donate $50 to MountainTrue. And that’s not all – as a token of appreciation, you, the referrer, will receive $250. But if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can opt to have the full $300 benefit go to MountainTrue. To be a part of this impactful program, visit Sugar Hollow Solar’s Referral Page, send an email to hello@sugarhollowsolar.com, or give them a call at (828) 776-9161. Learn more about this exciting partnership on our blog. 

Donovan Carpenter Wins Top 2024 Carson Conservation Scholarship Award

Donovan Carpenter Wins Top 2024 Carson Conservation Scholarship Award

Donovan Carpenter Wins Top 2024 Carson Conservation Scholarship Award

MountainTrue is excited to announce the 2024 winner of the Glenn F. Carson, II Memorial Conservation Scholarship: Graham County resident and Robbinsville High graduate, Donovan Carpenter. In high school, Donovan has been an honor student and an accomplished player in both basketball and football. He was an active member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and also enjoyed being part of Friends of the Athletes. “I love this club because I’m able to help kids with special needs compete in sports events,” Donovan wrote in his scholarship application.

Donovan plans to major in either civil engineering or construction management when he heads to Western Carolina University this fall. He would like to ultimately return to his hometown and put his skills to work preserving our natural resources. His scholarship is $2,000 and is renewable at $1,000 per year for up to three additional years, based on continued eligibility.

Originally established in 2014 by the Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition (now MountainTrue’s Western Regional Office), the Carson Conservation Scholarship is a memorial to the late Glenn F. Carson, II. At the time of his death, Glenn was the District Conservationist for Cherokee, Clay, and Graham counties with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and was an important leader in the WNC conservation community. He was a graduate of Western Carolina University. 

The Carson Conservation Scholarship assists young people from Cherokee, Clay, and Graham counties who want to pursue higher education in natural resource conservation fields such as agriculture, forestry, environmental science, health or engineering, and wildlife management. To date, $24,250 in scholarship funds have been awarded to 16 students.

To support more students through the Carson Conservation Scholarship fund, make a donation at mountaintrue.org/join and mark your donation as “In Memory of Glenn F. Carson, II.”

Sustainability for the French Broad River Runs Deep for Plēb Urban Winery

Sustainability for the French Broad River Runs Deep for Plēb Urban Winery

Sustainability for the French Broad River Runs Deep for Plēb Urban Winery

Asheville’s River Arts District continues to thrive, drawing in tourists who eagerly explore its offerings on weekends. Amidst the buzz of activity, Plēb Urban Winery stands as a beacon, nestled in the heart of the action just off the greenway and overlooking the scenic French Broad River. While their laid-back atmosphere might suggest a casual approach, behind the scenes, Plēb is dedicated to producing high-quality wines, setting themselves apart with their hands-on approach to winemaking.

Beyond crafting exceptional wines, Plēb distinguishes itself by cultivating its own grapes, harvesting them, and even stomping them the old-fashioned way — barefoot. This commitment to authenticity is matched by a deep-rooted focus on sustainability and inclusivity. Regardless of attire or background, everyone who walks through their doors is warmly welcomed.

Plēb’s dedication to sustainability extends to their grape cultivation practices. At their vineyard located just north of Asheville along the French Broad River, they employ organic methods and prioritize eco-friendly initiatives such as kegging most of their wine, which has significantly reduced their carbon footprint by saving over 8,000 glass bottles. Furthermore, Plēb actively supports organizations like MountainTrue and the French Broad Riverkeeper, contributing a portion of proceeds from a dedicated wine to help protect and preserve the river.


“We’re deeply committed to collaborating with MountainTrue and the French Broad Riverkeeper because, as farmers, safeguarding our waterways is paramount. Hailing from California, where water is revered due to its scarcity, I’ve developed a profound appreciation for its significance. In Western North Carolina and many other places, the downstream repercussions of water pollution are often overlooked while water quality is taken for granted; but this doesn’t mean that everyone mistreats or doesn’t appreciate local waterways. In my experience, once landowners and rural farmers grasp the importance of adopting sustainable practices, it becomes a shared priority. Supporting MountainTrue and Hartwell as the French Broad Riverkeeper was a natural choice for us. Situated along the river, our winery recognizes the urgent need to address pollution stemming from irresponsible farming practices. The alignment between the riverkeeper’s mission and ours is unmistakable, driving our unwavering commitment to their cause.” 

-Chris Denesha, Plēb Co-Founder


Founded in 2017 by Chris Denesha and Lauren Turpin, Plēb embodies the essence of Asheville’s spirit, blending urban charm with countryside roots. Denesha oversees much of the winemaking process, tending to grapevines without synthetic chemicals and experimenting with hybrid cultivars alongside native varieties like catawba and muscadine. Their winemaking techniques combine classic strategies with innovative use of local materials, resulting in a diverse selection of wines that reflect the region’s terroir.

Plēb’s approach to winemaking redefines domestic wine, embracing local resources and accessibility. Their wines, ranging from traditional varietals to experimental blends infused with local flavors like shagbark hickory bark, embody a harmonious balance that captivates the palate.

Each year, Plēb hosts the Acid on the River event to celebrate their partnership with MountainTrue — a wine party like no other. Featuring food, music, and of course, wine, the event also offers unique experiences such as tattooing and fly tying, showcasing the eclectic spirit of Asheville’s River Arts District.

Asheville’s brewing scene may be well-known, but Plēb Urban Winery invites visitors to discover a different side of the city’s beverage culture; one that celebrates local craftsmanship, sustainability, and community. Whether you’re a wine aficionado or a curious traveler, a visit to Plēb promises an unforgettable experience that captures the essence of Asheville’s vibrant spirit. Join the festivities at Acid on the River on June 1 and immerse yourself in the magic of Plēb Winery and its partnership with MountainTrue! 

Help Us Thank the Boone Town Council for Taking Action Against Plastic Pollution

Help Us Thank the Boone Town Council for Taking Action Against Plastic Pollution

Help Us Thank the Boone Town Council for Taking Action Against Plastic Pollution

The Earth Day celebration continues: we have exciting news to share!

The Town of Boone has passed a groundbreaking proclamation committing to eliminating single-use plastics and styrofoam from all municipal operations by the end of 2025. This bold move sets a significant precedent for environmental stewardship and sustainability in our region.

As members of MountainTrue, an organization deeply dedicated to protecting the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains, it’s crucial that we acknowledge and support the positive steps taken by our local leaders. Their commitment not only helps reduce waste and pollution but also sets a sustainable example for other communities to follow.

We need your help to thank the Boone Town Council for their leadership and commitment to a healthier environment.

Send a Thank You Email to the Boone Town Council:

Express your appreciation for their decision to phase out single-use plastics and styrofoam. Our email form is editable, so consider sharing your personal connection to the mountains, waters, and forests of our region and why this decision matters to you. Encourage them to continue exploring and implementing sustainable practices.

Spread the Message:

Amplify our call to action on social media using #PlanetVsPlastics and #BanSingleUseNC, and encourage North Carolina’s legislators to join this critical fight.

This is a momentous step forward in our ongoing efforts to safeguard the environment. Let’s show the Boone Town Council that their actions are supported and appreciated by the community they serve.

Thank you for your commitment to our mission and for taking action today.

Warm regards,


Andy Hill, Watauga Riverkeeper