Victory – Eleven Streams in the Watauga River Basin Receive Special Protections

Victory – Eleven Streams in the Watauga River Basin Receive Special Protections

Victory – Eleven Streams in the Watauga River Basin Receive Special Protections


Thanks to your support and advocacy, eleven streams within the Watauga River Basin will now receive special protections as Outstanding Resource Waters or High-Quality Waters, starting September 1st. This remarkable achievement is a significant step in safeguarding the health of our local rivers, protecting the delicate aquatic ecosystems, and supporting the recreation economy of the High Country.

Your dedication has been instrumental in winning these stronger water-quality designations. Back in April, we called on you to stand up for these beautiful streams by emailing the Department of Environmental Quality and the Environmental Management Commission (EMC)  and attending a public hearing. Your response was overwhelming, and your passion for preserving our natural treasures was evident.

Two Ways to Support Our Clean Waters Program

Two Ways to Support Our Clean Waters Program

Make a Contribution

Your generosity helps keep our rivers, lakes, and streams fishable, swimmable, and drinkable.

Get a Hellbender Hoodie

Proceeds from our t-shirts and sweatshirts fund our Riverkeepers & Clean Waters programs.

The hard work has paid off! During their July 13th meeting, EMC Commissioner Pat Harris acknowledged that all public comments were overwhelmingly in favor of the reclassification, leading the commission to vote unanimously in favor of the new designations.

Newly Designated Outstanding Resource Waters:

  • Green Ridge Branch
  • Harrison Branch
  • Upper Laurel Fork
  • Dutch Creek
  • South Fork Ellison Branch
  • Laurel Creek
  • Shawneehaw Creek

Newly Designated High-Quality Waters:

  • Little Beaverdam Creek
  • West Fork Rube Creek
  • Stone Mountain Branch
  • Craborchard Creek

These Outstanding Resource Waters and High-Quality Waters will now benefit from stricter water quality standards, preventing the discharge of harmful pollutants that could endanger their pristine condition. These designations also create opportunities for additional buffer requirements, safeguarding these streams from runoff and pollution originating from agricultural operations, urban development, and industry.

Your support has been critical, and we couldn’t be prouder of our River Family! But we won’t stop here – the success of this campaign will serve as a model and inspiration as we pursue similar reclassification efforts in other basins.

To continue our crucial work and ensure that our rivers remain swimmable, fishable, and drinkable for future generations, we need your help. Your generous contributions make this work possible. 

Donate today, and let’s keep this momentum going!  Together, we can create a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous future for our communities.

Thank you for being part of MountainTrue and our High Country River Family. We are deeply grateful for your commitment to our rivers and your support.


Andy Hill
Watauga Riverkeeper & MountainTrue High Country Regional Director

MountainTrue and Conservation Groups prepare for lawsuit over Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan

MountainTrue and Conservation Groups prepare for lawsuit over Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan

MountainTrue and Conservation Groups prepare for lawsuit over Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan

Photo  of a Virginia big-eared bat by Larisa Bishop-Boros – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32046949

MountainTrue has joined a coalition of conservation groups in sending a letter to the U.S. Forest Service, signaling our intent to sue over glaring flaws in the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan.

MountainTrue Statement: 

The US Forest Service’s management plan for the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests is deeply flawed. The Forest Service put commercial logging first, ignored the best science available, and is needlessly putting several endangered bat species at risk of extinction. The endangered species that would be affected are the northern long-eared bat, Indiana bat, Virginia big-eared bat, and the gray bat. Two species that are being considered for the endangered species list — the little brown bat and the tricolored bat — would also be adversely affected. 

From the beginning of the drafting process, we’ve tried to work in partnership with the Forest Service and many other stakeholders to develop a responsible win-win plan for the environment, our economy, and the people of our region. MountainTrue and our experts remain ready and willing to help the Forest Service fix its plan and make it more ecologically responsible and more responsive to the needs of our communities.  

Our incredibly diverse ecosystems deserve a better plan. The people who love and use these forests deserve a better plan. And MountainTrue and our litigation partners are willing to go to court to win a plan that we can all be proud of. 

Read the 60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue for Violations of the Endangered Species Act Related to Consultation on the Nantahala-Pisgah Land Management Plan.

Our members and supporters power our Resilient Forests program. Donate today, so we can continue to protect our old-growth and mature forests, which are critical habitats for many endangered and threatened species.

Press release from the Southern Environmental Law Center, MountainTrue, Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society, Defenders of Wildlife, and Center for Biological Diversity:

For immediate release: July 26, 2023

Media Contacts:
Southern Environmental Law Center: Eric Hilt, 615-921-9470, ehilt@selctn.org
MountainTrue: Karim Olaechea, 828-400-0768, karim@mountaintrue.org
Sierra Club: David Reid, 828-713-1607, daviddbreid@charter.net
The Wilderness Society: Jen Parravani, 202-601-1931, jen_parravani@tws.org
Defenders of Wildlife: Allison Cook, 202-772-3245, acook@defenders.org
Center for Biological Diversity: Jason Totoiu, 561-568-6740, jtotoiu@biologicaldiversity.org

Conservation Groups prepare for lawsuit over Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan 

ASHEVILLE, N.C. —A coalition of conservation groups sent a letter to the U.S. Forest Service signaling their intent to sue unless officials fix the glaring flaws in the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan that put endangered forest bats at risk. 

On Tuesday, The Southern Environmental Law Center, on behalf of MountainTrue, Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society, Defenders of Wildlife, and Center for Biological Diversity, sent a 60-day Notice of Intent to Sue, which is a prerequisite to filing a lawsuit under the Endangered Species Act. The letter explains how the Forest Service relied on inaccurate and incomplete information during the planning process, resulting in a Forest Plan that imperils endangered wildlife.

At its most basic level, the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan outlines where activities like logging and roadbuilding are prioritized and where they are restricted. The Plan, published in 2023, will have a significant and lasting impact on the beloved forests and the rare animals and plants that live there.

But even though these forests are a critical refuge for hundreds of rare species, the Plan prioritizes logging in the wrong places, even when it threatens endangered wildlife. For instance, some of our most critically imperiled bats are harmed by logging and need intact mature forests to survive. However, the Forest Plan aims to quintuple the amount of heavy logging, including in parts of the forest that are vitally important for forest bats. The Notice of Intent to Sue alleges the Forest Service had information showing increased risks to endangered species but withheld that information from the Fish and Wildlife Service, which oversees endangered species protection.

At every step of the planning process, the Forest Service ignored public concerns and the best available science about the new Plan’s harms to endangered species. Instead, the agency used misleading and inaccurate information to downplay the impacts this huge increase in logging in sensitive habitats will have on sensitive wildlife. The agency now has 60 days to reconsider its decision.

Below are statements from the Southern Environmental Law Center, MountainTrue, Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society, Defenders of Wildlife, and Center for Biological Diversity:

“The Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests are home to an amazing diversity of animals and plants, including some of the most critically endangered species in the country. We cannot sit back while this irresponsible Forest Plan ignores the science, breaks the law, and puts these remarkable species at risk.” Sam Evans, leader of SELC’s National Forests and Parks Program, said. “Forest plans are revised only every 20 years or so, and our endangered bats won’t last that long unless we get this Plan right.”

“The Forest Service’s management plan for the Nantahala Pisgah National Forests is deeply flawed. The Forest Service put commercial logging first, ignored the best science available, and is needlessly putting endangered species at risk of extinction. Our incredibly diverse ecosystems deserve a better Plan. The people who love and use these forests deserve a better Plan. And MountainTrue and our litigation partners are willing to go to court to win a Plan that we can all be proud of,” said Josh Kelly, Public Lands Field Biologist for MountainTrue.

“The Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests serve as anchor points for sensitive habitat that protects a marvelous array of plant and animal species, which are increasingly under pressure. The recently released Forest Plan misses the boat for protecting key species by emphasizing activities that fragment and degrade habitat, especially for species that rely on mature and undisturbed forests. The N.C. Sierra Club will continue to work to protect the wildlife and habitats that we cannot afford to lose,” David Reid, National Forests Issue Chair for the Sierra Club, said. 

“It is unacceptable that the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan puts imperiled wildlife at even greater risk of extinction. The Forest Service has blatantly ignored the best available science and shirked its legal duties to protect forest resources at nearly every step of the way in this planning process, leading to a Plan that prioritizes logging in the wrong places and trivializes intact mature and old-growth forest habitat,” said Jess Riddle, Conservation Specialist at The Wilderness Society. “At a time when wildlife species face unprecedented threat from the climate crisis, we must do everything we can to protect the biodiversity that we have. We need to use every tool in our toolbox to safeguard healthy, connected nature, including litigation, if necessary.”

“The Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests are home to several endangered bat species that have already taken a terrible hit from white nose syndrome, a deadly fungal disease that infects them while they’re hibernating,” said Jane Davenport, senior attorney at Defenders of Wildlife. “These bats rely on intact, mature forests to forage and to rear their young. Heavy logging in some of their last and best habitat on the East Coast may tip the populations over the edge. We must hold the U.S. Forest Service and Fish and Wildlife Service accountable for violating their Endangered Species Act duties to get the science right in the forest planning process.”

“It’s outrageous that this forest plan greenlights a fivefold logging increase in important bat habitat even as our bat populations plummet from disease, habitat loss and climate change,” said Jason Totoiu, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity. “This misguided Plan will destroy tens of thousands of acres and jeopardize species like the Indiana, northern long-eared, Virginia big-eared and gray bat. We will ask a court to step in to protect these highly imperiled animals.” 



Take Action: Manage Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests in line with our Climate Reality

Take Action: Manage Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests in line with our Climate Reality

Take Action: Manage Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests in line with our Climate Reality

Public Comments Due by July 20, 2023

Our national forests are public treasures and should be managed to maintain the health of our environment and best serve our communities’ current and future needs. The Forest Service is soliciting public feedback on how it should adapt current policies to protect, conserve, and manage mature and old-growth forests on public lands for climate resilience. 

Climate change will significantly impact our region, our uniquely bio-diverse ecosystems, and our watersheds. Yet, here in Western North Carolina, the Forest Service has maintained an outdated focus on exploiting our forests for commercial logging, and this year they finalized a new Forest Management Plan that could allow logging on 60% of the Nantahala-Pisgah National Forests’ one million acres, including thousands of acres of old-growth forest. 

Please provide public comment to the Forest Service asking that they update their policies to prioritize the preservation of old-growth and mature forests, which provide critical functions as wildlife habitats, carbon sinks, and pristine watersheds and sources of clean drinking water.

Need help drafting public comments? Try Nick’s Comment Generator. 

MountainTrue Board Member Nick Holshouser has developed a Comment Generator Tool that uses OpenAI to generate a short, meaningful, and unique comment. By selecting from a menu of topics, you can easily generate a first draft that you can review, edit, and further personalize. Then, all you have to do is copy and paste your comment into the Regulations.gov comment portal.  

Try the Comment Generator Now. 

Public comments are due by July 20, 2023. (Note that the original June due date is still listed on the public feedback page, but the comment deadline has been extended.)

MountainTrue’s July 2023 E-Newsletter

MountainTrue’s July 2023 E-Newsletter


July 2023 E-Newsletter

July news from MountainTrue’s four regional offices:  

Central Region News

Click here to read

High Country News

Click here to read

Southern Region News

Click here to read

Western Region News

Click here to read

Central Region News 

A note from Karim Olaechea, Deputy Director of Strategy & Communications: 

I’ll kick off our July e-newsletter by thanking you all for being part of MountainTrue. Whether you’re a volunteer, activist, or donor, your contribution to our organization is what makes our work so rewarding and impactful. 

Looking back a few weeks, I hope you had a fantastic Fourth of July celebration. When I reflect on what makes America great, I immediately think of the Great Outdoors and the public lands we all share. Our national parks, forests, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and other public lands and waters are monuments to our history and the broader American experience. 

These natural landscapes offer breathtaking beauty and opportunities to commune with nature. They purify our air, provide clean water, offer sanctuary for wildlife, and provide critical carbon sequestration in the face of climate change. Preserving and protecting these treasures is a collective effort; we couldn’t do it without you.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Your involvement in MountainTrue is a testament to your love for our region and your belief in the power of collective action. We’re so grateful to have you as part of our organization. Wishing you a summer filled with the joy and wonder of nature!

Bioblitzing to conserve the biodiversity of the Craggies

In order to shine a light on the outstanding qualities of the Craggy Mountains, MountainTrue organized an in-person and virtual Bioblitz from June 10-25 on iNaturalist. The Bioblitz saw 20 expert naturalists and 87 citizen scientists team up to explore the Craggies and identify as many plant and animal species as possible — 1,603 organisms were photographed and 647 species have been identified! Notable finds include the northern pygmy salamander, Canada honeysuckle, deer-hair bullrush, Goldie’s fern, round-leaved orchid and a remarkable abundance of diverse moth species. 

Due to their natural beauty and biological diversity, the Craggy Mountains have been proposed for permanent protection as a National Scenic Area. Doing so will require an act of Congress and the signature of the President. MountainTrue and its organizational partners have had several meetings with Congressman Chuck Edwards, Senator Thom Tillis, and Senator Ted Budd and their staff to discuss the creation of the Craggy Mountain National Scenic Area. The idea has been favorably received. Click here to read more. 

Pictured right: MountainTrue Public Lands Field Biologist Josh Kelly discusses the potential National Scenic Area designation for the Craggy Mountains with Congressman Edwards.

Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue is partnering with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Buncombe, Henderson, and Cherokee counties. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Property owners: click here to review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program.

Photos: Hartwell Carson poses for a photo after identifying the source of the sewage leak (left). MSD workers repair the damaged sewer pipe (right).

Finding and fixing a sewage leak in Shiloh

In early June, French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson located a sewage leak in Asheville’s Shiloh community, which directly impacted the little creek flowing behind the Shiloh Community Center and Community Garden. Hartwell immediately contacted the City of Asheville’s Metropolitan Sewerage District (MSD) and they got to work repairing the damaged pipe that caused the sewage leak. We’ve continued to test the creek on a weekly basis as part of our Swim Guide program and have already seen improvement in water quality. Be sure to check where it’s safe to swim/recreate on the Swim Guide website or smartphone app before hitting the water! 


Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC kickoff party

In response to a severe housing shortage in our region and the climate crisis, MountainTrue is launching a new pro-housing program called Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC. The free kickoff party for this new program will be on Thursday, August 10 from 5-7:00 p.m. at the Wedge Brewery at Foundation in Asheville, NC. We invite everyone who celebrates neighbors and walkable communities to come out and share your vision for a welcoming future for Western North Carolina! The event will feature games, interactive elements, inspiring speakers, and more.


Support small-scale housing in Asheville

The City of Asheville is conducting a study on existing barriers to building more missing middle housing — small-scale homes like duplexes, triplexes, and townhomes. If you rent your home, the city is especially hoping to hear from you in this survey. Please share this survey link with anyone you know who is a renter in or near Asheville so the city can have a balanced set of input from all its residents!


Join MountainTrue’s Board of Directors

MountainTrue seeks a diverse board representing its service areas, including different areas of expertise and life experiences. If interested, please complete the board member application and attach your CV/bio. Click here to apply. The Governance and Equity Committee reviews applications in June/July each year, and the full board considers new members at its August meeting. Click here to view the board member job description. We look forward to hearing from you!


Asheville Film Screening: The River Runs On

Come out to New Belgium Brewing in Asheville, NC from 6-9:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 20 for a screening of The River Runs On! This film explores the release of a forest plan that decides the fate of two of the most important national forests in the country – the Pisgah and Nantahala. Immediately following the film, we will have a panel discussion with MountainTrue’s Josh Kelly, David Whitmire from Headwaters Outfitters, and Will Harlan from the Center for Biological Diversity. See the trailer and get tickets here. Bar tips benefit MountainTrue!

High Country News

A note from Andy Hill, High Country Regional Director & Watauga Riverkeeper:

I hope y’all have been enjoying your summer. The MountainTrue team has been hard at work collecting Swim Guide samples, conducting pre-removal surveys at the Shulls Mill Dam site, cleaning out our Trash Trouts, and lobbying for clean water at the NC General Assembly. We’re nearly halfway through our 2023 Swim Guide season, so be sure to get out there and enjoy clean water across the region! A huge thank you to our hardworking staff, volunteers, and Swim Guide site sponsors. We hope to see you at Riverkeeper Float Fest in August or on one of our upcoming guided adventures.

New Riverkeeper Float Fest date: August 19

This year’s Riverkeeper Float Fest has been postponed to Saturday, August 19, with a rain date of August 20! Substantial rains the week prior to the original June 24 date led to increased bacteria levels unsafe for river recreation. Any previously purchased ticket(s) will be honored at the rescheduled date. If you can’t attend the new date, please contact sydney@moutaintrue.org to begin the refund process (or consider leaving it as a donation to support the Watauga Riverkeeper’s clean water efforts). Early bird ticket pricing has been restored and ends Friday, August 11. Riverkeeper Float Fest details:

  • 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 19, 2023
  • River & Earth Adventures’ New River Outpost (6201 Castle Ford Road, Todd, NC 28684)
  • Brews, food, and tunes provided by Appalachian Mountain Brewery
  • Tubing with River & Earth Adventures down the New River 
  • Fly fishing demos with Boone’s Fly Shop
  • And so much more!


Valle Crucis Community Park BioBlitz

Join our High Country team for the 3rd annual Bioblitz at Valle Crucis Community Park on Sunday, July 23! Stop by anytime between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to explore the meadows and wetlands along the river and help us find and identify as many different plants, animals, and fungi as we can for the park’s species list! Register here.

Photo: Hannah Woodburn shows aquatic macroinvertebrates to High Country kids and their parents. Photo by Kathryn Perry.

Educating the next generation of environmental stewards

Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill and our High Country Watershed Outreach Coordinator, Hannah Woodburn, recently partnered with Alair Homes to teach several High Country families about freshwater stream ecology and environmental stewardship through hands-on experiences in local waterways. Alair announced their long-term environmental stewardship commitment with the Watauga Riverkeeper earlier this year. In April, the Alair team joined us for a livestaking workday in support of native biodiversity. We’re grateful to Alair Homes for their partnership and commitment to preserving the High Country for future generations!


Join MountainTrue’s Board of Directors

MountainTrue seeks a diverse board representing its service areas, including different areas of expertise and life experiences. If interested, please complete the board member application and attach your CV/bio. Click here to apply. The Governance and Equity Committee reviews applications in June/July each year, and the full board considers new members at its August meeting. Click here to view the board member job description. We look forward to hearing from you!


Hardin Park School STEM leadership at Valle Crucis Community Park

Nearing the end of their school year, some awesome 5th graders from Hardin Park School joined us in Dutch Creek at Valle Crucis Community Park to learn about leadership and river ecology. They learned about leaders’ roles in their lives and the daily ways they can show up as leaders, discussed different types of science-related hobbies and topics to explore over the summer, and discovered all sorts of river creatures with kicknets and viewbuckets. We had a great time hanging out with this spectacular group of kids, and it was a beautiful day to spend outside learning about what makes this beautiful place so special. Big thanks to Amy Atkins and other teachers for all that you do to keep our High Country youth involved, curious, and willing to try new things in the community. We appreciate all of our Watauga County School staff and faculty for the impact they’re making on the next generation of little scientists!


Boone young professionals group

The Boone Area Chamber of Commerce has created a Young Professionals group to connect working young adults in the region. The group allows young adults in the area to meet new friends, cross-collaborate, and enjoy new experiences. At the beginning of June, the group hosted an event at Hatchet Coffee where MountainTrue High Country team members Hannah and Emma enjoyed networking, live music, a tour of the Hatchet Roastery, and some tasty coffee samples! These events are free of charge and open to all “yo-pros” in the area. Click here for more information and to view upcoming events.

Photo: Gandalf the Cray on a mini skateboard at Brookshire Park.

Western Youth Network viewbucket day at Brookshire Park

The High Country crew had a great time at Brookshire Park exploring the South Fork New River with the Western Youth Network (WYN) earlier this month. Soaking in a perfect summer afternoon, the kiddos were so curious and found dozens of crayfish, macroinvertebrates, and fish species with viewbuckets and kicknets. A fan favorite was “Gandalf the Cray” (pictured above). We were also able to do a mini-cleanup during our river exploration, collecting a large bucket of trash on our way out. Thank you to WYN for letting us teach and learn from a wonderful group of young scientists!


Town of Boone Community Climate Action Plan: first session

On Monday, June 26, the Watauga Riverkeeper team was a part of the first public input session for the Town of Boone Community Climate Action Plan. The plan sets carbon neutrality goals and will guide the town, its residents, and all community partners on strategies and mechanisms of change that need to occur to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced in the town limits to zero by 2050. The next session is scheduled for July 27 at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Council Chamber. A huge thank you to the town decision-makers and community members for fighting to protect the places we share. Click here to complete a survey to help the Town of Boone better understand citizen inputs, needs, and concerns. 

Southern Region News

A note from Nancy Díaz, Southern Regional Director:

Summer is in full force at MountainTrue. Swim Guide, cleanups, races, festivals, and our usual monitoring and protecting of the places we share have made this a busy summer season. Check out the opportunities below to join us in advocacy and action!

This summer, July 15-23 marks Latino Conservation Week across the country, which supports and celebrates the Latino community getting outdoors and participating in natural resource protection projects. We live in such a resource-rich area and welcome all opportunities to bring others along in conservation and environmental protection efforts.

Last month, our Southern Region Team had the opportunity to float down the Broad River with leaders from Latinos Aventureros en las Carolinas (pictured above). We’re thankful for the opportunity to build community with these adventurers and introduce them to the Broad River watershed, our other programs, and our mission. Soon we’ll partner again for a trail cleanup on the Broad River Greenway! I look forward to building on this and other new partnerships while maintaining engagement with all of you through fun and exciting projects! Thank you for your continued support of our work in the Southern Region. Let’s get out together and make this a nature-filled summer!

Join us for a trail cleanup at the Broad River Greenway

Celebrate Latino Conservation Week by joining MountainTrue and Latinos Aventureros for a trail cleanup afternoon at the stunning Broad River Greenway in Boiling Springs, NC, on July 21! Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and preserve the natural beauty of our surroundings. Bring a bag lunch and join us for a relaxing meal by the river bank at 12:30 p.m. Afterward, at approximately 1:30 p.m., we’ll split into three teams to clean up litter along the different trails. We’ll meet back at the Ranger Station around 3:00 p.m. to share what we’ve collected and end the day with a refreshing swim at the beach. It’ll be a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and enjoy the outdoors! Click here to register.

Clean up the Green River with your Green Riverkeeper this summer

Green Clean Series: Help Green Riverkeeper Erica Shanks clean up the Green River on Thursday, July 27! This recurring event will happen from 5:30-8 p.m. on the 4th Thursday of each month until August 2023. You don’t have to kayak to be a part of the monthly cleanups; roadside volunteers are also welcome! Click here to learn more and sign up. Volunteers are invited to join the Green Riverkeeper at the Green River Brew Depot in downtown Saluda after each cleanup — the Brew Depot will be giving one free beer to each volunteer who attends the cleanup and presents a ticket. Additionally, The SPOT will offer volunteers a free drink to enjoy within a week of their participation in the cleanup!

Big Sweep on the Green River: Join your Green Riverkeeper on Saturday, September 23 for our Big Sweep event! This event will be a part of the Big Sweep movement that happens throughout our region. Kayakers and roadside volunteers are welcome. We’ll meet at Fishtop Access (2302 Green River Cove Rd, Saluda, NC 28773) at 11:00 a.m. to split into teams before heading out. Please bring water, snacks, and gear appropriate for the water or roadside (gloves, closed-toed shoes, sunscreen, medical needs, etc). MountainTrue will provide trash bags. If you need gear to get out on the water, please contact us as we have a limited amount of duckies, helmets, and pfds for use. Volunteers are invited to join Green Riverkeeper Erica Shanks at the Green River Brew Depot after the Big Sweep for a free drink of choice and food from the Purple Onion! Click here to register. 

If you have any questions about any of the upcoming Green River cleanups, please contact your Green Riverkeeper (erica@mountaintrue.org).


Clean the Broad River with your Broad Riverkeeper this summer

Broad River Summer Sweep: Help Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell clean up the Broad River from 1-5:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 5! We’ll clean up ~five miles on one of the Broad’s most popular and scenic sections — Lake Houser to the Broad River Greenway. Please bring your boat, paddle, and lifejacket, water, snacks, sunscreen, sturdy water shoes or sneakers (no flip-flops), gloves and trash bags, towels, and a dry change of clothes. Click here to learn more and register. 

8th Annual Sarah Sweep + First Broad River Festival: All are welcome to join the Broad Riverkeeper on Saturday, September 9 for the 8th Annual Sarah Sweep in honor of Sarah Spencer, who tragically passed away in a car accident in 2016. We’ll paddle and clean up a lovely section of the river that Sarah Spencer held dear to her heart. After the cleanup, we’ll head back to Double Shoals Mill for an evening of fabulous local music and food at the First Broad River Festival. Click here to learn more and register.


Asheville Film Screening: The River Runs On

Come out to New Belgium Brewing in Asheville, NC, from 6-9:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 20 for a screening of The River Runs On! This film explores the release of a forest plan that decides the fate of two of the most important national forests in the country – the Pisgah and Nantahala. Immediately following the film, we will have a panel discussion with MountainTrue’s Josh Kelly, David Whitmire from Headwaters Outfitters, and Will Harlan from the Center for Biological Diversity. See the trailer and get tickets here. Bar tips benefit MountainTrue!


Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC kickoff party

In response to a severe housing shortage in our region and the climate crisis, MountainTrue is launching a new pro-housing program called Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC. The free kickoff party for this new program will be on Thursday, August 10 from 5-7:00 p.m. at the Wedge Brewery at Foundation in Asheville, NC. We invite everyone who celebrates neighbors and walkable communities to come out and share your vision for a welcoming future for Western North Carolina! The event will feature games, interactive elements, inspiring speakers, and more.

Photo: An aerial view of the Befesa Zinc stormwater retention pond. The retention pond contributes to the pollution entering the Broad River, along with the process effluent discharge, which is hidden under the water in a ‘diffuser’ pipe. Image taken by Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell on a flight with SouthWings.

Holding polluters accountable on the Broad River

After more than five years of investigation and applying pressure to a zinc manufacturing company that discharges toxic metals and chemicals into the Broad River, Befesa Zinc Corp. is finally meeting the limits of its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Still, there is more work ahead. The Broad Riverkeeper and MountainTrue commend the new owners of Befesa for reducing their cadmium discharge. But we still have serious concerns regarding the total amount of pollution that the zinc plant is releasing into the Broad River.

This zinc plant has a history of violations and problems with controlling its pollution levels. As recently as last fall, state regulators issued a Notice of Violation to Befesa for failing its Effluent Toxicity Testing. MountainTrue and Southern Environmental Law Center are reviewing Befesa’s permit renewal application. We’ll submit comments and concerns to state regulators to ensure pollution issues continue to be reduced or eliminated. You can count on MountainTrue to keep a watchful eye on this issue and to keep fighting to ensure that the Broad River is healthy and safe for our community! Click here to read more in this recent WLOS article.


Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue is partnering with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Buncombe, Henderson, and Cherokee counties. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Property owners: click here to review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program.


Join MountainTrue’s Board of Directors

MountainTrue seeks a diverse board representing its service areas, including different areas of expertise and life experiences. If interested, please complete the board member application and attach your CV/bio. Click here to apply. The Governance and Equity Committee reviews applications in June/July each year, and the full board considers new members at its August meeting. Click here to view the board member job description. We look forward to hearing from you!


City of Hendersonville Sustainability Public Input Meeting

Hendersonville residents and visitors are invited to an upcoming public input meeting for the City’s Sustainability Strategic Plan. This plan will include measurable goals to reduce municipal emissions to bring about a cleaner, more resilient city. The plan will include the focus areas of energy, transportation, land management, waste management, and water. While the plan will be focused on municipal-specific goals, there will also be recommendations for the residential and commercial sectors. 

Meeting details: Monday, July 17 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., in the City Operations Assembly Room, 305 Williams St. Hendersonville, NC 28792. Public survey to follow.


DuPont State Forest Recreational Master Plan

Attention DuPont Forest users, neighbors, and supporters: Mark your calendars for an important public input session regarding the forest’s Recreation Master Plan on Monday, July 24, from  2:30-6:30 p.m. at the Henderson County Public Library. Can’t make it to the meeting? Click here to participate in their online survey.


Forest City Land Use Plan Survey

If you’re a resident, property owner, or business owner in Forest City, NC, the town encourages you to participate in this 10-minute survey to ensure your wishes and concerns are addressed in the comprehensive long-range planning document that the town will use in decision-making to plan for the future. The survey addresses future development, the downtown appearance, transportation, and parks and recreation. The survey closes on July 31, 2023. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Alan Toney at atoney@foothillsregion.org or call (828) 351-2331. Click here to access the English version of the survey. Click here to access the Spanish version of the survey.

Western Region News

A note from Callie Moore, Western Regional Director:

I’d like to kick off our July e-newsletter by thanking you all for being part of MountainTrue. Whether you’re a volunteer, activist, donor, or all of these, your contributions to our organization make our work so rewarding and impactful. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your involvement.

Looking back a few weeks, I hope you had a fantastic Fourth of July celebration. When I reflect on what makes America great, I immediately think of the Great Outdoors and the public lands we all share. Our national parks, forests, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and other public lands and waters are monuments to our history and the broader American experience. 

These natural landscapes offer breathtaking beauty and opportunities to commune with nature. They purify our air, provide clean water, offer sanctuary for wildlife, and provide critical carbon sequestration in the face of climate change. Ensuring the health and resiliency of these treasures is a collective effort that we couldn’t do without you.

Wishing you a summer filled with the joy and wonder of nature!

Photo: A crayfish in a mountain stream. Photo by Casper Cox.

Blue Ridge Snorkel Trail ready for underwater adventures

The Blue Ridge Snorkel Trail officially launched in June, with kickoff events on the Pigeon River in Canton and the Swannanoa River in Black Mountain. The Blue Ridge Snorkel Trail is a unique wildlife recreation opportunity connecting people to the fascinating underwater world through publicly accessible river snorkel sites. There are currently ten locations on the Snorkel Trail. Each site has signage providing information about water safety and notable aquatic species in the river. 

Upcoming kickoff events include: August 2 at Queen Branch Preserve on the Little Tennessee River near Franklin, NC, and August 8 at East LaPorte Park on the Tuckasegee River near Cullowhee, NC. More events are being planned for Island Park in Bryson City, NC, and Valley River in Andrews, NC. Click here to learn more.


Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue is partnering with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Cherokee County and others across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Cherokee County is being prioritized because a long stretch of the Valley River is not safe for swimming due to bacterial contamination and leaking septic systems in older neighborhoods has been identified as one part of the problem. Property owners: click here to review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program.


Swim Guide results halfway through the sampling season

We’re halfway through the Swim Guide weekly E. coli sampling program for the summer! Eight locations in the Hiwassee basin (including all lake sites) and three sites in the Little Tennessee basin passed all seven tests when results were compared with the EPA 2012 Recreational Water Quality Criteria for recreational purposes. Three locations in each river basin have failed all tests, including what locals call the “Redneck Beach” on the Little Tennessee River at Sanderstown Road. So far, notable improvement has been documented compared to the last two years at the Nottely River Meeks Park II canoe/kayak launch. This location has passed for safe swimming in more than 70% of samples, only failing the secondary recreation criteria once after a significant rainfall event. Special thanks to Union County and Towns County governments for sponsoring weekly sampling at their park sites, and to David Best, Stephanie Brundage, Stacey Cassedy, Ken Kloblen, and John Knoblich for volunteering with our Swim Guide program this summer! Click here to check out weekly results from now until Labor Day.

Photo: Darby Stipe and her sweet dog, Penny, at Dry Falls near Highlands, NC.

Big thanks to our AmeriCorps member, Darby, for a term well served

At the end of July, we’ll say goodbye to our fantastic AmeriCorps member, Darby Stipe. Darby has accomplished so much during her 11-month term, particularly in the Little Tennessee River basin. She started a microplastics sampling program in Bryson City and expanded our Swim Guide E. coli sampling program to add six locations on the Little Tennessee and Nantahala Rivers. She conducted nonnative invasive plant inventories on the Jackson County and Little Tennessee River greenways and organized five successful workdays in Cullowhee. And she continued important habitat restoration work at Island Park on the Tuckasegee and the River Walk in Murphy, NC. And we can’t forget Penny, our Western Region mascot, who brought smiles to everyone’s faces! Thank you for your service, Darby. We wish you all the best in your future education and career pursuits!


Join MountainTrue’s Board of Directors

MountainTrue seeks a diverse board representing its service areas, including different areas of expertise and life experiences. If interested, please complete the board member application and attach your CV/bio. Click here to apply. The Governance and Equity Committee reviews applications in June/July each year, and the full board considers new members at its August meeting. Click here to view the board member job description. We look forward to hearing from you!

MountainTrue member spotlight: meet Emery Conard

Emery has been a MountainTrue member since early 2020 and is part of our community of monthly donors. Inspired to give to MountainTrue initially because it’s a local grassroots organization, Emery appreciates the programmatic work and how MountainTrue fosters community. “I love how well rounded MountainTrue is as an organization and how it not only connects us to the areas around us, but to each other.” Emery, we’re so thankful that you’re part of our community of members and appreciate the thoughtfulness behind your gift! Click here to read more about Emery.

Action Alert: Protect Our Trout Streams

Action Alert: Protect Our Trout Streams

Action Alert: Protect Our Trout Streams

Support the Amendment to the Sediment Pollution Control Act of North Carolina

Take action to safeguard our mountain trout waters and preserve the delicate balance of our state’s aquatic ecosystems. The North Carolina Senate has passed an important new amendment, S613, which aims to strengthen the protection of our mountain trout waters and tighten the agricultural exemption that poses a significant threat to our state’s aquatic ecosystems. Now we need your help to get it passed through the House of Representatives. 

In 2021, a Sparta-based developer called Bottomley Farms tried to unlawfully use North Carolina’s agricultural exemption to stream buffer requirements to clearcut land in Allegheny and Surry counties. The developer removed all the trees, shrubs, and vegetation all the way down to the edge of Ramey Creek. The result was severe erosion, sediment pollution, and a total collapse of the ecosystem in the creek — once a thriving spawning ground for native brook trout. NC Wildlife Resource Commission staff were only able to save 13 individual trout out of the hundreds previously documented in that stream.

In the end, Commission staff were able to relocate the surviving trout to an adjacent watershed, and the report submitted by our Watauga Riverkeeper with the help of Southwings led to the NC Department of Environmental Quality issuing a notice of violation followed by one of the largest fines ever levied by the department.

But this tragedy underscores the need for stronger buffer protection of mountain streams and a tightening of the agricultural exemption provided by the Sediment Pollution Control Act of North Carolina. This exemption shields agricultural operations from fundamental water quality safeguards, such as leaving small vegetative buffers along streams—a requirement imposed on nearly all other land-disturbing activities.

To tighten the agricultural exemption and prevent such future calamities, the NC Senate has passed S613, which would amend the Sediment Pollution Control Act to require a 25-foot buffer along DEQ-designated trout streams for new agricultural operations. MountainTrue supports this amendment, and we believe that this is a big step in the right direction.

To get S613 across the finish line, it must pass the North Carolina House of Representatives. We need you to act today by emailing your Representatives, asking them to protect our trout streams by passing this bill.

Thank you for your support and ongoing commitment to healthy waters in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains.

Find Your Swimming Hole: MountainTrue Urges Public to Use Swim Guide App To Find Clean Swimming Areas this Independence Day Weekend

Find Your Swimming Hole: MountainTrue Urges Public to Use Swim Guide App To Find Clean Swimming Areas this Independence Day Weekend

Find Your Swimming Hole: MountainTrue Urges Public to Use Swim Guide App To Find Clean Swimming Areas this Independence Day Weekend

MountainTrue, a leading local environmental group, is encouraging the public to use the Swim Guide app before heading out onto the water to ensure a healthy and happy Independence Day weekend. MountainTrue is the home of the Broad Riverkeeper, French Broad Riverkeeper, Green Riverkeeper, Watauga Riverkeeper, and a Western Clean Water Team based in Murphy, North Carolina, that are dedicated to protecting the waters of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains.

Each week between Memorial and Labor Day weekends, MountainTrue’s staff and volunteers collect and analyze water samples from 96 popular recreation spots across western North Carolina and Towns and Union Counties in northern Georgia. These samples are processed and analyzed, and the results are posted on the Swim Guide website (theswimguide.org) and the smartphone app in time for the weekend. This resource-intensive program is made possible by donations from MountainTrue’s members and the generosity of local businesses and organizations that sponsor one or more Swim Guide recreation sites.

Our Swim Guide Sponsors include Animal Hospital of BooneAppalachian Veterinary UltrasoundAsheville Fly Fishing CompanyBirdies Coffee & Treats on the FlyBlue Ridge Tourist CourtBoone CocoonBoone’s Fly Shop, City of Hiwassee, Fabbit Customs, Green River Cove Tubing, Joy Pharr Realty, Lake Adger Property Association, Mellow Mushroom Boone, Pink Mercury, The Purple Onion, Rivergirl Fishing Company, Rutherford Outdoor Coalition, Shelby Women for Progress, The SPOT, Trophy Water Guide ServiceThe Speckled Trout OutfittersTennessee Valley AuthorityWatauga Tourism Development Authority/Explore Boone, Towns County (GA), Union County (GA), Watauga River Lodge, and Zach Hobbs.

E. coli bacteria makes its way into our rivers and streams from sewer and septic leaks and in stormwater runoff — especially runoff from poorly managed animal agricultural operations. E. coli is an indicator of the presence of more harmful microbes, such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Shigella, and Norovirus. Contact or consumption of contaminated water can lead to gastrointestinal illness, skin infections, respiratory issues, and other health problems.

MountainTrue tests mid-week, analyzes the samples, and posts the results in time for the weekend. These tests are a snapshot in time. If tests are conducted on a Wednesday after a dry spell, the results usually look pretty good, but conditions can change rapidly following heavy rains when stormwater runoff brings pollution into our waterways. MountainTrue encourages river recreators to take extra precautions after hard rains and not to ingest or expose any open cuts or abrasions to water.

The Swim Guide lists each testing site as either passing or failing based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2012 Recreational Water Quality Criteria for primary contact of 126 CFU/100 mL. Waterways located in remote areas or near protected public lands with minimal agricultural and industrial pollution sources tend to be the cleanest and less impacted by stormwater runoff. Areas closer to development and polluting agricultural practices face greater risks, especially after heavy rainstorms that result in increased water runoff.

While the primary purpose of the Swim Guide is to inform the public about where it’s safe to swim, MountainTrue also uses the data collected to solve water quality problems, inform our advocacy, and push for science-based policy solutions aimed at protecting the health of our communities and supporting our river recreation economy.

The rivers of the Southern Blue Rigde are an important cultural, recreational, and economic resource for our region. In order to clean up the dirtiest rivers and protect the cleanest ones, Mountaintrue encourages policymakers to increase riparian buffers, encourage better building and farming practices and invest in upgrading aging sewer infrastructure to meet current and future needs.

To find the latest bacteria testing sites for your favorite swim area or to download the Swim Guide app, visit theswimguide.org.