MountainTrue Member Spotlight: Rod & Bess Baird

MountainTrue Member Spotlight: Rod & Bess Baird

MountainTrue Member Spotlight: Rod & Bess Baird

Rod and Bess Baird (pictured above) moved to Western North Carolina in the 1970s, working as caretakers for a farm in Weaverville. From there, Rod began a career as an entrepreneur in the medical industry. Bess has always had a passion for education, working as a teacher for young children and leading workshops to help teachers incorporate nature and the environment into their curriculum. 

Like many MountainTrue members, the Bairds love nature and the outdoors. Rod is the adventurer, while Bess is more of a naturalist. Over the years, they’ve enjoyed our region’s fantastic whitewater paddling, biking and hiking trails, and fly fishing. 

The Bairds have been MountainTrue members for more than a decade. Recently, they’ve focused on supporting the Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC program. When asked why this project has inspired them to give, they said, “We want to support systemic work that makes an impact at the local level. Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC is promoting dense development that can reduce sprawl in WNC counties. We’re currently crowding single-family homes onto smaller acreage with little to no erosion controls and building outwards rather than upwards. In the process, we’re destroying farmlands and forests. We want to treat the cause of suburban sprawl, and MountainTrue is working to do that.” 

The Bairds went on to say how important it is “for all of us to work together as part of a grassroots effort to get people to think differently about density. Cities are intended to be cities. If we had the choice to remove trees in the city or remove even more trees for a large development in a rural area, I’d choose to remove them in the city and replant them. I want our neighbors to see that we support this work, and MountainTrue is bringing a new perspective. We hope our neighbors will take the time to learn more and consider supporting this important work.”

“No matter what we wish, WNC is going to continue being a relocation magnet for the foreseeable future. Let’s acknowledge that the only viable strategy to manage this growth is ‘harm-reduction’ – which means focusing growth on urban areas.”

MountainTrue is incredibly thankful for the support of the Bairds and for all MountainTrue members who are helping protect our forests, waters, and mountain communities. 

Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC is an expansion of our Healthy Communities program, and we hope you’ll join us in supporting policies that protect and create homes for our neighbors in places that reduce our collective carbon footprint. To learn more about Neighbors for More Neighbors, please visit moreneighborswnc.org

Rein in Buncombe County Short-Term Rentals

Rein in Buncombe County Short-Term Rentals

Rein in Buncombe County Short-Term Rentals

This Monday, March 18th, the Buncombe County Planning Board will be discussing the issue of Short-Term Rentals (STRs) for the second time. MountainTrue strongly supports the proposed text amendments to regulate short-term rentals. Mitigating the loss of year-round housing to short-term rentals is a top priority for our residents. 

In particular, we join our community partner, PODER Emma, in strongly supporting the proposal to prohibit short-term rentals in mobile home communities, as their residents are particularly vulnerable to displacement. 

Take Action:

1. Monday, March 18: attend the Buncombe County Planning Board Meeting and let them know you want the regulation of short-term rentals in Buncombe County.

Buncombe County Planning Board Meeting
Date: Monday, March 18, 2024
Time: 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Where: AB Tech Ferguson Auditorium
Tech Dr, Asheville, NC 28801

2. Email the Planning Board and let them know you support the regulation of STRs in Buncombe County.


It is no secret that Buncombe County, like the rest of the nation, is experiencing an acute housing crisis. More people are struggling to find an affordable place to live due to the cost of living and the dearth of housing options. There are an estimated 5,000 Short-Term-Rentals (STRs) in Buncombe County – that’s 5,000 potential homes that have been removed from the market.

During the county’s comprehensive planning process last year, thousands of community members voiced their concerns about STRs and their impact on affordable housing. It is clear that reducing the loss of year-round housing is a top priority for residents. 

Buncombe County faces a significant housing gap, particularly for low-income individuals and families. The proposed text amendments offer a proactive approach to bolstering affordable housing options. Coupled with potential conversion incentives discussed by the Board of Commissioners, these measures have the potential to make a meaningful impact on our housing crisis.

By ensuring that short-term rentals are appropriately regulated and located, we can create more opportunities for long-term rental and owner-occupied housing in our county. MountainTrue recognizes the connection between the built and natural environment. With less long-term housing, people are pushed away from the schools, jobs, and services that they rely on. This increases miles traveled and destroys more habitats. 

The steps that are being taken are crucial for increasing the housing stock in Buncombe County. We must ensure that short-term rentals are appropriately regulated and located. Please consider taking action: attend Monday’s listening session and email the Planning Board to express your support for the proposals. Thank you for your attention to this issue and making change in our community.

TAKE ACTION to Protect the North Fork of the French Broad River in Transylvania County, NC!

TAKE ACTION to Protect the North Fork of the French Broad River in Transylvania County, NC!

TAKE ACTION to Protect the North Fork of the French Broad River in Transylvania County, NC!

Email Transylvania County Commissioners to encourage their support of the designation of the North Fork of the French Broad River as a Wild & Scenic River!

There is a once-in-a-generation chance to protect the North Fork of the French Broad, which is eligible for designation under the Wild & Scenic River Act. Congressman Chuck Edwards has indicated that he would introduce legislation for the North Fork with the support of the Transylvania County Commissioners. The Commissioners need to hear from Transylvania County residents, business owners, and property owners. Please take the time to send them a message.

Wild & Scenic River designation requires an act of Congress and typically enjoys broad popularity and bipartisan support. A Wild & Scenic designation for the North Fork of the French Broad would ensure that this section of the French Broad River is never dammed, and it would guarantee critical water quality protections and management by the US Forest Service to protect its biodiversity and recreational values. Transylvania County citizens defeated proposed dams in the past, and their hard-won success should be made permanent. 

The North Fork is the headwaters of the French Broad River, a recreation staple in Brevard and Asheville. The French Broad River is responsible for over $3 billion dollars of economic activity annually. Good water quality in these headwaters is essential for local agriculture and recreation economies. Maintaining the health of the North Fork of the French Broad River is also critical to the protection of aquatic wildlife, including hellbender salamanders, musky, and trout. 

The 3.2 mile-long river corridor proposed for protection (pictured below) is owned and managed solely by the US Forest Service. Therefore, no private lands would be affected by designating this stretch of river as Wild & Scenic. The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act has no effect on private lands, including any private lands upstream or downstream of the designated reach. 

Support The REDUCE Act to Cut Down on Plastic Waste and Encourage Recycling

Support The REDUCE Act to Cut Down on Plastic Waste and Encourage Recycling

Support The REDUCE Act to Cut Down on Plastic Waste and Encourage Recycling

Contact Congress to let them know that you support The REDUCE Act, introduced by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressman Lloyd Doggett. This important bill outlines a strategy to reduce plastic production and plastic waste by limiting the use of new, non-recycled plastic in everyday items. 

Take action: Ask Congress to pass The REDUCE Act and take a crucial step towards eliminating unnecessary plastic usage and incentivizing more eco-friendly practices.

Once passed, the legislation would impose a fee on the production of new plastics designated for single-use items. This fee would not apply to plastics that have been recycled, making the use of recycled materials more financially appealing. This approach is designed to motivate companies to either recycle more plastics or opt for recycled materials over new ones, thus keeping more plastics from ending up in landfills and incinerators.

Anna Alsobrook, MountainTrue’s lead in the Plastic-Free WNC coalition, explains that plastics are a growing threat to both our environment and public health. “Plastic waste has become ubiquitous. MountainTrue has sampled every water basin in Western North Carolina, and we found microplastics in every single sample. And there is a growing body of evidence that plastics and the additives used to make them are harmful to aquatic ecosystems and human health. We need to take action to address this growing problem, and the REDUCE Act can be a part of that solution.” 

The production, distribution, disposal, and incineration of plastics exacerbate climate change, harm public health, and contaminate our communities and natural environment. The REDUCE Act is a means to curb our waste production and encourage the use of recycled plastics by manufacturers.

Take action today.

TAKE ACTION to Protect Madison County Ridgetops

TAKE ACTION to Protect Madison County Ridgetops

TAKE ACTION to Protect Madison County Ridgetops

Let Madison County Commissioners know that our mountain ridges should remain pristine!

Responding to the desires of a single landowner, the Madison County Planning Board put aside the best interests of the wider community and recommended doing away with the rule that would prevent the construction of homes and buildings within 50 feet of ridgelines. This change would completely undercut Madison County’s Mountain Ridge Protection ordinance and open the door to unfettered home construction along the tops of our mountains. 

Allowing development on our ridgetops would threaten our county’s irreplaceable natural beauty, environmental health, economic vitality, and the overall well-being of our community. The move by the Planning Board has sparked widespread public opposition. 

Email Madison County Commissioners now and let them know you want them to protect our mountaintops!

We need you to take action today to let Madison County Commissioners know that we want them to vote to REJECT the Planning Board’s irresponsible recommendation. If you’ve emailed them already about this issue, we urge you to email them again to let them know we’re still watching.   

Bad for Public Safety:
Allowing development on our ridgetops would directly increase the risks of natural disasters like landslides and wildfires, consequences we cannot afford. These disasters, fueled by deforestation and soil disturbance, pose a significant threat to the safety and security of our residents. It is imperative that we stand firm on this ordinance to safeguard our community’s lives and properties.

Bad for Our Economy:
Madison County’s mountains are more than just natural features; they are the backbone of our regional identity, drawing visitors, outdoor enthusiasts, and residents seeking a peaceful, scenic living environment. These mountains bolster our local economy and tax revenue by attracting tourism and promoting local businesses. Compromising on this ordinance would not only tarnish our community’s allure but also strike a blow to the economic heartbeat of our region. We cannot allow our mountain landscapes, a cornerstone of our heritage and economy, to be compromised.

Bad for Our Environment:
Preserving our mountain ridgetops is critical for broader environmental initiatives, including combating deforestation and protecting vital water sources. These areas play a crucial role in water filtration and biodiversity conservation. Upholding this ordinance is key to Madison County’s leadership in environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Email Madison County Commissioners now and let them know you want them to protect our mountaintops! 

The county has received an application from a private citizen to amend the county’s Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance and do away with a 50’ setback requirement, a key provision that protects mountain ridges from development.

In 1983, following the construction of the Sugar Top Resort in Avery County, the State of North Carolina passed a law protecting the mountain ridgelines of our state. Madison County then took the additional step of putting in place further safeguards to protect one of Madison County’s greatest assets: its natural beauty. One key rule that Madison County added was a 50’ setback on either side of a protected ridge. This simple rule makes protection of our ridgelines and enforcement of these rules relatively easy.  

For 40 years, this ordinance has ensured that Madison County landowners, residents, and visitors would be blessed with visually stunning and natural mountain views and have the confidence that those views would be protected for future generations.

Now, a single landowner wants to do away with the setback requirements in order to develop on a ridgeline. This change in the law would affect ridgelines throughout the county, even though the applicant could simply seek a variance for their individual property. 

Join us in opposing the proposed amendment to the Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance. Learn more by checking out these resources:

  • Click here to read MountainTrue’s letter to the Planning Board. 
  • Click here to read Clear Sky Madison’s letter to the Planning Board.
  • Read more about the proposal in this article from the Asheville Citizen-Times, published November 10. 

MountainTrue’s March 2024 E-Newsletter

MountainTrue’s March 2024 E-Newsletter


March 2024 E-Newsletter

March news from MountainTrue’s four regional offices:  

Central Region News

Click here to read

High Country News

Click here to read

Southern Region News

Click here to read

Western Region News

Click here to read

Central Region News

A message from Executive Director Bob Wagner: 

In preparing for an April race, I’ve spent much time along the Mountains to Sea Trail and on trails in the Arboretum and Bent Creek these last few months. We’re so fortunate to have spectacular natural areas so close to downtown Asheville. While I appreciate winter’s stillness and calm, you can feel these areas preparing to bust forth with new life. And, speaking of new life, MountainTrue’s native plant sale still has many varieties available to adorn your yard. Come join us this spring to plant live stakes, remove invasive plants, and learn about our Ancient Forests of the Blue Ridge over coffee. It’s a great time to get outdoors and be MountainTrue!

Order your native plants & shrubs today

Plant sales have blown past our expectations for our first year! If you haven’t grabbed your plants yet, now is the time to do it. We recently restocked what we could based on nursery availability. The online sale runs through March 31 or until supplies last and features native plants and shrubs grown by Carolina Native Nursery (think azaleas and more!). Proceeds benefit MountainTrue. Learn more and place your order. 

Orders will be available for pickup in Asheville on Thursday, April 11, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. ONLY, unless prior arrangements have been made by contacting Amy Finkler (amy@mountaintrue.org).


Opportunities to join the MountainTrue team:

Public Lands Engagement Manager: Are you passionate about protecting the forests and public lands of Western North Carolina and the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains? Then this is the opportunity for you! MountainTrue is seeking a Public Lands Engagement Manager to lead our public land advocacy efforts, expand our network of grassroots activists, and contribute to our ongoing land stewardship projects. The ideal candidate will have organizing experience, be a skilled communicator, and have the ability to manage projects in a collaborative, team environment. Click here to learn more and apply by March 29!

Summer ‘24 internships with our French Broad Riverkeeper team: MountainTrue’s French Broad Riverkeeper and Clean Water team are hiring two French Broad Water Quality Interns for summer 2024. Both French Broad Water Quality Interns will assist our team with a variety of tasks needed to help improve ecosystem health within the French Broad River Basin. Both positions are based out of our Asheville office, with travel throughout the French Broad Watershed. Click here to learn more and apply by March 30!

Photo: French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson poses for a photo with several single-use plastic bags he fished out of the French Broad.

MountainTrue in the Asheville Citizen Times

MountainTrue’s Anna Alsobrook wrote an opinion column in the Asheville Citizen Times debunking a column written by the Americans for Tax Reform that spread misinformation about the efficacy of plastic bag bans and applauded North Carolina lawmakers for stripping local governments of the power to regulate single-use plastic bags. Anna points out that the ordinance we had proposed for Buncombe County could be passed statewide and would significantly reduce plastic bag usage and pollution. Read the article here.


MountainTrue files groundbreaking climate lawsuit on Forest Service logging practices

MountainTrue has taken the significant step of joining the Southern Environmental Law Center and the Chattooga Conservancy in filing a lawsuit challenging the Forest Service’s annual timber targets. Despite clear evidence of our worsening climate reality, the Forest Service has increased the volume of timber harvested from our national forests to levels unseen in recent decades. This practice contradicts the urgent need to mitigate climate change and the Forest Service’s own policies and goals while posing a direct threat to the ecosystems within our Eastern forests, which have been disproportionately targeted for timber extraction. 

Our groundbreaking legal action challenges the way the Department of Agriculture and the Forest Service set their timber targets and how the agency analyzes the cumulative carbon impacts of the timber projects it designs to fulfill these targets. It also seeks to halt further timber sales in the Southeast that contribute to the 2024 target (except where necessary for wildfire risk mitigation) until the Forest Service complies with the National Environmental Policy Act. Read more.


Buncombe County: regulate short-term rentals

The Buncombe County Planning Board is considering proposed text amendments to regulate short-term rentals in Buncombe County. Buncombe County’s long-term rental housing gap was 7,699 units, and the housing ownership gap was 2,048 units. Left unchecked, the proliferation of short-term rentals can exacerbate housing shortages and increase housing prices. The proposed amendments are essential for preserving the integrity of our communities and addressing the pressing issue of affordable housing. The Planning Board anticipates finalizing ordinance language by April 1, then sending it to the County Commission. Sign up to receive our Action Alerts, and we’ll keep you up to date with the latest issues in Buncombe County.


Asheville & Buncombe County: support better public transit

When public transit is efficient and reliable, people can choose to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by taking the bus to meet daily needs. Additionally, the transportation sector is the country’s most significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions — most of which come from personal vehicles. Now is your chance to help us call for cleaner transportation options for Buncombe County by sending a letter to our elected officials asking them to fund more frequent bus service. Take action here.


Madison County: support ridgetop protections

For 40 years, a Ridgetop Protection ordinance has ensured that Madison County landowners, residents, and visitors would be blessed with visually stunning and natural mountain views. Now, a single landowner wants to do away with the setback requirements in order to develop on a ridgeline, and the county’s Planning Board unanimously approved scrapping the provision, affecting ridgelines throughout the county. Now, the decision moves to the County Commissioners. Take action today and let Madison County Commissioners know you want them to keep our ridgetop protections in place.


Madison County: say no to dangerous biomass facilities

The Madison County Planning Board is considering recommended changes to the county’s land-use code that would allow dangerous industrial biomass facilities. The proposed amendments would open the door to industrial-sized biomass facilities that would emit more climate-changing carbon into the atmosphere, cause significant air pollution, and pose serious fire risks to nearby residents. Most likely, the Planning Board will vote on new rules at their March 21 meeting, and the Commissioners will take up the vote in April or May. Take action today to let the Madison County Planning Board and County Commissioners know that you want them to say no to dangerous, industrial-sized biomass.

Photo: MountainTrue Executive Director Bob Wagner (left) and Sugar Hollow Solar CEO and co-founder Doug Ager (right).

MountainTrue partners with Sugar Hollow Solar

Something exciting is brewing in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains — a new collaboration between MountainTrue and Sugar Hollow Solar, a forward-thinking solar power company! This partnership isn’t just about harnessing the sun’s energy; it’s about fostering a community committed to a greener, more sustainable future. From now until September 30, 2024, Sugar Hollow Solar is running an inspiring referral program. For every new customer who signs a solar contract based on your referral, Sugar Hollow Solar will generously donate $50 to MountainTrue. And that’s not all – as a token of appreciation, you, the referrer, will receive $250. But if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can opt to have the full $300 benefit go to MountainTrue. To be a part of this impactful program, visit Sugar Hollow Solar’s Referral Page, send an email to hello@sugarhollowsolar.com, or give them a call at (828) 776-9161. Learn more about this exciting partnership on our blog.

Get your Save Our Endangered Forest Bats shirt!

MountainTrue is part of a coalition of conservation groups that filed a lawsuit on January 31, 2024, against the U.S. Forest Service to prevent the agency from logging a sensitive area of the Nantahala National Forest in violation of federal law. The lawsuit addresses the Southside Timber Project, which aims to log areas near the Whitewater River in the Nantahala National Forest. The landscape boasts stunning waterfalls, towering oak trees, and critical habitat for rare species, including the northern long-eared bat, Indiana bat, Virginia big-eared bat, and the gray bat.

Proceeds from our Save Our Endangered Forest Bats t-shirt fund the work of MountainTrue’s Resilient Forests program, which works to ensure the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests and the species that call them home are protected now and for future generations. Order your bat shirt on the MountainTrue online store!

Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Buncombe, Cherokee, Haywood, Henderson, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey counties, as well as several other counties across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Property owners: review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program here.


Green Built Alliance Earth Day runs

Green Built Alliance hosts the Second Annual Earth Day 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run on Saturday, April 20. Proceeds benefit Green Built Alliance. This is a great chance to exercise and support a good cause. Stay for the Earth Day Fair after the race and stop by to say hi to MountainTrue staff tabling at the event!

High Country News

A message from High Country Regional Director & Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill: 

Spring is on the way up here in the High Country! We’re hiring for an Outreach Position, so please consider joining our great team. We’re very excited about all of the live staking opportunities this time of year, so get out and plant with us! Many thanks to all of you who joined us for the Fish Fry at the Cardinal on February 27 — it was great to see old and new friends. We look forward to seeing you on the water soon!

Opportunities to join the MountainTrue team:

High Country Outreach Coordinator: We’re seeking an individual to fill a brand new, full-time Outreach Coordinator position in our High Country Regional Office based in Boone, NC. This person will be primarily responsible for community organizing, environmental outreach, and volunteer management for nonnative invasive plant (NNIP) control and other projects in the High Country region. The ideal candidate will be passionate about STEM education, community engagement, and habitat restoration and will have strong communication skills to train volunteers on NNIP identification, control methods, inventories, and safety. This position will report to the High Country Regional Director/Watauga Riverkeeper but will work closely with the High Country Watershed Coordinator on day-to-day activities. Learn more and apply by Friday, March 15, 2024. 

Public Lands Engagement Manager: Are you passionate about protecting the forests and public lands of Western North Carolina and the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains? Then this is the opportunity for you! MountainTrue is seeking a Public Lands Engagement Manager to lead our public land advocacy efforts, expand our network of grassroots activists, and contribute to our ongoing land stewardship projects. The ideal candidate will have organizing experience, be a skilled communicator, and have the ability to manage projects in a collaborative, team environment. Learn more and apply by Friday, March 29, 2024. 

Photo: High Country Watershed Outreach Coordinator Hannah Woodburn (center) poses with volunteers while cleaning out our Winkler’s Creek Trash Trout on February 9.

Winkler’s Creek Trash Trout update

Another successful Trash Trout cleanout is in the books for the new year! We had a great turnout for our Winkler’s Creek workday on February 9. After recently adopting the section of stream where the Trout Trash is located, our team can now maintain the surrounding areas as well. Our volunteer group cleaned over 200 yards of the river and removed over 30 pounds of litter! This litter data is collected and used for state-wide reporting and decision-making to keep our rivers safe and clean. Join us on March 8 for our next clean-up (and maybe meet a new friend!)

Photo: Hannah Woodburn (center) poses with two volunteers while preparing live stakes for planting in February.

Live staking at Wards Mill and Rominger Bridge

This live staking season has officially been the best yet! Over two workdays in February, our trusty volunteers and High Country team have planted nearly 2,500 live stakes along the Watauga River near Rominger Bridge and the old Wards Mill Dam. Planting native species such as ninebark, silky dogwood, silky willow, and elderberry ensures our streams stay shaded and their banks remain stable! Mark your calendars for March 23 to join us on our next workday! Thank you so much to the volunteers who brave the winter elements to support our live staking program! 


North Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Conference

Our High Country team ended February traveling to Raleigh to attend the annual American Fisheries Society (AFS) meeting representing sustainable fisheries and conservation with the AFS’ NC Chapter. High Country Watershed Outreach Coordinator Hannah Woodburn presented the research she conducted during her Master’s degree entitled Changes To Water Chemistry And Implications For Sensitive Aquatic Biota In Southern Blue Ridge Streams. We’re so proud of Hannah and the work she has done and continues to do to protect our waterways in the classroom and the field. Thanks to our river family at NC AFS for holding another excellent conference filled with knowledge-sharing and fellowship!


Chatting about conservation careers with ASU Biology students

As the semester for our App State friends kicks into full gear, Hannah and Emma recently talked to ASU Biology students about paths in their scientific field and the work of Watauga Riverkeeper/MountainTrue. We explored different avenues of success with the students and what some of the greatest joys and biggest challenges of this career path look like. Educational outreach and working with our student populations are two of our favorite parts of the job. Thank you to Dr. Udvadia for allowing us to speak with her students!


Guided hike with Blue Ridge Conservancy

The High Country team partnered with our friends at Blue Ridge Conservancy (BRC) to spend the first day of February enjoying a guided hike on the River Run and Hickory Trail loops at New River State Park. It was a beautiful day spent learning new things, meeting new people, and sharing lots of awesome stories! We love leading and partnering with other awesome folks for guided adventures, so be on the lookout for upcoming spring/summer opportunities! A huge thanks to our partners at BRC and State Park Ranger Scott Robinson for hosting such a fantastic hike!


Mark your calendars for the Trout Derby on April 6!

Join MountainTrue and your Watauga Riverkeeper for the annual Trout Derby in Blowing Rock, NC, on April 6. Whether you want to compete or enjoy a day outside filled with food, games, and music, it’ll be a fun Saturday for your whole crew! This family-friendly event has been happening for over four decades and is sure to impress. See you there!


Fly Fishing Film Fest: April 20

To continue Earth Day celebrations this year, the Watauga Riverkeeper is joining the party at the Appalachian Theater to see this year’s International Fly Fishing Film Festival! Make sure you and your crew mark your calendars for Friday, April 20, to enjoy a night of films produced by professional filmmakers from around the globe showcasing the passion, lifestyle, and culture of fly fishing. We can’t wait to see our fly fishing buddies and hear some good stories!

Get your Save Our Endangered Forest Bats shirt!

MountainTrue is part of a coalition of conservation groups that filed a lawsuit on January 31, 2024, against the U.S. Forest Service to prevent the agency from logging a sensitive area of the Nantahala National Forest in violation of federal law. The lawsuit addresses the Southside Timber Project, which aims to log areas near the Whitewater River in the Nantahala National Forest. The landscape boasts stunning waterfalls, towering oak trees, and critical habitat for rare species, including the northern long-eared bat, Indiana bat, Virginia big-eared bat, and the gray bat.

Proceeds from our Save Our Endangered Forest Bats t-shirt fund the work of MountainTrue’s Resilient Forests program, which works to ensure the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests and the species that call them home are protected now and for future generations. Order your bat shirt on the MountainTrue online store!

MountainTrue files groundbreaking climate lawsuit on Forest Service logging practices

MountainTrue has taken the significant step of joining the Southern Environmental Law Center and the Chattooga Conservancy in filing a lawsuit challenging the Forest Service’s annual timber targets. Despite clear evidence of our worsening climate reality, the Forest Service has increased the volume of timber harvested from our national forests to levels unseen in recent decades. This practice contradicts the urgent need to mitigate climate change and the Forest Service’s own policies and goals while posing a direct threat to the ecosystems within our Eastern forests, which have been disproportionately targeted for timber extraction. 

Our groundbreaking legal action challenges the way the Department of Agriculture and the Forest Service set their timber targets and how the agency analyzes the cumulative carbon impacts of the timber projects it designs to fulfill these targets. It also seeks to halt further timber sales in the Southeast that contribute to the 2024 target (except where necessary for wildfire risk mitigation) until the Forest Service complies with the National Environmental Policy Act. Read more.

Photo: MountainTrue Executive Director Bob Wagner (left) and Sugar Hollow Solar CEO and co-founder Doug Ager (right).

MountainTrue partners with Sugar Hollow Solar

Something exciting is brewing in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains — a new collaboration between MountainTrue and Sugar Hollow Solar, a forward-thinking solar power company! This partnership isn’t just about harnessing the sun’s energy; it’s about fostering a community committed to a greener, more sustainable future. From now until September 30, 2024, Sugar Hollow Solar is running an inspiring referral program. For every new customer who signs a solar contract based on your referral, Sugar Hollow Solar will generously donate $50 to MountainTrue. And that’s not all – as a token of appreciation, you, the referrer, will receive $250. But if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can opt to have the full $300 benefit go to MountainTrue. To be a part of this impactful program, visit Sugar Hollow Solar’s Referral Page, send an email to hello@sugarhollowsolar.com, or give them a call at (828) 776-9161. Learn more about this exciting partnership on our blog.

Photo: Middle Fork Trash Trout (left) and Winklers Creek Trash Trout (right) after recent heavy storms.

Trash Trout updates

After some wicked January storms came through the High Country, our team bundled up and got out in the water to tend to our Trash Trouts. While they all remained stable and in place, some intense log jams prevented easy passage and efficient litter collection. We cleared out both the Winklers Creek and Middle Fork Trash Trouts just in time for another storm system to move in. Thank you to all of the partners, volunteers, and community members who allow us to continue monitoring these wonderful litter collection devices!


VWIN sampling in the High Country

While the High Country team was ringing in the new year, we were also organizing and welcoming our new group of VWIN (Volunteer Water Information Network) volunteers into the volunteer family! We know 2024 will be the best VWIN year yet, and we thank all of our volunteers who make community science programs like this possible! With new sites added and some new friends taking over, we have a fun and busy year ahead of us! 

VWIN Volunteers directly support widespread, frequent, and long-term surface water monitoring, allowing us to keep tabs on our overall water chemistry. If you would like to donate or become a backup volunteer to support the continued monitoring of our watershed, please contact hannah@mountaintrue.org.


Recording available: Why should environmentalists support building more housing?

MountainTrue’s Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC program recently hosted a free webinar to educate folks about the regional and environmental benefits of building small homes and multi-family buildings close to our town centers. If you missed the webinar or want to rewatch, check out the recording on our YouTube.

Southern Region News

A message from Southern Regional Director Nancy Díaz: 

As we welcome longer days, warmer weather, and flowering bulbs, I want to extend a warm welcome to our newest subscribers we’ve met at various community events. Thank you to Dr. Paula Hartman-Stein for inviting us to the Age Exchange program at Brevard College and new faces met at Hendersonville Green Drinks. We have so many exciting opportunities for our entire community. Get your paddles, waders, and hiking boots ready to meet us outside this spring!

Order your native plants & shrubs today

Plant sales have blown past our expectations for our first year! If you haven’t grabbed your plants yet, now is the time to do it. We recently restocked what we could based on nursery availability. The online sale runs through March 31 or until supplies last and features native plants and shrubs grown by Carolina Native Nursery (think azaleas and more!). Proceeds benefit MountainTrue. Learn more and place your order. 

Orders will be available for pickup in Asheville on Thursday, April 11, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. ONLY, unless prior arrangements have been made by contacting Amy Finkler (amy@mountaintrue.org).


Hendersonville Green Drinks lineup

Join us at Trailside Brewing Company for these upcoming installments of Hendersonville Green Drinks, presented in partnership by MountainTrue, Conserving Carolina, and Trailside Brewing Co. Green Drinks is a great opportunity to learn more about current environmental issues, have relevant discussions, and meet with like-minded people.

🍺 3/14 from 5:30-7pm: “Sustainability Initiatives for the City of Hendersonville” w/ City Sustainability Manager, Caitlyn Gendusa

🍺 4/11 from 5:30-7pm: “Hendersonville Water and Sewer Utility Update” w/ Utilities Director Adam Steurer

🍺 5/9 from 5:30-7pm: “The French Broad Paddle Trail & Henderson County” w/ MountainTrue French Broad Paddle Trail Manager Jack Henderson

Many thanks to our gracious hosts at Trailside Brewing Co. for offering us a larger space to accommodate our growing Green Drinks crowd!

Pictured left: Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell (left), Hap Endler (center), and Gabe Isaac from Rutherford Outdoor Coalition (right) pose for a pre-flight photo. Pictured right: The Broad River at Hwy 221, where construction of a new paddling access is planned to begin this year.

Broad Riverkeeper takes to the skies with SouthWings

MountainTrue’s Broad Riverkeeper recently took a flight with volunteer pilot Hap Endler, who flies for our organizational partner, SouthWings. SouthWings offers no-cost flights to other professional environmental advocates in an effort to advocate for the restoration and protection of ecosystems across the Southeast.   

“We wanted to see some effects from recent flood waters across the Broad basin, check in on a couple of major pollution sources, and have a look at new and soon-to-be boating accesses along the Broad and First Broad rivers,” says David. “If plans hold up, we should have 5 new river access points available by late summer, thanks to our NC Wildlife Resources Commission!”


Advocacy update: Clear Creek Wastewater Permit

On February 5, several community members attended the Clear Creek Wastewater Discharge Permit public hearing. We’re thankful for all the folks who attended and expressed comments urging the NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to deny this permit, given that Clear Creek is listed as impaired, and measures should be taken to improve this creek before permitting additional discharge. We thank our partners at the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) for their support and legal comments on this discharge permit application. DEQ will continue to review the permit application and provide their decision in early May. MountainTrue will continue to diligently follow this permit application and advocate for clean water, especially in our already impaired waterway. Thank you for joining us in our advocacy, stay tuned for more updates.


MountainTrue files groundbreaking climate lawsuit on Forest Service logging practices

MountainTrue has taken the significant step of joining the Southern Environmental Law Center and the Chattooga Conservancy in filing a lawsuit challenging the Forest Service’s annual timber targets. Despite clear evidence of our worsening climate reality, the Forest Service has increased the volume of timber harvested from our national forests to levels unseen in recent decades. This practice contradicts the urgent need to mitigate climate change and the Forest Service’s own policies and goals while posing a direct threat to the ecosystems within our Eastern forests, which have been disproportionately targeted for timber extraction. 

Our groundbreaking legal action challenges the way the Department of Agriculture and the Forest Service set their timber targets and how the agency analyzes the cumulative carbon impacts of the timber projects it designs to fulfill these targets. It also seeks to halt further timber sales in the Southeast that contribute to the 2024 target (except where necessary for wildfire risk mitigation) until the Forest Service complies with the National Environmental Policy Act. Read more.


Opportunities to join the MountainTrue team:

Public Lands Engagement Manager: Are you passionate about protecting the forests and public lands of Western North Carolina and the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains? Then this is the opportunity for you! MountainTrue is seeking a Public Lands Engagement Manager to lead our public land advocacy efforts, expand our network of grassroots activists, and contribute to our ongoing land stewardship projects. The ideal candidate will have organizing experience, be a skilled communicator, and have the ability to manage projects in a collaborative, team environment. Click here to learn more and apply by March 29!

Summer ‘24 internships with our French Broad Riverkeeper team: MountainTrue’s French Broad Riverkeeper and Clean Water team are hiring two French Broad Water Quality Interns for summer 2024. Both French Broad Water Quality Interns will assist our team with a variety of tasks needed to help improve ecosystem health within the French Broad River Basin. Both positions are based out of our Asheville office, with travel throughout the French Broad Watershed. Click here to learn more and apply by March 30!

Get your Save Our Endangered Forest Bats shirt!

MountainTrue is part of a coalition of conservation groups that filed a lawsuit on January 31, 2024, against the U.S. Forest Service to prevent the agency from logging a sensitive area of the Nantahala National Forest in violation of federal law. The lawsuit addresses the Southside Timber Project, which aims to log areas near the Whitewater River in the Nantahala National Forest. The landscape boasts stunning waterfalls, towering oak trees, and critical habitat for rare species, including the northern long-eared bat, Indiana bat, Virginia big-eared bat, and the gray bat.

Proceeds from our Save Our Endangered Forest Bats t-shirt fund the work of MountainTrue’s Resilient Forests program, which works to ensure the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests and the species that call them home are protected now and for future generations. Order your bat shirt on the MountainTrue online store!

Photo: MountainTrue Executive Director Bob Wagner (left) and Sugar Hollow Solar CEO and co-founder Doug Ager (right).

MountainTrue partners with Sugar Hollow Solar

Something exciting is brewing in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains — a new collaboration between MountainTrue and Sugar Hollow Solar, a forward-thinking solar power company! This partnership isn’t just about harnessing the sun’s energy; it’s about fostering a community committed to a greener, more sustainable future. From now until September 30, 2024, Sugar Hollow Solar is running an inspiring referral program. For every new customer who signs a solar contract based on your referral, Sugar Hollow Solar will generously donate $50 to MountainTrue. And that’s not all – as a token of appreciation, you, the referrer, will receive $250. But if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can opt to have the full $300 benefit go to MountainTrue. To be a part of this impactful program, visit Sugar Hollow Solar’s Referral Page, send an email to hello@sugarhollowsolar.com, or give them a call at (828) 776-9161. Learn more about this exciting partnership on our blog.


Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Buncombe, Cherokee, Haywood, Henderson, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey counties, as well as several other counties across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Property owners: review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program here.


The City of Hendersonville needs your input

The City of Hendersonville is working on creating its first Sustainability Strategic Plan, following the establishment of the Sustainability Division in 2023. The plan aims to set measurable goals that integrate environmental, social, and economic values to reduce the overall impact on the environment while strengthening the community. Please share the survey with friends, family, and colleagues. Responses will be accepted until March 31, 2024.

Western Region News

A message from Western Regional Director Callie Moore: 

We’re starting to see signs of spring in the lower elevations of the Western Region — little red maple tree blossoms, buttercups and crocuses, as well as a wild bloodroot flower here and there. It won’t be long before TVA starts filling its reservoirs again! Meanwhile, MountainTrue’s habitat restoration work continues with several volunteer workdays on the calendar this month, along with other opportunities to meet up with us. Thank you to all those who helped make our 16th Annual Watershed Gala last Thursday a success! And thank you to each of you for all the ways you support our work.

Photo: Map showing the 2024 season parrot feather management area at the southern end of Lake Chatuge in Towns County, GA.

Aqua Services proposal chosen for control of parrot feather in Lake Chatuge

MountainTrue and Save Lake Chatuge are excited to announce that a proposal from Aqua Services has been selected for control of the invasive parrot feather in the southern end of Lake Chatuge this year. Read about the treatment plan.

Pictured above: Rev. Dr. John Kay of Young Harris, Georgia, is this year’s recipient of the Holman Water Quality Stewardship Award.

John Kay wins 2024 Holman Water Quality Stewardship Award

Longtime chair and member of the Blue Ridge Mountain Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors, Rev. Dr. John Kay of Young Harris, Georgia, received the 2024 Holman Water Quality Stewardship Award. The award was presented at MountainTrue’s 16th Annual Hiwassee Watershed Gala in the Charles Suber Banquet Hall at Young Harris College on February 29th. Read more about John Kay.


Opportunities to join the MountainTrue team:

Public Lands Engagement Manager: Are you passionate about protecting the forests and public lands of Western North Carolina and the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains? Then this is the opportunity for you! MountainTrue is seeking a Public Lands Engagement Manager to lead our public land advocacy efforts, expand our network of grassroots activists, and contribute to our ongoing land stewardship projects. The ideal candidate will have organizing experience, be a skilled communicator, and have the ability to manage projects in a collaborative, team environment. Click here to learn more and apply by March 29!

Summer ‘24 internship opportunity near Murphy, NC: MountainTrue’s Western Regional Office is hiring a Western Region Water Quality Intern for summer 2024. The intern’s primary responsibilities will be to assist with collection and analysis of weekly E. coli samples for our Swim Guide monitoring program; to manage the microplastics sampling program in the Hiwassee River basin; planning a summertime social event for all MountainTrue water program volunteers; and helping with educational events related to water quality in rivers, lakes, and streams. The intern must live within 50 miles of Murphy, NC, as the majority of their work will be within that 50-mile radius. Click here to learn more and apply by March 30! 

Photo: The 2021 top award winner of the Carson Scholarship, Kaiya Pickens, recently accepted a full-time position with NC Cooperative Extension.

Applications are being accepted for Carson Conservation Scholarship through April 4

The application period for the 2024 Glenn F. Carson, II Memorial Conservation Scholarship is officially open! First-time applications are due by Thursday, April 4, and renewal applications for previous recipients are due by July 25. The purpose of the scholarship is to assist young people from Cherokee, Clay, and Graham counties who want to pursue higher education in natural resource conservation fields. Awards are made annually to one high school senior in each county. The top award is $2,000 and is renewable at $1,000/year for up to four years, based on continued eligibility. Learn more and apply.

Get your Save Our Endangered Forest Bats shirt!

MountainTrue is part of a coalition of conservation groups that filed a lawsuit on January 31, 2024, against the U.S. Forest Service to prevent the agency from logging a sensitive area of the Nantahala National Forest in violation of federal law. The lawsuit addresses the Southside Timber Project, which aims to log areas near the Whitewater River in the Nantahala National Forest. The landscape boasts stunning waterfalls, towering oak trees, and critical habitat for rare species, including the northern long-eared bat, Indiana bat, Virginia big-eared bat, and the gray bat.

Proceeds from our Save Our Endangered Forest Bats t-shirt fund the work of MountainTrue’s Resilient Forests program, which works to ensure the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests and the species that call them home are protected now and for future generations. Order your bat shirt on the MountainTrue online store!

Photo: MountainTrue Executive Director Bob Wagner (left) and Sugar Hollow Solar CEO and co-founder Doug Ager (right).

MountainTrue partners with Sugar Hollow Solar

Something exciting is brewing in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains — a new collaboration between MountainTrue and Sugar Hollow Solar, a forward-thinking solar power company! This partnership isn’t just about harnessing the sun’s energy; it’s about fostering a community committed to a greener, more sustainable future. From now until September 30, 2024, Sugar Hollow Solar is running an inspiring referral program. For every new customer who signs a solar contract based on your referral, Sugar Hollow Solar will generously donate $50 to MountainTrue. And that’s not all – as a token of appreciation, you, the referrer, will receive $250. But if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can opt to have the full $300 benefit go to MountainTrue. To be a part of this impactful program, visit Sugar Hollow Solar’s Referral Page, send an email to hello@sugarhollowsolar.com, or give them a call at (828) 776-9161. Learn more about this exciting partnership on our blog.


MountainTrue files groundbreaking climate lawsuit on Forest Service logging practices

MountainTrue has taken the significant step of joining the Southern Environmental Law Center and the Chattooga Conservancy in filing a lawsuit challenging the Forest Service’s annual timber targets. Despite clear evidence of our worsening climate reality, the Forest Service has increased the volume of timber harvested from our national forests to levels unseen in recent decades. This practice contradicts the urgent need to mitigate climate change and the Forest Service’s own policies and goals while posing a direct threat to the ecosystems within our Eastern forests, which have been disproportionately targeted for timber extraction. 

Our groundbreaking legal action challenges the way the Department of Agriculture and the Forest Service set their timber targets and how the agency analyzes the cumulative carbon impacts of the timber projects it designs to fulfill these targets. It also seeks to halt further timber sales in the Southeast that contribute to the 2024 target (except where necessary for wildfire risk mitigation) until the Forest Service complies with the National Environmental Policy Act. Read more.


Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Cherokee County and others across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Cherokee County is being prioritized because a long stretch of the Valley River is not safe for swimming due to bacterial contamination and leaking septic systems in older neighborhoods has been identified as one part of the problem. Macon County is also being prioritized based on new Swim Guide data in the Little Tennessee River in Franklin. Property owners: review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program here.