
Virtual Green Drinks – June

Hendersonville, NC - On Thursday, June 11th, Hendersonville Green Drinks welcomes Carleen Dixon, Henderson County Parks & Recreation Director. In her talk, Carleen will provide an update on what’s new with our parks, including new programs and upcoming changes to the online registration system. Carleen will also discuss potential upcoming improvements to local parks and […]

Discerning Next Steps in Creation Care – Live Virtual Workshop


Join us on June 16th for a live virtual workshop on the CAA Guide for Cultivating Creation Care to plan your next steps amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Come connect with others to learn how to create a more resilient and compassionate community. All those passionate about creation care, ecological justice and loving our neighbors are welcome to join!

Forest Plan Panel Discussion: Recreation


Join us for an online panel discussion via Zoom during which our staff and select guest speakers will explore issues of interest in the draft management plan for the Nantahala-Pisgah National Forests for recreation users such as mountain bikers, horseback riders, hikers, and paddlers. The speakers will discuss the plan alternatives and what they hope will end up in the final management plan. Please register in advance to submit questions for our panelists beforehand. We will also leave time during the session for live Q&A with the audience using the chat feature.

MountainTrue University – SwimGuide


Hannah Woodburn, our AmeriCorps High Country Water Quality Administrator, will dive into SwimGuide. MountainTrue samples many rivers and popular swimming areas in our region to check for E.Coli levels, and we publish that data through the SwimGuide app. Hannah will explain the sampling process, what makes a stream safe to swim, and how to volunteer to help. 

MountainTrue University – Forest Communities

For this week's MountainTrue University, join Bob Gale, our Public Lands Director and Ecologist, for a talk entitled "Forest Communities of the Southern Appalachians". Bob will walk us through the many different types of forests found in our mountains, explain what factors determine where each type can be found and what species are unique to the different types.

MountainTrue University – The State of the French Broad River

Join our French Broad Riverkeeper, Hartwell Carson, for a talk about the history of the French Broad Watershed as well as the major threats facing our river today. He will also discuss the work that he does to hunt down pollution sources and ways you can help keep our river clean.

Virtual Green Drinks – July

On Thursday, July 9th, Virtual Hendersonville Green Drinks continues with a presentation from Andy Tait, EcoForestry Director at EcoForesters. EcoForesters is a non-profit professional forestry organization dedicated to conserving and restoring our Appalachian forests. In his talk, Andrew will discuss how forests become degraded whether due to invasive pests, poor timber management, fire exclusion or climate change and how “forest stand improvement work” can make degraded forests healthier.

Pandemics and Prejudice: How Can Democracy Survive in a Hotter Time?

The Creation Care Alliance is proud to co-sponsor, along with Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, this presentation by Dr. David Orr, Emeritus Professor of Environmental Studies & Politics at Oberlin College. Dr. Orr will be presenting a lecture about the moral imperative to restore our democracy as well as the urgency of environmental stewardship. Dr. Orr writes: "The COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing crisis of race in America are both an indictment and a preview of what's coming in a hotter, more divided world with vast economic inequities. Both are symptoms of the tragic failure of democratic institutions."

Beer Series Cleanup with Catawba – Virtual

Join MountainTrue, the French Broad Riverkeeper and 98.1 The River for the first Riverkeeper Beer Series cleanup of the year. We are going virtual on July 11. Cleanup the French Broad River, your local creek, roadway, or neighborhood. Post your pics with the #catawbacleanup for a chance to win some great prizes from ENO!

MountainTrue University: Dear White People


This week's MountainTrue University will feature Tanya Marie Cummings, a MountainTrue board member and founder of Pathways to Parks, an organization that works to get more People of Color outside in our national parks and forests. In her talk, Dear White People: To Know Better is to Do Better, Tanya Marie will share stories of how she's experienced racism as a black woman in WNC and in the outdoors. She believes that when white people pull their heads 'out of the sand' and strive to understand the ugly disease of racism, they can become allies to black people to effectuate the 'change' that America so desperately needs during this pivotal time in American history.