
Press Release: Logging project in Nantahala National Forest violates federal law, new lawsuit alleges

Press Release: Logging project in Nantahala National Forest violates federal law, new lawsuit alleges

Press release from the Southern Environmental Law Center, Center for Biological Diversity, Chattooga Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, MountainTrue, and Sierra Club

For immediate release: January 31, 2024

ASHEVILLE, N.C — On Wednesday, a coalition of conservation groups filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Forest Service, alleging the agency’s plans to log a sensitive area of the Nantahala National Forest violate federal law.

The Southern Environmental Law Center filed the challenge on behalf of the Center for Biological Diversity, Chattooga Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, MountainTrue, and Sierra Club. The lawsuit was filed in federal district court for the Western District of North Carolina.

The lawsuit centers around parts of the Southside Timber Project that aim to log areas near the Whitewater River in the Nantahala National Forest. The landscape boasts stunning waterfalls, towering oak trees, and critical habitat for rare species. Both the Forest Service and State of North Carolina have recognized the area slated for logging as an exceptional ecological community with some of the highest biodiversity values in the state.

Because of the scenic beauty and ecological importance of the area, the Forest Service designated it as a “Special Interest Area” in the recently published Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan. Destructive projects, like logging and roadbuilding, are significantly restricted in Special Interest Areas. The agency is contradicting its own designation with this logging project.

Released last year, the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan falls short on many levels and fails to adequately protect the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests. As a result, more than 14,000 people objected to the plan.

Limiting logging in the area subject to the lawsuit was one of the few things the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan got right, yet the Forest Service is poised to undermine it by plowing ahead with this reckless and unpopular timber project.

Below are quotes from conservation groups about the litigation:

“Logging in this area so harmful that it is inconsistent even with a Forest Plan that fails to protect the values that make the Nantahala National Forest exceptional,” Patrick Hunter, Managing Attorney of the Southern Environmental Law Center’s Asheville Office, said. “The Forest Service must scrap this reckless logging project in order to comply with federal law.”

“The Southside timber sale shows that Forest Service leaders are more interested in logging than protecting rare and beloved landscapes,” said Will Harlan, Southeast Director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The public strongly opposes logging this ecologically unique forest beside a trout stream and waterfall, but the Forest Service wants to cut it down anyway. This is a clear and heartbreaking example of the conflicts we can expect to see under the new Forest Plan.”

“The Southside Project is a case study of the Forest Service’s reckless resolve to push harmful logging onto exceptional landscapes,” said Nicole Hayler, Director of the Chattooga Conservancy. “Logging in this area along the Whitewater River is a prime example of the root of the problem: deeply flawed, perverse incentives driving the Forest Service to hit mandated timber targets, which is why the entire Southside Project should be dropped.”

“For more than a decade, conservation organizations like Defenders of Wildlife have advocated for the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan to establish clear standards and guidelines for the conservation and recovery of rare species,” said Ben Prater, Southeast Program Director for Defenders of Wildlife. “While the plan falls short in many respects, we were pleased that a Special Interest Area was designated for portions of the ecologically important habitats that were threatened by the Southside Timber Project. However, the Southside Timber Project is still being pushed forward and could damage the ecological integrity of this important area by affecting the habitats of rare species like green salamanders and cerulean warblers, as well as federally listed species like the northern long-eared bat. Allowing an egregious project like this to move forward erodes the public trust and signals that the Forest Service is unwilling to comply with its own plan.”

“With both the Forest Plan and this Southside Timber Sale, Forest Service leaders have put commercial logging first and ignored federal law and overwhelming public support for conserving our most beloved natural areas and landscapes,” Josh Kelly, public lands field biologist for MountainTrue, said. “Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests are big enough to accommodate sustainable logging practices and create new early successional habitats for hunters without destroying an area that the Forest Service itself has deemed an ‘exceptional ecological community’; with ‘features that are not found anywhere else in […] the Eastern United States.’; Unfortunately, it looks like it’s going to take a public interest lawsuit to get the Forest Service to act responsibly and comply with federal law.”

“Logging in this particular scenic and ecologically rich area, to supposedly accomplish management goals that can easily happen in more appropriate places, is exactly why we have longstanding concerns about the Forest Service’s planning process,” said David Reid, Sierra Club National Forest Issue Chair.


Call on the DEQ and Henderson County to restore and protect the health of Clear Creek

Call on the DEQ and Henderson County to restore and protect the health of Clear Creek

Call on the DEQ and Henderson County to restore and protect the health of Clear Creek

The NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is currently accepting public comments on Draft NPDES Permit No. NC0090247 — which would violate the Clean Water Act by allowing Henderson County to construct a new wastewater treatment plant in Edneyville that could discharge up to 200,000 gallons of wastewater per day into a stream that is already listed as impaired and significantly impacted by pollution. 

Henderson County needs to clean up Clear Creek, not make it more polluted.

For decades, the aquatic habitat of Clear Creek has been impacted by pollution from human and livestock waste, fertilizers, and sediment. Discharge from a new Wastewater Treatment Plant would only worsen the pollution problem. Several studies have shown that effluent from wastewater treatment plants contains toxins that can adversely affect aquatic life. Therefore, additional discharge from a new wastewater treatment plant could further degrade Clear Creek.

The Clean Water Act prohibits North Carolina from issuing an NPDES permit that would authorize a new discharge into a stream that is already impaired without first preparing an analysis showing that the discharge will not further impair water quality. North Carolina also requires that the County pursue “the most environmentally sound alternative [to be] selected from the reasonably cost-effective options” [15A N.C. Admin. Code 2H.0105(c)(2)]. In the case of Edneyville, the alternative of connecting to Hendersonville’s existing sewer system and wastewater treatment plant is more environmentally sound and reasonably cost-effective — it will also prevent a new discharge into an already impaired stream.

DEQ must uphold the Clean Water Act by denying a permit that would allow the County to further pollute an already impaired waterway. Instead, Henderson County should work with the City of Hendersonville to connect Edneyville to the City’s existing sewer lines and wastewater treatment plant. Additionally, Henderson County should adopt a Comprehensive Plan that discourages sprawl and protects the rural character and water quality of Edneyville and other county communities. 

MountainTrue’s January 2024 E-Newsletter: Events Roundup

MountainTrue’s January 2024 E-Newsletter: Events Roundup


January 2024 E-Newsletter: Events Roundup

Happy 2024! The MountainTrue team is ringing in the New Year with exciting events and volunteer opportunities throughout the Southern Blue Ridge. Check out our regional events listed below. We hope to see you there!

Central Region News

Click here to read

High Country News

Click here to read

Southern Region News

Click here to read

Western Region News

Click here to read

High Country

Take Action to Protect Old-Growth and Mature Forests in Nantahala-Pisgah National Forests

Take Action to Protect Old-Growth and Mature Forests in Nantahala-Pisgah National Forests

Take Action to Protect Old-Growth and Mature Forests in Nantahala-Pisgah National Forests

The U.S. Forest Service has announced a plan to amend all 128 forest management plans nationwide — including the plan for the Pisgah-Nantahala National Forests — in accordance with President Biden’s Executive Order directing his administration to conserve old-growth forests. 

This is a critical opportunity to fix some of the issues with the deeply flawed Pisgah-Nantahala management plan that placed 100,000 acres of old-growth forests, natural heritage areas, roadless areas, and sensitive habitats in zones that are open to commercial logging. You can take action in two ways:

  1. Sign our petition calling on the Forest Service to amend the Nantahala Pisgah National Forests management plan to protect our old-growth forests.
    (Deadline: Feb. 2, 9 AM)
  2. Submit your own unique public comment through the Forest Service portal.
    (Deadline: Feb. 2, 11:59 PM)

Old-growth forests store large amounts of carbon, clean the air we breathe, maintain and increase biodiversity, filter water, and reduce wildfire risks. The old-growth forests of the Nantahala-Pisgah National Forests are home to several endangered and threatened species, including four species of endangered bats and the imperiled Blue Ridge lineage of green salamanders. 

The amendments proposed by the Forest Service should create standards for the protection of all old-growth forests on National Forest Lands. It’s important that the new rule is strong enough to protect the rich biodiversity of our region and to keep these massive carbon stores firmly rooted in the soil to mitigate climate change and flexible enough to allow for the restoration of old-growth stand structure and wildfire resilience. 

Thank you for your commitment to resilient forests. Please take action today.

MountainTrue’s December 2023 E-Newsletter

MountainTrue’s December 2023 E-Newsletter


December 2023 E-Newsletter

December news from MountainTrue’s four regional offices:  

Central Region News

Click here to read

High Country News

Click here to read

Southern Region News

Click here to read

Western Region News

Click here to read

A note from Executive Director Bob Wagner:

For me, this is a season of contrasts; the fallen bright yellow leaves on the trail have now faded to brown. It’s cold, the nights are long, and there’s so much despair in the world.

On the other hand, I’m much more likely to notice the sunrise (because it happens later). Amongst the bare trees, it’s easier to see the active birds. The forest’s understory is clear, enabling you to see previously hidden landscapes and majestic mountain ridges. And, when you look up, you’re greeted by a wide-open blue sky. 

During this season of festivities, my hope for you is that you take it all in. Settle into the darkness and listen. Feel the calm, quietness of the night. Daybreak will assuredly come, and when it does, take a moment to wonder and marvel at this incredible place where we live.

I’m grateful for you, and we appreciate the support you have given us this year to protect our forests, our rivers, and our mountains. 

Forever MountainTrue,


Central Region News

Madison County action alert: tell county officials to protect mountain ridges

On December 19, the Madison County Planning Board will be considering a drastic change to their Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance that would threaten the natural beauty and environmental integrity of the county. They will then make their recommendation to the County Commission, which could consider the rule change in January. The county has received an application from a private citizen to amend the county’s Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance and do away with a 50’ setback requirement, a key provision that protects mountain ridges from development. After nearly 200 people attended the initial hearing in November, the board decided to push the hearing to this month. Take action by:

Photos: French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson (left) collects a water sample from a drainage pipe. MountainTrue Watershed Science & Policy Manager Anna Alsobrook (right) dyeing a sewer line to ID the source of the leak.

An update on local sewage leaks from the French Broad Riverkeeper team

Three weeks ago, the French Broad Riverkeeper team received a pollution report about a possible sewage leak near Charlotte Street in Asheville. The Riverkeeper team immediately investigated by taking water samples to check for the presence of E. coli. Sampling results showed elevated levels of E. coli bacteria over 25 times the safe standard set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Our return sampling trip two days later showed the pollution levels had doubled. 

We conducted a follow-up investigation to track the source of the pollution, which involved sampling multiple up and downstream locations and dropping colored dye into the sewer lines in hopes that the color would show up in the creek and reveal the leak’s location. As is often the case, finding the exact source of the pollution proved tricky. Another round of dyeing the sewer lines didn’t reveal the source, but our sampling data showed the E. coli pollution levels had increased to over 510 times the EPA’s safe standard. We called in the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) to help isolate the source by lowering their remote camera into the sewer line to pinpoint the leak. The sewer cam found the leak, and MSD made the necessary repairs. 

Finding the sources of pollution can be frustratingly slow sometimes, but we don’t give up, and we rely on the public to report problems they see. So, don’t hesitate to reach out if you see or smell anything weird in your local waterways — we’re ready to investigate!


Upcoming site improvements along the French Broad Paddle Trail in Transylvania County

We’re thrilled to have just received a grant from the Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority’s Tourism Funding Program for pre-construction site design and permitting related to improvements at Lyons Mountain River Access on the French Broad River. When paired with an allocation from the North Carolina State Trails’ Complete the Trails Fund, we are all set to proceed with fulfilling the engineering and regulatory steps related to improvements identified in the Strategic Master Plan for the French Broad River Blueway.

These improvements include expanding the site in its current location and/or to the NCDOT-managed right-of-way across the river, replacing the eroding steps with a concrete boat ramp, adding picnic tables, installing a kiosk and signage, and stabilizing eroding stream banks with native riparian vegetation.

This is just one of many projects that our French Broad Paddle Trail program is currently working on. Contact MountainTrue’s French Broad Paddle Trail Manager, Jack Henderson, at jack@mountaintrue.org for more information or to get involved.


Give!Local 2023

MountainTrue is honored to be among the 52 local nonprofits included in the 2023 Mountain Xpress Give!Local campaign. Click here to learn more about Give!Local and click here to donate to MountainTrue through the online giving campaign, which runs until December 31.


Changes to MountainTrue’s Guided Adventures

Beginning in 2024, Guided Adventures will be included in our monthly e-news. In an effort to reduce the number of emails you receive from us, we will no longer have a separate email launch for these. Please make sure to pay attention to the events section to grab your tickets. Current members will receive discounted tickets to select MountainTrue events. Also coming in 2024: discounted tickets for youth AND expanded volunteer opportunities in the Central Region. We hope to see you at a MountainTrue event next year!

Photo: An iconic selfie of retired MountainTrue Ecologist & Public Lands Director Bob Gale.

Brainy Brews for MountainTrue: January 17 at the River Arts District Brewing Company

Join us on January 17, 2024, for a free educational event led by retired MountainTrue ecologist Bob Gale at the River Arts District Brewing Company in Asheville! Bob will discuss issues related to invasive plants, methods of control, and ideas for moving your yard toward a more natural ecosystem. Programming will be from 6-7 p.m., but come at 5:30 p.m. to grab a drink and get settled in. (Popcorn is available on site, and guests are welcome to bring their own food). Register here. 

Bob’s background includes landscaping, arboriculture, and wetland science, and he has worked as a forest ecologist in coastal, piedmont, and mountain regions of the Southeast. Bob wrote the natural history portions of the book A Highroad Guide to the North Carolina Mountains and co-authored A Beachcomber’s Guide to Fossils with his wife and son.



Webinar: Why Should Environmentalists Support Building More Housing?

We know that healthy communities exist within the context of a healthy environment, and right now, both are threatened. There is a housing shortage across the country, with many hard-working families unable to find a place to live. There is also a climate crisis, with greenhouse gas emissions threatening the stability of all our planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Join us from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on January 22, 2024, to learn more about MountainTrue’s newest program, Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC, and about part of the solution to both these crises. This is a virtual event; registered participants will receive the webinar link prior to the event date. Register here.


We’re excited to announce our 1st Native Plant & Shrub Sale in Asheville!

The sale will open online on February 15 and will run through March 31, 2024, featuring native plants and shrubs grown by Carolina Native Nursery (think azaleas and more!). Proceeds from the sale will benefit MountainTrue. Orders will be available for pickup on Thursday, April 11, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. ONLY, unless prior arrangements have been made. We hope you’re as excited about this as we are! What better way to get a head start on Earth Day than by showing your yard and resident pollinators a little local love?!


Save the date: cheers to trivia & good brews for MountainTrue

Beat the winter blues and join us for trivia and the River Arts District Brewing Company’s MountainTrue Beer Launch at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.


Helping more of our neighbors find homes + putting a dent in our housing shortage in 2023

The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University recently released its annual “State of the Nation’s Housing” report. The report provides a detailed summary of US housing and rental market trends. Construction of multifamily housing has increased significantly year over year, slowing rent growth and raising vacancy rates in the rental market. However, there continues to be a vast housing shortage, especially homes affordable to low-income families. Follow our Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC program to learn how to help solve our housing shortage and the climate crisis.


Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Buncombe, Cherokee, Haywood, Henderson, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey counties, as well as several other counties across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Property owners: review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program here.


Weigh in on opportunities to expand transit services across WNC

The Western North Carolina (WNC) Regional Transit Plan (RTP) is developing a transit study to evaluate current transit service in the region to identify improvements and enhance regional connectivity to the overall transit service. This survey will collect your thoughts about the community’s mobility needs and expectations for transit service, helping them shape the future of transit. 

High Country News

Celebrating tourism and hospitality partners

The Watauga Riverkeeper team attended the 2nd annual Discover Watauga Tourism Summit on November 9. This event celebrated the stakeholders and tourism partners of Watauga County and Explore Boone, who help showcase what makes our region so special. The annual summit awards and recognizes groups for their contributions to the community and our thriving tourism industry! It was wonderful to reconnect with old friends and make new ones; we can’t wait to see what we’re about to celebrate next year!

Photo: High Country Intern Emma Crider takes a selfie with volunteers from ASU’s Community Engaged Leadership cohort before cleaning out the Winkler’s Creek Trash Trout.

ASU Community Fellows Trash Trout cleanouts

Over the course of the fall semester, we’ve enjoyed working with the Appalachian State University Community Fellows group at the Winkler’s Creek Trash Trout. This dedicated group of girls has worked with us monthly on Thursday afternoons to assist with Trash Trout and streambank cleanouts, trash inventories, and educational workshops. We love working with school groups dedicated to protecting the places we share, and we learn from them as much as we teach. Thank you, ASU Community Fellows, for a great semester of keeping our rivers clean!


Feeling the love from the Speckled Trout and Blowing Rock

Our last pint night of 2023 was nothing short of awesome! Our friends at the Speckled Trout hosted a fun-filled evening with great folks and great food on December 7. It was a wonderful night celebrating past successes, meeting new friends in Blowing Rock, and discussing how our team can better support and monitor the Blowing Rock, NC, region. Many thanks to our friends and community partners who show us endless support year after year!

Photo: Jonathan Hartsell of Blue Ridge RC & D poses for a photo with some live stakes at a recent workday at the old Ward’s Mill Dam site.

Live staking workdays

Live staking season is officially here, and we’re ready to get back into action! The live stakes we planted last season at the old Ward’s Mill Dam site and Valle Crucis Community Park are doing great, and it will be so exciting to see their growth during upcoming workdays this spring. Stay tuned for 2024 live staking dates — we can’t wait to see you all in the New Year! Happy Holidays from our Riverkeeper family to yours!


Changes to MountainTrue’s Guided Adventures

Beginning in 2024, Guided Adventures will be included in our monthly e-news. In an effort to reduce the number of emails you receive from us, we will no longer have a separate email launch for these. Please make sure to pay attention to the events section to grab your tickets. Current members will receive discounted tickets to select MountainTrue events. Also coming in 2024: discounted tickets for youth AND expanded volunteer opportunities in the Central Region. We hope to see you at a MountainTrue event next year!


Give!Local 2023

MountainTrue is honored to be among the 52 local nonprofits included in the 2023 Mountain Xpress Give!Local campaign. Click here to learn more about Give!Local and click here to donate to MountainTrue through the online giving campaign, which runs until December 31.



Webinar: Why Should Environmentalists Support Building More Housing?

We know that healthy communities exist within the context of a healthy environment, and right now, both are threatened. There is a housing shortage across the country, with many hard-working families unable to find a place to live. There is also a climate crisis, with greenhouse gas emissions threatening the stability of all our planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Join us from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on January 22, 2024, to learn more about MountainTrue’s newest program, Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC, and about part of the solution to both these crises. This is a virtual event; registered participants will receive the webinar link prior to the event date. Register here.



Helping more of our neighbors find homes + putting a dent in our housing shortage in 2023

The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University recently released its annual “State of the Nation’s Housing” report. The report provides a detailed summary of US housing and rental market trends. Construction of multifamily housing has increased significantly year over year, slowing rent growth and raising vacancy rates in the rental market. However, there continues to be a vast housing shortage, especially homes affordable to low-income families. Follow our Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC program to learn how to help solve our housing shortage and the climate crisis.



Weigh in on opportunities to expand transit services across WNC

The Western North Carolina (WNC) Regional Transit Plan (RTP) is developing a transit study to evaluate current transit service in the region to identify improvements and enhance regional connectivity to the overall transit service. This survey will collect your thoughts about the community’s mobility needs and expectations for transit service, helping them shape the future of transit. 

Southern Region News

Recycle your live Christmas trees & wreaths on January 6​

Mark your calendars for another tree recycling event: January 6, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jackson Park (801 4th Avenue East, Hendersonville, NC)! As you go out to buy your live trees for the holidays, remember that you’ll be able to bring them to this event and collect mulch for your home gardens and landscaping. Also, are you planning a big appliance purchase for the season? Hold onto that foam! The Henderson County Solid Waste Department will be collecting foam to be recycled at the foam densifier.

Photo: A trail cam photo documenting a black bear utilizing a WNC wildlife crossing. Image credit: Safe Passage Coalition via smokiessafepassage.org.

Hendersonville Green Drinks returns January 11

Join us at Trailside Brewing Co. for the next installment of Hendersonville Green Drinks from 5:30-7 p.m. on Thursday, January 11, 2024! We’ll hear from Dr. Liz Hillard, Senior Wildlife Biologist for Wildlands Network, who will highlight and discuss research findings from two wildlife road crossing projects in Western North Carolina. Her research includes monitoring reptile road underpasses for wildlife use in Gorges State Park and evaluating bear, deer, and elk road conflict areas along I-40 in the Pigeon River Gorge. Click here to learn more.



Upcoming site improvements along the French Broad Paddle Trail in Transylvania County

We’re thrilled to have just received a grant from the Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority’s Tourism Funding Program for pre-construction site design and permitting related to improvements at Lyons Mountain River Access on the French Broad River. When paired with an allocation from the North Carolina State Trails’ Complete the Trails Fund, we are all set to proceed with fulfilling the engineering and regulatory steps related to improvements identified in the Strategic Master Plan for the French Broad River Blueway.

These improvements include expanding the site in its current location and/or to the NCDOT-managed right-of-way across the river, replacing the eroding steps with a concrete boat ramp, adding picnic tables, installing a kiosk and signage, and stabilizing eroding stream banks with native riparian vegetation.

This is just one of many projects that our French Broad Paddle Trail program is currently working on. Contact MountainTrue’s French Broad Paddle Trail Manager, Jack Henderson, at jack@mountaintrue.org for more information or to get involved.



Webinar: Why Should Environmentalists Support Building More Housing?

We know that healthy communities exist within the context of a healthy environment, and right now, both are threatened. There is a housing shortage across the country, with many hard-working families unable to find a place to live. There is also a climate crisis, with greenhouse gas emissions threatening the stability of all our planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Join us from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on January 22, 2024, to learn more about MountainTrue’s newest program, Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC, and about part of the solution to both these crises. This is a virtual event; registered participants will receive the webinar link prior to the event date. Register here.


Give!Local 2023

MountainTrue is honored to be among the 52 local nonprofits included in the 2023 Mountain Xpress Give!Local campaign. Click here to learn more about Give!Local and click here to donate to MountainTrue through the online giving campaign, which runs until December 31.



Changes to MountainTrue’s Guided Adventures

Beginning in 2024, Guided Adventures will be included in our monthly e-news. In an effort to reduce the number of emails you receive from us, we will no longer have a separate email launch for these. Please make sure to pay attention to the events section to grab your tickets. Current members will receive discounted tickets to select MountainTrue events. Also coming in 2024: discounted tickets for youth AND expanded volunteer opportunities in the Central Region. We hope to see you at a MountainTrue event next year!


Helping more of our neighbors find homes + putting a dent in our housing shortage in 2023

The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University recently released its annual “State of the Nation’s Housing” report. The report provides a detailed summary of US housing and rental market trends. Construction of multifamily housing has increased significantly year over year, slowing rent growth and raising vacancy rates in the rental market. However, there continues to be a vast housing shortage, especially homes affordable to low-income families. Follow our Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC program to learn how to help solve our housing shortage and the climate crisis.


Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Buncombe, Cherokee, Haywood, Henderson, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey counties, as well as several other counties across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Property owners: review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program here.


Weigh in on opportunities to expand transit services across WNC

The Western North Carolina (WNC) Regional Transit Plan (RTP) is developing a transit study to evaluate current transit service in the region to identify improvements and enhance regional connectivity to the overall transit service. This survey will collect your thoughts about the community’s mobility needs and expectations for transit service, helping them shape the future of transit. 

Western Region News

Photo: Volunteers show off a Chinese privet stump they removed along the Tuckasegee River at the November 10 Jackson County Greenway workday.

Fun Fridays on the Jackson County Greenway start January 12

Beginning in the New Year, every second Friday from January through April will be a fun Friday afternoon on the Jackson County Greenway! Community volunteer workdays will be held from 1-4 p.m. to control nonnative invasive plants and restore native habitat at the Jackson County Greenway in Cullowhee, NC. Our partners for these events include Jackson County Parks & Recreation, Mainspring Conservation Trust, and the WCU Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning. We’ll pull up roots, cut vines, and use hand tools to remove invasive shrubs (like Chinese privet) and then treat the stumps. No prior experience is necessary; we’ll provide tools and training. Please click here to register in advance so that we’ll have enough tools, gloves, etc. We have large and small tasks available, so you don’t have to be able to do strenuous physical labor to participate. Please, no pets. Email AmeriCorps service member Eve Davis with any questions.

Photo: Cuttings from living shrubs sprout new plants after being properly installed along the water’s edge.

Help protect water quality in Butternut Creek at the Union County Farmers Market

Join us at the Union County Farmers Market in Blairsville, GA, from 1-3 p.m. on Friday, January 26, to install live stakes along some small streams that flow into Butternut Creek. Live staking involves taking dormant cuttings of a living tree and planting them along the edge of a waterway. This is an easy, family-friendly event designed to get some native vegetation growing and protect water quality! The rain date for this event is February 2. Register here. Email Tony Ward for more information.


Save the date for the “Leap Day” 2024 Watershed Gala

Mark your calendars for the 16th Annual Hiwassee Watershed Gala set for Leap Day: Thursday, February 29, 2024! We look forward to an evening of laughter, fun, and camaraderie, and we’ll honor the 2024 Holman Water Quality Stewardship Award winner! There will again be an online silent auction starting ten days before the event on February 19. Click here to read about everything Gala-related and sign up to receive a notification when the auction begins.

Photos: Microscopic plastic fibers, films, and fragments are all found in Southern Blue Ridge water samples.

Coming soon: opportunities for microplastics sampling in Jackson & Macon counties

Our AmeriCorps service member, Eve Davis, is busily scouting locations for microplastics sampling sites in Jackson & Macon counties and adding to the list of sites that volunteers are already sampling in Swain County, NC. Water samples for microplastic analysis are collected quarterly by Western Region volunteers and dropped off at a central location in each county. If you’re interested in joining our 2024 sampling team, click here to complete our volunteer interest form. Click here to watch a 40-minute video about our microplastics sampling program.    



Webinar: Why Should Environmentalists Support Building More Housing?

We know that healthy communities exist within the context of a healthy environment, and right now, both are threatened. There is a housing shortage across the country, with many hard-working families unable to find a place to live. There is also a climate crisis, with greenhouse gas emissions threatening the stability of all our planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Join us from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on January 22, 2024, to learn more about MountainTrue’s newest program, Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC, and about part of the solution to both these crises. This is a virtual event; registered participants will receive the webinar link prior to the event date. Register here.


Give!Local 2023

MountainTrue is honored to be among the 52 local nonprofits included in the 2023 Mountain Xpress Give!Local campaign. Click here to learn more about Give!Local and click here to donate to MountainTrue through the online giving campaign, which runs until December 31.



Changes to MountainTrue’s Guided Adventures

Beginning in 2024, Guided Adventures will be included in our monthly e-news. In an effort to reduce the number of emails you receive from us, we will no longer have a separate email launch for these. Please make sure to pay attention to the events section to grab your tickets. Current members will receive discounted tickets to select MountainTrue events. Also coming in 2024: discounted tickets for youth AND expanded volunteer opportunities in the Central Region. We hope to see you at a MountainTrue event next year!


Helping more of our neighbors find homes + putting a dent in our housing shortage in 2023

The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University recently released its annual “State of the Nation’s Housing” report. The report provides a detailed summary of US housing and rental market trends. Construction of multifamily housing has increased significantly year over year, slowing rent growth and raising vacancy rates in the rental market. However, there continues to be a vast housing shortage, especially homes affordable to low-income families. Follow our Neighbors for More Neighbors WNC program to learn how to help solve our housing shortage and the climate crisis.


Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Cherokee County and others across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Cherokee County is being prioritized because a long stretch of the Valley River is not safe for swimming due to bacterial contamination and leaking septic systems in older neighborhoods has been identified as one part of the problem. Macon County is also being prioritized based on new Swim Guide data in the Little Tennessee River in Franklin. Property owners: review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program here.


Weigh in on opportunities to expand transit services across WNC

The Western North Carolina (WNC) Regional Transit Plan (RTP) is developing a transit study to evaluate current transit service in the region to identify improvements and enhance regional connectivity to the overall transit service. This survey will collect your thoughts about the community’s mobility needs and expectations for transit service, helping them shape the future of transit. 

MountainTrue’s November 2023 E-Newsletter

MountainTrue’s November 2023 E-Newsletter


November 2023 E-Newsletter

November news from MountainTrue’s four regional offices:  

Central Region News

Click here to read

High Country News

Click here to read

Southern Region News

Click here to read

Western Region News

Click here to read

Central Region News

A note from Gray Jernigan, Deputy Director & General Counsel: 

During this season of gratitude, the MountainTrue team reflects on the year and shares our appreciation for all we have to celebrate. We’re so thankful for our staff, amazing board of directors, members and supporters, and dedicated volunteers. 

Last month at the MountainTrue Annual Gathering, we got together and celebrated with many of you in person. Our Executive Director, Bob Wagner, highlighted our 2023 successes and summarized the setbacks we’re working to overcome. We presented awards to some of the most active and motivated volunteers, like my friend Beth Porter, who we can always count on to pull some trash out of the river. It’s always inspiring to get together with our friends to thank each other for a job well done and to recommit to never giving up the fight for our mountains. 

As the days get cooler and we huddle with family and friends for another holiday season, we want to thank you for being part of our MountainTrue family. We couldn’t keep going without your support. 

Celebrate #GivingTuesday at No Man’s Land Film Festival

MountainTrue, Mosaic Realty, and Altura Architects are proud to invite you to No Man’s Land Film Festival (NMLFF) – the premier adventure film festival featuring women, transgender, and gender-fluid adventurers in conservation-focused documentary shorts – at New Belgium’s Brewhouse in Asheville, NC, on Tuesday, November 28. NMLFF is free to attend, and the event will also be available virtually for those who can’t attend in person. The NMLFF in-person screening is first come first serve, so be sure to arrive early to get your seats! 

We’re proud to partner with Cold Spring Basecamp and Second Gear to offer an exciting prize for our 2023 NMLFF raffle! One lucky winner will win a $100 gift card to Second Gear, Asheville’s outdoor adventure gear consignment store, and a two-night stay at Cold Spring Base Camp, where adventure potential is endless on this beautiful 38-acre property in Zirconia, NC.  Cold Spring Base Camp is the jumping-off point for biking, hiking, paddling, zip lining, exploring waterfalls, or just enjoying time spent camping, glamping, or relaxing above the forest floor in a treehouse (option coming soon)! 

Madison County action alert: tell county officials to protect mountain ridges

On November 21, the Madison County Planning Board will be considering a drastic change to their Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance that would threaten the natural beauty and environmental integrity of the county. They will then make their recommendation to the County Commission, which could consider the rule change in December. The county has received an application from a private citizen to amend the county’s Mountain Ridge Protection Ordinance and do away with a 50’ setback requirement, a key provision that protects mountain ridges from development. Take action by: 


Join the MountainTrue team: Healthy Communities Spring 2024 internship

The Healthy Communities intern will work with Healthy Communities Program Director Chris Joyell to research issues involving housing, transportation, land use controls and health, and assist in engaging communities in designing their future. Our work is rooted in the principles of Smart Growth, and we encourage prospective interns to familiarize themselves with these principles prior to engaging with us. A background in design and/or planning is preferred, but students studying health, environmental management, geography/GIS, and economics have also found their niche in our program. This position offers flexible start and end dates and will be based out of our Asheville or Hendersonville offices (though much of the work can be done remotely). Click here to learn more + apply by November 30, 2023!


Holiday gifts that protect our environment

Looking for the perfect gift for the nature lover in your life this holiday season? Gift your loved ones or friends some MountainTrue Hellbender swag! Proceeds fund MountainTrue’s work to protect the places we share in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Act now before they’re gone! *No items will be mailed between December 22, 2023 and January 2, 2024 – please plan accordingly. 


Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Buncombe, Cherokee, Haywood, Henderson, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey counties, as well as several other counties across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Property owners: click here to review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program.


New gov’t program offers renewable energy tax credits for low-income communities

The Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program is now accepting applications. The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) established the program under section 48(e), which was added to the Internal Revenue Code by the Inflation Reduction Act, to promote cost-saving clean energy investments in low-income communities, on Indian land, as part of affordable housing developments, and benefitting low-income households. The program prioritizes:

  • Increased adoption of and access to renewable energy facilities in underserved and environmental justice communities.
  • Encouraging new market participants.
  • Providing substantial benefits to underserved communities and individuals who have been historically marginalized from economic opportunities and overburdened by environmental impacts.

Click here to learn more about the program, access helpful resources, and apply. 


Envisioning a new Patton Avenue

This past summer, the City of Asheville hired a consultant to conduct a corridor and feasibility study of Patton Avenue between the Jeff Bowen Bridge and Pack Square. With the redesign of the I-26 Connector, we have an opportunity to reimagine how Patton Avenue can extend to the Bowen Bridge, creating an extension of our downtown with a dense, urban corridor. On Wednesday, November 29, the project will conduct a public open house event to kick off the project. This free meeting will be held in the Banquet Hall of Harrah’s Cherokee Center located at 87 Haywood St, Asheville, NC 28801 from 5-7 p.m.


Registration is open for the 2024 CCA Retreat & Symposium

MountainTrue’s faith-based program, the Creation Care Alliance (CCA) is happy to announce its 2024 Winter Retreat & Symposium, Sacred Symbiosis: Relationships for Eco-Justice! Hosted at Montreat Conference Center in Black Mountain, the symposium will begin on Friday, February 2, and will run through Saturday, February 3. The presentations, workshops, and conversations will explore the relationships needed to build and nurture justice for all. We can’t wait to dive in and learn together, and we’re particularly excited to hear from this year’s keynote speaker, Mary Crow, of Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN). Learn more + register here. Early-bird pricing (available until December 4), group and student discounts, and scholarships are available.

High Country News

A note from Andy Hill, High Country Regional Director & Watauga Riverkeeper:

It was good to see those of you who journeyed to Asheville for our Annual Gathering this year! We realize it was a busy fall weekend, and you could’ve spent your Saturday afternoon in many ways. Special thanks to Pace Cooper, who represented the High Country Region well during MountainTrue’s very first Jeopardy game! We also welcomed new board members Trevor McKenzie, Sara Cooper, and Miller Williams at our Annual Gathering. We’re excited to have their expertise helping guide the High Country and MountainTrue. Those of you who already have your calendars can save the date of September 14, 2024, for next year’s event! 

Scroll down for ways to engage with us this fall. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Raise a glass to support your Watauga Riverkeeper

Join us for a pint at the Speckled Trout in Blowing Rock, NC, and learn about water quality in the New River from Watauga Riverkeeper Andy Hill and the High Country team. Mark your calendars for Thursday, December 7, from 6-8 p.m. — bring some friends and let’s raise a glass to clean water together!

Thank you to Boone’s Fly Shop for hosting a Watauga Riverkeeper pint night on Tuesday, November 7! We were thrilled to see everyone who came out. Good drinks and good conversation were flowing, and money was made. We’re so grateful for the space and opportunity to share some knowledge and connect with our community.

Photo: (from left to right) Hannah Woodburn, Andy Hill, and Emma Crider at the Boone’s Fly Shop pint night.

High Country live staking workday​

Join MountainTrue’s High Country team on Friday, December 15, for another live staking volunteer workday at Wards Mill Dam. Sign up to get outside + plant some trees!

Celebrate #GivingTuesday at No Man’s Land Film Festival

MountainTrue, Mosaic Realty, and Altura Architects are proud to invite you to No Man’s Land Film Festival (NMLFF) – the premier adventure film festival featuring women, transgender, and gender-fluid adventurers in conservation-focused documentary shorts – at New Belgium’s Brewhouse in Asheville, NC, on Tuesday, November 28. NMLFF is free to attend, and the event will also be available virtually for those who can’t attend in person. The NMLFF in-person screening is first come first serve, so be sure to arrive early to get your seats! 

We’re proud to partner with Cold Spring Basecamp and Second Gear to offer an exciting prize for our 2023 NMLFF raffle! One lucky winner will win a $100 gift card to Second Gear, Asheville’s outdoor adventure gear consignment store, and a two-night stay at Cold Spring Base Camp, where adventure potential is endless on this beautiful 38-acre property in Zirconia, NC.  Cold Spring Base Camp is the jumping-off point for biking, hiking, paddling, zip lining, exploring waterfalls, or just enjoying time spent camping, glamping, or relaxing above the forest floor in a treehouse (option coming soon)! 

Photo: Legendary High Country Intern Emma Crider poses for a photo with one of the Tennessee Trash Trouts.

Trash Trout update

This month, our team checked in on our Tennessee Trash Trouts to prepare for the upcoming cold season. These two Trash Trouts allow us to keep tabs on macroplastics flowing through the Doe River and Buffalo Creek in Eastern TN. Unfortunately, both Trash Trouts need some extra TLC, but the much-needed maintenance work will have them back up and running as intended! We appreciate all the awesome volunteers who consistently show up to keep the Trash Trouts clean, functioning, and sturdy!



Turtle Island Preserve outreach

On October 25, we welcomed our new intern, Haley Whitley, with another day of teaching at Turtle Island Preserve! High Country Watershed Outreach Coordinator Hannah Woodburn and Haley met with a homeschool group on a beautiful fall morning to teach about native aquatic stream species, especially macroinvertebrates. The kids got to observe preserved specimens and identify them based on hints about their traits. They showed great enthusiasm and asked stimulating questions that kept the whole group engaged — many thanks to the families and our Turtle Island friends for having us back!

Photo: The view of the free-flowing Watauga River at the recently removed Wards Mill Dam site in Sugar Grove, NC.

Dam Removal Training with American Rivers

The Watauga Riverkeeper team recently joined in on a dam removal training put on by our friends at American Rivers. The training session focused on the histories, successes, and challenges of dams and dam removals nationwide. Our team is passionate about dam removal projects and their respective restorations, and we connected with many other agencies across the state dedicated to the work. Thank you to our friends at American Rivers for teaching and inspiring North Carolina folks about removing dams in our precious rivers!



Holiday gifts that protect our environment

Looking for the perfect gift for the nature lover in your life this holiday season? Gift your loved ones or friends some MountainTrue Hellbender swag! Proceeds fund MountainTrue’s work to protect the places we share in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Act now before they’re gone! *No items will be mailed between December 22, 2023 and January 2, 2024 – please plan accordingly. 



New gov’t program offers renewable energy tax credits for low-income communities

The Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program is now accepting applications. The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) established the program under section 48(e), which was added to the Internal Revenue Code by the Inflation Reduction Act, to promote cost-saving clean energy investments in low-income communities, on Indian land, as part of affordable housing developments, and benefitting low-income households. The program prioritizes:

  • Increased adoption of and access to renewable energy facilities in underserved and environmental justice communities.
  • Encouraging new market participants.
  • Providing substantial benefits to underserved communities and individuals who have been historically marginalized from economic opportunities and overburdened by environmental impacts.

Click here to learn more about the program, access helpful resources, and apply.



Registration is open for the 2024 CCA Retreat & Symposium

MountainTrue’s faith-based program, the Creation Care Alliance (CCA) is happy to announce its 2024 Winter Retreat & Symposium, Sacred Symbiosis: Relationships for Eco-Justice! Hosted at Montreat Conference Center in Black Mountain, the symposium will begin on Friday, February 2, and will run through Saturday, February 3. The presentations, workshops, and conversations will explore the relationships needed to build and nurture justice for all. We can’t wait to dive in and learn together, and we’re particularly excited to hear from this year’s keynote speaker, Mary Crow, of Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN). Learn more + register here. Early-bird pricing (available until December 4), group and student discounts, and scholarships are available.

Southern Region News

A note from Nancy Díaz, Southern Regional Director:

During this month of celebrating gratitude, I want to express my gratitude for each of you for the support and encouragement you’ve given MountainTrue this year. I’ve enjoyed sharing time with you at our Annual Gathering, Broad Riverkeeper Open House, Green Drinks, and other programs this fall. I look forward to renewed engagement in the coming months. If the forest fires around us are any indication, our teamwork in protecting the places we share is crucially important. 

While the days get cooler and we huddle together with family and friends for another holiday season, we want to thank you for being part of our MountainTrue community. We couldn’t keep going without your support.

Celebrate #GivingTuesday at No Man’s Land Film Festival

MountainTrue, Mosaic Realty, and Altura Architects are proud to invite you to No Man’s Land Film Festival (NMLFF) – the premier adventure film festival featuring women, transgender, and gender-fluid adventurers in conservation-focused documentary shorts – at New Belgium’s Brewhouse in Asheville, NC, on Tuesday, November 28. NMLFF is free to attend, and the event will also be available virtually for those who can’t attend in person. The NMLFF in-person screening is first come first serve, so be sure to arrive early to get your seats! 

We’re proud to partner with Cold Spring Basecamp and Second Gear to offer an exciting prize for our 2023 NMLFF raffle! One lucky winner will win a $100 gift card to Second Gear, Asheville’s outdoor adventure gear consignment store, and a two-night stay at Cold Spring Base Camp, where adventure potential is endless on this beautiful 38-acre property in Zirconia, NC.  Cold Spring Base Camp is the jumping-off point for biking, hiking, paddling, zip lining, exploring waterfalls, or just enjoying time spent camping, glamping, or relaxing above the forest floor in a treehouse (option coming soon)! 

Join the MountainTrue team: Healthy Communities Spring 2024 internship​

The Healthy Communities intern will work with Healthy Communities Program Director Chris Joyell to research issues involving housing, transportation, land use controls and health, and assist in engaging communities in designing their future. Our work is rooted in the principles of Smart Growth, and we encourage prospective interns to familiarize themselves with these principles prior to engaging with us. A background in design and/or planning is preferred, but students studying health, environmental management, geography/GIS, and economics have also found their niche in our program. This position offers flexible start and end dates and will be based out of our Asheville or Hendersonville offices (though much of the work can be done remotely). Click here to learn more + apply by November 30, 2023!


December Hendersonville Green Drinks

Join us at Trailside Brewing Co. on Thursday, December 14, in Hendersonville, NC. During this event, titled Considering Tradeoffs: A Growth & Development Mapping Exercise, City Planning Staff will lead participants through a mapping exercise where they’ll be tasked to balance housing growth and economic development with choices related to transportation, quality of life and conservation. Participants will have to earn points to unlock game pieces and strive to avoid “raising taxes” in order to “win” the game. This is an opportunity to help inform the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Gen H. Click here to learn more.


Save the date: Holiday Recycling 2024!

Mark your calendars for another tree recycling event: January 6, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jackson Park (801 4th Avenue East, Hendersonville, NC)! As you go out to buy your live trees for the holidays, remember that you’ll be able to bring them to this event and collect mulch for your home gardens and landscaping. Also, are you planning a big appliance purchase for the season? Hold onto that foam! The Henderson County Solid Waste Department will be collecting foam to be recycled at the foam densifier.

Photo: Folks pose for a group photo at the Broad Riverkeeper Open House on October 26 in Shelby, NC.

A message from Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell:

We were blessed to have a big group of volunteers, supporters, and new friends join us for the Broad Riverkeeper Open House at the Biz Hub in Shelby last month! Michael Cheng served burgers on his homemade flatbread, along with delicious sides and brews from Newgrass Brewing Co. MountainTrue staff presented the victories and challenges here in the Broad River watershed. Your support keeps us working to champion clean water, resilient forests, and healthy communities!

Southern Region volunteer appreciation event

We had a great time celebrating our wonderful Southern Region volunteers at Trailside Brewing Co. earlier this month! So much of our Clean Water program relies on year-round support from our volunteer efforts and we couldn’t do this work without them. Thank you to our river cleanup, SMIE (Stream Monitoring Information Exchange), and VWIN (Volunteer Water Information Network) volunteers for keeping our Clean Water program going strong — y’all are the best!

Want to learn more about our volunteer programs? Contact Green Riverkeeper and Watershed Outreach Coordinator Erica Shanks at erica@mountaintrue.org.

Photo: (from left to right) MountainTrue Development and Engagement Manager Amy Finkler; Green Riverkeeper & Watershed Outreach Coordinator Erica Shanks; French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson; Watershed Science & Policy Manager Anna Alsobrook and her sweet pup, Poppy; and Southern Regional Director Nancy Díaz pose for a photo at the November 9 event.

Photos: (left) Tracey Baker battling a tangle of bittersweet at Double Head Knob. (right) Jason York and Pete Dixon removing a thicket of tree of heaven at Murray Branch.

MountainTrue volunteers + habitat restoration

In October, MountainTrue worked at three sites to remove nonnative invasive plants from rare habitats that support dozens of rare plants and animals. All three sites are extremely steep and associated with unusual geology. At Doublehead Knob, volunteers removed thickets of bittersweet engulfing one of the few native grasslands remaining in the mountains. At Rock Knob, volunteers worked to remove Japanese spirea, which is outcompeting numerous rare species — including shooting star — on a “mafic outcrop barren.” The Murray Branch Shale Barren is one of North Carolina’s only shale barrens and is home to plants found nowhere else in the state. Volunteers removed hundreds of tree of heaven stems from the site, and their work revealed the showy blooms of the aromatic aster. MountainTrue will continue stewarding these and other rare ecological communities. If you enjoy working in extremely rugged terrain and would like to volunteer in 2024, email Josh Kelly at josh@mountaintrue.org.



Green Riverkeeper Erica Shanks on the 2023 Green Race:

The 2023 Green Race did not disappoint! The weather was perfect, water levels were spicy, and the crowd was rowdy! Mostly good lines and fun times for the Green River Narrows race this year. The Green Race is best day of the year down in the Gorge, and I’m always grateful we get to protect a place that brings so many people together to enjoy the magic that Mama Green provides. Not only in this race, but every day to kayakers, hikers, bikers, fisherfolk, and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Congrats to everyone who raced and can’t wait for next year!


Holiday gifts that protect our environment

Looking for the perfect gift for the nature lover in your life this holiday season? Gift your loved ones or friends some MountainTrue Hellbender swag! Proceeds fund MountainTrue’s work to protect the places we share in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Act now before they’re gone! *No items will be mailed between December 22, 2023 and January 2, 2024 – please plan accordingly. 

Photos: Lawndale Park — the first phase of the Stagecoach Greenway — under construction.

Cleveland County receives support from the Great Trails State Program

Two greenway projects in Cleveland County, NC, recently received big funding: $2,000,000 to the City of Shelby in Cleveland County for Rails to Trails projects and $1,000,000 to Cleveland County Water for the Stagecoach Greenway Recreation Trail. The City of Shelby and Cleveland County Water are working hard to open these new greenspaces for all of us to enjoy! 

The Great Trails State Program, funded with $12.5 million each year for two years, is a competitive grant program for new trail development and extension of existing trails, including paved trails, greenways, and natural surface trails for biking, hiking, walking, equestrian use, and paddling. The fund is administered by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. 



Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Buncombe, Cherokee, Haywood, Henderson, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey counties, as well as several other counties across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Property owners: review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program here.


New gov’t program offers renewable energy tax credits for low-income communities

The Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program is now accepting applications. The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) established the program under section 48(e), which was added to the Internal Revenue Code by the Inflation Reduction Act, to promote cost-saving clean energy investments in low-income communities, on Indian land, as part of affordable housing developments, and benefitting low-income households. The program prioritizes:

  • Increased adoption of and access to renewable energy facilities in underserved and environmental justice communities.
  • Encouraging new market participants.
  • Providing substantial benefits to underserved communities and individuals who have been historically marginalized from economic opportunities and overburdened by environmental impacts.

Click here to learn more about the program, access helpful resources, and apply.


Registration is open for the 2024 CCA Retreat & Symposium

MountainTrue’s faith-based program, the Creation Care Alliance (CCA) is happy to announce its 2024 Winter Retreat & Symposium, Sacred Symbiosis: Relationships for Eco-Justice! Hosted at Montreat Conference Center in Black Mountain, the symposium will begin on Friday, February 2, and will run through Saturday, February 3. The presentations, workshops, and conversations will explore the relationships needed to build and nurture justice for all. We can’t wait to dive in and learn together, and we’re particularly excited to hear from this year’s keynote speaker, Mary Crow, of Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN). Learn more + register here. Early-bird pricing (available until December 4), group and student discounts, and scholarships are available.

Western Region News

A note from Callie Moore, Western Regional Director:

It was good to see those of you who journeyed to Asheville last month for our 2023 Annual Gathering! We realize it was a busy fall weekend, and you could’ve spent your Saturday afternoon in many ways. Special thanks to Katherine Taaffe of Murphy, NC, who represented the Western Region well during MountainTrue’s very first Jeopardy game! Those of you who already have your calendars can save the date of September 14, 2024, for next year’s event. 

The days are getting shorter and cooler, and November marks the season of gratitude as we gather with family and friends for another holiday season. November is also Native American Heritage Month. Designated in 1990, Native American Heritage Month honors the many historic and present cultures, traditions, and achievements of Indigenous Peoples and their ancestors who have stewarded this land for tens of thousands of years. If you’re looking for ways to observe the occasion locally, I personally recommend the Museum of the Cherokee People in Cherokee, NC. Cherokee offers many other ways to experience, honor, and celebrate the Cherokee People; click here to plan your visit! 

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter this month and for being MountainTrue!

Nominations are open for the Holman Water Quality Stewardship Award​

Each year at our Watershed Gala, we present the Holman Water Quality Stewardship Award to honor the person or group that has done the most to advance the mission of sustaining good water quality in the upper Hiwassee River watershed. The award is named after Bill Holman because of his persistent, constructive leadership, accomplishments, and sincere commitment to the environment and clean water throughout his career. Submit your nominations by December 6, 2023. Read more about the Holman Water Quality Stewardship Award, see a list of past recipients, and submit your nominations here. And mark your calendars for next year’s Gala set for February 29, 2024!

Western Region Volunteer of the Year award presented at Annual Gathering

MountainTrue congratulates Jonathan Micancin, winner of the 2023 Western Region Volunteer of the Year award. Jonathan taught courses in conservation biology, ecology, environmental science, and related topics at Young Harris College (YHC) from 2019-2023. As soon as he arrived at YHC, Jonathan took the lead on MountainTrue’s Corn Creek Riparian Restoration Project. He involved his students in all aspects of the work, organizing volunteer workdays to remove nonnative invasive plants and plant native ones in the streamside corridor. Last fall, he started working with YHC to transition the plants in its landscaping to native trees and shrubs, again having his students create the plans and help implement them. They bought many plants through our Fall Native Tree & Shrub sale fundraiser. Jonathan and his students also studied the behavioral ecology, evolution, and conservation of cryptic amphibians. They discovered the decline of southern cricket frogs in the Southeast, extended the known range of Collinses’ mountain chorus frog in Georgia, and studied rare and imperiled Appalachian salamanders. Thank you for all your work to protect and improve Southern Appalachian biodiversity and support MountainTrue’s mission, Jonathan!

Photo: Callie Moore presents the 2023 Western Region Volunteer of the Year award to Jonathan Micancin.

Photo: Streambank restoration work was completed in mid-October along the Tuckasegee River at Bryson City’s Island Park.

Habitat restoration work continues at Bryson City’s Island Park​

MountainTrue and the Town of Bryson City recently completed a project to re-grade and stabilize eroding banks at Island Park on the Tuckasegee River. An area at the upstream end of the island where a portion of an old stone wall had broken apart and fallen into the river was also restored. MountainTrue received a grant from the North Carolina Land & Water Fund for the restoration work. The Town of Bryson City, MountainTrue, volunteers, and Wildlands Engineering all provided matching funds for the project. Read more about this multi-year project to restore habitat at Island Park on the MountainTrue blog. 


Cleaning up the Lake Chatuge shoreline

The 13th Annual Lake Chatuge Shoreline Cleanup was one for the books! This year, 48 volunteers picked up 1,050 pounds of trash from lakeside public lands on both sides of the state line. The 13-year total is now 15.5 tons of trash. Thanks to everyone who participated, and extra gratitude to Tennessee Valley Authority for sponsoring the event. Also, the US Forest Service, Blue Ridge Ranger District, Towns County Government, and Clay County Parks and Recreation for transporting the trash to appropriate disposal sites. We especially appreciate the participation of the Rotary Club of Lake Chatuge-Hiawassee again this year, as well as several students from Young Harris College.

Photos: (left) Native aquatic plants behind the pickleball courts in Towns County, GA. (right) Invasive parrot feather.

Speaking of Lake Chatuge, not all weeds are parrot feather!

Word is spreading fast about parrot feather — the invasive aquatic plant infesting the southernmost headwaters of Lake Chatuge. While this is a serious issue for the relatively small portion of the lake affected, it’s important to remember that there are several native and beneficial aquatic plants in Lake Chatuge, which fish and other aquatic life rely on for food and cover from predators. Lake Chatuge is a great lake for fishing; part of the reason is because of its native aquatic plants. If people have concerns about a weed they see in the lake, they should contact MountainTrue Western Region Program Coordinator Tony Ward at tony@mountaintrue.org or 828-837-5414 ext. 3 and he’ll help get it correctly identified. And in case you missed it last month, click here to read our blog post about the recommendations for controlling parrot feather.

Celebrate #GivingTuesday at No Man’s Land Film Festival

MountainTrue, Mosaic Realty, and Altura Architects are proud to invite you to No Man’s Land Film Festival (NMLFF) – the premier adventure film festival featuring women, transgender, and gender-fluid adventurers in conservation-focused documentary shorts – at New Belgium’s Brewhouse in Asheville, NC, on Tuesday, November 28. NMLFF is free to attend, and the event will also be available virtually for those who can’t attend in person. The NMLFF in-person screening is first come first serve, so be sure to arrive early to get your seats! 

We’re proud to partner with Cold Spring Basecamp and Second Gear to offer an exciting prize for our 2023 NMLFF raffle! One lucky winner will win a $100 gift card to Second Gear, Asheville’s outdoor adventure gear consignment store, and a two-night stay at Cold Spring Base Camp, where adventure potential is endless on this beautiful 38-acre property in Zirconia, NC.  Cold Spring Base Camp is the jumping-off point for biking, hiking, paddling, zip lining, exploring waterfalls, or just enjoying time spent camping, glamping, or relaxing above the forest floor in a treehouse (option coming soon)! 

Holiday gifts that protect our environment

Looking for the perfect gift for the nature lover in your life this holiday season? Gift your loved ones or friends some MountainTrue Hellbender swag! Proceeds fund MountainTrue’s work to protect the places we share in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Act now before they’re gone! *No items will be mailed between December 22, 2023 and January 2, 2024 – please plan accordingly. 



Septic system repair grants available for qualifying property owners

MountainTrue has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and local health departments to provide septic system repair grants to qualifying property owners in Cherokee County and others across WNC. Residents of rural areas outside of town are highly likely to have onsite septic systems. Problems with septic systems usually arise as systems age or when maintenance is neglected. Cherokee County is being prioritized because a long stretch of the Valley River is not safe for swimming due to bacterial contamination and leaking septic systems in older neighborhoods has been identified as one part of the problem. Macon County is also being prioritized based on new Swim Guide data in the Little Tennessee River in Franklin. Property owners: review eligibility requirements and apply for the repair program here.



New gov’t program offers renewable energy tax credits for low-income communities

The Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program is now accepting applications. The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) established the program under section 48(e), which was added to the Internal Revenue Code by the Inflation Reduction Act, to promote cost-saving clean energy investments in low-income communities, on Indian land, as part of affordable housing developments, and benefitting low-income households. The program prioritizes:

  • Increased adoption of and access to renewable energy facilities in underserved and environmental justice communities.
  • Encouraging new market participants.
  • Providing substantial benefits to underserved communities and individuals who have been historically marginalized from economic opportunities and overburdened by environmental impacts.

Click here to learn more about the program, access helpful resources, and apply. 



Registration is open for the 2024 CCA Retreat & Symposium

MountainTrue’s faith-based program, the Creation Care Alliance (CCA) is happy to announce its 2024 Winter Retreat & Symposium, Sacred Symbiosis: Relationships for Eco-Justice! Hosted at Montreat Conference Center in Black Mountain, the symposium will begin on Friday, February 2, and will run through Saturday, February 3. The presentations, workshops, and conversations will explore the relationships needed to build and nurture justice for all. We can’t wait to dive in and learn together, and we’re particularly excited to hear from this year’s keynote speaker, Mary Crow, of Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN). Learn more + register here. Early-bird pricing (available until December 4), group and student discounts, and scholarships are available.