Call for Solar for Buncombe County

Call for Solar for Buncombe County

Tell the Buncombe County Commissioners: We need continued investments in solar energy!

Last year, you supported the Buncombe County Commissioners in funding 40 solar projects on county and city buildings, making it the largest local government investment in solar in the state. Now, we need your help again in asking them to support a second round of solar investments, this time all dedicated to schools. Will you take action here to email the Commissioners to urge their support for this new investment?

The County’s Energy and Environment subcommittee has recommended a feasibility analysis for solar on 100% of the facilities operated by the city schools, county schools and AB Tech and to implement on-site solar projects on every school where the analysis indicates a system would be viable. This work would be accomplished by the end of 2025 and could drive another $20+ million in local solar investment on an estimated 40 more public facilities. This will take the City and County a long way toward meeting their goals of 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Our community is already in front of most North Carolina cities in tackling climate change, and this second round of solar investments will set an example for others to follow. Please act today and ask for the Commissioners’ support and thank you!

Join Us for an Annual Member Gathering in Your Area!

Join Us for an Annual Member Gathering in Your Area!

Join Us for an Annual Member Gathering in Your Area!

We are excited to be gathering in person this year to connect with our members, celebrate our MountainTrue Award winners, and see each others’ smiling faces!

Each year, MountainTrue hosts a gathering of our members to recognize and honor outstanding volunteers, vote on new board members, and reflect on a year of hard work and accomplishments. Due to the COVID resurgence, we are holding four separate outdoor events — one in each region —  in order to reduce the size of our crowd and to protect the safety of others. All attendees are required to be vaccinated. We hope you can join us. If you have questions about any of these events, please contact Susan Bean at susan@mountaintrue.org. Registration is accessible below for both the High Country and Central Region events. 

Check here to confirm that your membership is current, and if you are not a member you can join or renew when you RSVP!

Vaccination Required

Due to the high rate of COVID infections and hospitalizations across our region, we are requiring that all attendees be fully vaccinated in order to participate. Please come prepared to show proof of vaccination when you arrive. If you are not vaccinated, you will have an opportunity to vote for new and returning board members online.

October 7th – High Country Region
Valle Crucis Community Park in Banner Elk, NC
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

October 20th – Western Region
Big Bear Pavilion in Downtown Franklin, NC
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM


October 26th – Southern Region
Guidon Brewing Company in Hendersonville, NC
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

October 28th – Central Region
HiWire Brewing Bier Garden in Asheville, NC
4:30 – 6:00PM

Sarah Ogletree Hired as the Next Director of the Creation Care Alliance

Sarah Ogletree Hired as the Next Director of the Creation Care Alliance

Sarah Ogletree Hired as the Next Director of the Creation Care Alliance

The Creation Care Alliance is pleased to announce that Sarah Ogletree will be our next director.

Sarah comes to us from our close partner, NC Interfaith Power and Light, where she has been working for the last three years, serving most recently as a program coordinator gaining experience in the kind of work that she will be doing to expand the work and reach of the Creation Care Alliance – building relationships with faith communities, organizing webinars and events, conducting fundraising, managing communications, recruiting volunteers, and involving youth. 

Sarah holds a Masters of Divinity from Wake Forest University School of Divinity, where she focused her studies on faith and ecology. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Sustainable Development from Appalachian State University. Since then, Sarah has worked at the intersection of faith, ecology, and Creation Care at United Methodist Churches in Cullowhee and Winston-Salem, Parkway United Church of Christ in Winston-Salem, First Baptist Church in Sylva, and here with the Creation Care Alliance back in 2017. Her dedication to seeking justice for both people and planet shines through in all aspects of her life, and she has consistently been recognized with awards for her leadership, dedication and excellence. Notably, she was the recipient of the national 2018 Emerging Earth Care Leader Award from Presbyterians for Earth Care and was named a 2019 Re:Generate Fellow.

In her free time, Sarah enjoys planting flowers, singing, and playing the fiddle with her husband, William. She is a fan of snuggling up on the couch to read southern Appalachian novels and also loves exploring with her small but mighty dog, Bo. Sarah added “I am so thrilled to be joining the Creation Care Alliance team. The opportunity to do the work of faith-based ecological justice in the region that has made me who I am is an immense blessing. I look forward to getting to know each of the wonderful community members who, through the prayers of their hearts and hands, have made CCA what it is today.”

MountainTrue Co-Director Bob Wagner shared that “Sarah brings wisdom of growing up in Western North Carolina, training and experience that includes a divinity degree and work with partner agencies, a passion for creation care, and charisma that draws people into caring about our environment. This work is her life’s calling and we are thrilled to welcome her to our staff.”

Western Region Non-Native Invasive Plant (NNIP) Intern (Murphy, NC)

Western Region Non-Native Invasive Plant (NNIP) Intern (Murphy, NC)

MountainTrue is seeking a dedicated individual to fill a part-time 12-week internship position for its western region in Fall 2021. The Intern will serve a minimum of 180 hours from August 30, 2021 through November 20, 2021. 

Western Region NNIP Intern Position Summary:

This internship position includes a combination of on-the-ground stewardship of public and conserved lands, volunteer recruitment and coordination, and public outreach. A primary task of the NNIP Intern is to assist Western Region Program Coordinator, Tony Ward with non-native invasive plant control work. The position will require travel to various locations within a 60-mile radius of Murphy (including north Georgia) and substantial work outdoors. Mr. Ward will provide training, support, and guidance for the position. The NNIP Intern will also benefit from the knowledge and expertise of other Public Lands staff through the teamwork approach practiced by MountainTrue.

Qualifications – Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  • Must have: Education or experience in – and a passion for – natural resources management, biology, or environmental science. Strong communication skills. Ability to work independently and balance multiple tasks. Stamina to work outdoors and maintain a positive attitude in challenging conditions and inclement weather. Respect for diverse groups and interests.
  • Would prefer: Education/knowledge in native and non-native plant identification. Experience working with volunteers.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident
  • Be available and commit to part-time service (15 hours per week) for the entire 12 weeks
  • Be at least 16 years of age on August 30, 2021
  • Have independent transportation

Responsibilities and Duties:

Non-Native Invasive Plant Control & Riparian Buffer Enhancement: 40%

The primary task of the NNIP Intern is the physical work of manual and chemical treatment of non-native invasive plants on public and conserved private lands sites in the MountainTrue western region which have been prioritized by the Western Region Program Coordinator. This aspect will also likely include assisting with riparian buffer plantings and live-staking at select sites as well. 

Volunteer Recruitment & Coordination: 30%

Organize volunteer workdays for treating NNIPs along the River Walk in Murphy, NC and the Little Tennessee River Greenway in Franklin, NC or other locations as prioritized by the Program Coordinator. Assist the Program Coordinator with management of the volunteers, which includes teaching them restoration techniques, informing them of the risks associated with the outdoor work, and supervising them during the workdays. The Intern is expected to keep detailed records of volunteer personnel (including names and contact, liability waivers, hours served, and frequency of participation).

Non-Native Invasive Plant Inventory: 20%

This aspect of the position involves field inventory/data collection of non-native invasive plant species. The intern will conduct walk-throughs of sites that have had NNIP treatment in the past, to document presence or absence of problem plant species. Get location and photo documentation and create reports for prioritization of future workdays.

Conservation Education: 10%

This aspect will primarily consist of educating volunteers and members of the public about native and invasive plants through organized education events and workdays. This could also include participation in or presentations at meetings; designing and producing posters and brochures, or promoting events. The Intern will be expected to assist with the Cherokee Heritage Festival on Saturday, September 18th in Hayesville, NC.

Weekly Schedule:

The Intern’s work schedule can be fairly flexible after training is complete; however, 2-3 longer days (5-7.5 hours/day) per week is preferable to allow for travel to/from work sites. Work will be required on at least three Saturdays, including September 18th (see above). An appropriate number of weekdays/hours will be excused to offset these as determined by the Intern’s supervisor.

Compensation & Benefits

  • $1,500 stipend (paid in equal installments, every two weeks on Friday)
  • Mileage reimbursement at $0.45 per mile on a monthly basis as per submitted and approved expense reports
  • Mentorship, training, and professional development opportunities. These may include a commercial applicator’s pesticide license, CPR/AED training, and more. 


Please send your resume and/or a statement of interest and qualifications to: tony@mountaintrue.org. Open until filled

MountainTrue Engagement Competition: Are you the MountainTruEST?

MountainTrue Engagement Competition: Are you the MountainTruEST?

MountainTrue Engagement Competition: Are you the MountainTruEST?

We are excited to announce a friendly summertime competition to encourage you, our supporters, to consider new ways of connecting with our work. Are you a regular Swim Guide volunteer? Get into the advocacy game by sending a message to the forest service! Or do you follow our Raleigh Report and all things policy? Take a trip outside with us and discover a new species of wildlife on either a river snorkel or a guided hike! Whatever your go-to activity is with MountainTrue, we invite you to explore a new aspect of our work and try out something different this summer.

We’ll keep track of your event attendance, your action alert responses, and any other way you support our efforts. Then, each month in our e-newsletters from July through September we will recognize the most engaged supporters in each region. To get started today, visit our No Man’s Land Action Center, where you can take action to push for policy-based solutions to environmental degradation. You can also check out our Events Calendar to see what’s coming up in either your area – or a new part of our mountains that you haven’t explored before!

If you have questions about specific opportunities for your region, contact your local staff for details:

High Country: Andy Hill, andy@mountaintrue.org 

Southern Region: Gray Jernigan, gray@mountaintrue.org 

Western Region: Callie Moore, callie@mountaintrue.org

Central Region: Susan Bean, susan@mountaintrue.org

AmeriCorps Outings, Education, and Forest Stewardship Coordinator(Asheville)

AmeriCorps Outings, Education, and Forest Stewardship Coordinator(Asheville)

AmeriCorps Outings, Education, and Forest Stewardship Coordinator (Asheville)

MountainTrue, through AmeriCorps Project Conserve, is seeking a dedicated individual to fill a full-time position serving critical conservation needs in Western North Carolina. The member will serve 1700 hours from September 1, 2022 through July 31, 2023. 

Position Summary:
The Outings, Education and Forest Stewardship Coordinator works closely with topic area experts on the MountainTrue staff to engage the public in environmental protection in Western North Carolina through guided hikes, outreach programs, on-the-ground stewardship on public lands, volunteer coordination, and environmental education. The coordinator will serve as the project lead for the OLLI Ecology of the Southern Appalachians course, our annual BioBlitz volunteer event, and our Guided Adventures series. This service position will require frequent travel and work outdoors to provide an opportunity to become more familiar with the Blue Ridge Mountains. The coordinator will support MountainTrue’s racial equity work by helping to create programming specifically designed to engage communities of color in environmental conservation. The activities undertaken by this position will inform, inspire, and connect a broad public to the natural world and its delicate and often threatened ecosystems, thereby increasing general support for conservation efforts in our region.

Qualifications – Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  • Excellent planning and organizational skills. Attention to detail is key in this position.
  • Education or experience in natural resources management, biology, or environmental science/studies/education/policy.
  • Experience working with diverse people (youth, retirees, rural, urban, people of color).
  • Strong time management skills.
  • Ability to work outdoors and maintain a positive attitude in challenging conditions and inclement weather.
  • Ability to manage multiple projects at once and maintain attention to detail.
  • Ability to work as part of a team as well as independently. 
  • Be a quick learner, unafraid to ask questions, and also have the patience to tackle complex problems
  • Familiarity with web-based programs and applications and the use of social media.
  • Training and/or teaching experience a plus.
  • Excellent oral (including public speaking) and written communication skills.
  • Spanish language proficiency a plus.
  • Eligible applicants must be at least 18 years of age, be a citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States, and consent to a criminal history check.

Preferred Service Hours / Weekly Schedule:
9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, with occasional evening and weekend hours as needed

Position Responsibilities and Duties:

Conservation Education: 65%

  • Organize numerous hikes, tours, and other activities featuring MountainTrue programs and priorities such as old-growth forests, ecology, water quality, land use planning and development, and others. Coordinate with topic experts on staff who will be primarily responsible for content delivery.
  • Educate volunteers and members of the public through organized events and workdays provided throughout our service region of counties across Western North Carolina.
  • Manage event page content for website, make regular posts to social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram, build volunteer and ticketed event sign up forms for web, compose email communications to promote events and programs, and communicate with the general public looking to engage with our programs
  • Represent MountainTrue in the Everybody’s Environment Coalition and bring valuable learnings back to the organization to improve our diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Serve as the project lead and primary point of contact between participants in our OLLI Ecology of the Southern Appalachians class and the MountainTrue staff instructors.
  • Participate in the community as a MountainTrue team member contributing to the success of the organization.

At-Risk Ecosystem Impacts and Trails: 15%

  • Field inventory/data collection of non-native invasive plant species;
  • Manual and chemical treatment of non-native invasive plants, both along trails (National Forest, AT, state, municipal) and in conservation easements;
  • Chemical treatment to save ash trees from emerald ash borer
  • Leading volunteers to address maintenance needs on public trails.
  • Training volunteers to collect data on sedimentation from forest roads and trails

Volunteer Engagement: 20%

  • Assist in the recruitment and management of volunteers, teaching them restoration techniques including manual and chemical treatment of non-native invasive plants, informing them of the risks associated, and supervising them during workdays.
  • Coordinate our annual BioBlitz, which includes a 2 week virtual species hunt utilizing the iNaturalist app for identification and coordinating in-person identification events in different parts of WNC to recruit new participants and volunteers.

PLEASE NOTE: In addition to fulfilling host site service responsibilities, all Project Conserve members are required to fully participate in team trainings, service projects, and statewide AmeriCorps events. Project Conserve team events will occur approximately twice per month in locations throughout the service area and may require up to three overnight stays.

Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident
  • Be at least 18 years of age at the commencement of service
  • Be available and commit to full-time service for the entire service term: members will serve a minimum of 1700 hours over the 11-month term, which is roughly full-time (40 hours per week).
  • Consent to a criminal history check and be cleared for service
  • Meet minimum education requirements (see individual service descriptions)
  • Meet additional qualifications as listed in the service descriptions
  • Meet essential functions for each position as listed in the individual service descriptions

Compensation & Benefits
For full-time (1700 hour) positions in the 2022-2023 program year, members will receive:

  • $19,880.00 living stipend (paid in equal installments via direct deposit, twice per month, minus taxes)
  • Health insurance reimbursement if eligible. Members are eligible for reimbursement for the full cost of a Health Insurance Marketplace bronze or catastrophic plan, OR up to $100 for a higher-level Marketplace plan. Members who maintain health insurance through a parent or spouse’s employer are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • Childcare assistance if eligible. See eligibility requirements for full-time members enrolled in AmeriCorps State & National programs on the AmeriCorps Childcare Fact Sheet
  • Education award of $6,495.00 upon successful completion of the program. This award can be used to repay qualified student loans and to pay current educational expenses at eligible institutions of higher education and training programs. Learn more about the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award on AmeriCorps.gov/americorps-education-award
  • Mentorship, training, and professional development opportunities. Training may include Wilderness First Aid, CPR/AED, Conflict Resolution, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and more

Project Conserve strives to foster a culture that celebrates and supports equity, diversity, and inclusion, learning and continuous improvement, and high-quality community service. AmeriCorps positions provide unique opportunities for members to develop leadership and professional skills to support their future career goals. Members participate in training and service days up to three days per month with the full Project Conserve team and on an ongoing basis as part of their host site service. Training may cover a broad range of topics including conflict resolution, wilderness first aid, and CPR/AED, project planning, non-native invasive species identification, trail construction, volunteer management, and education program development.


To Apply
Please go to conservingcarolina.org/americorps/projectconserve/ for more information and to apply. Contact Susan Bean with any questions at (828) 258-8737 x218 or susan@mountaintrue.org. MountainTrue is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to individuals with known physical/mental disabilities.

AmeriCorps Forest Keeper Coordinator (Asheville)

AmeriCorps Forest Keeper Coordinator (Asheville)

AmeriCorps Forest Keeper Coordinator (Asheville)

MountainTrue, through AmeriCorps Project Conserve, is seeking dedicated individuals to fill 4 full-time positions serving critical conservation needs in western North Carolina. Each full-time member will serve 1700 hours from September 1, 2021 through July 31, 2022. Members serve with host site organizations working to protect the unique natural resources of the southern Blue Ridge Mountain region.

Members connect people with nature and enhance quality of life through conservation education, volunteer recruitment/coordination, and trail creation/improvement. Members also improve environmental conditions in WNC through activities including habitat restoration, water quality monitoring, and public land and river improvements projects.

Project Conserve strives to foster a culture that celebrates and supports equity, diversity, and inclusion, learning and continuous improvement, and high-quality community service. AmeriCorps positions provide unique opportunities for members to develop leadership and professional skills to support their future career goals. Members participate in training and service days up to three days per month with the full Project Conserve team and on an ongoing basis as part of their host site service. Training may cover a broad range of topics including conflict resolution, wilderness first aid and CPR/AED, project planning, non-native invasive species identification, trail construction, volunteer management, and education program development.

Forest Keeper Coordinator Position Summary:
This position includes a combination of volunteer recruitment and coordination, on-the-ground stewardship on public lands, education, and data management. A primary task of the FKC is to build and improve upon a Forest Keeper program to recruit, cultivate, educate and retain dedicated volunteers who monitor and improve our public lands. The position will include opportunities to learn from and network with conservation professionals from a variety of non-profit organizations and government agencies. This service position will require frequent travel and work outdoors to provide an opportunity for the Forest Keeper Coordinator to become more familiar with the Blue Ridge Mountains. This service position will be supervised by the Ecologist & Public Lands Director who will provide training, support, and guidance. The Forest Keeper Coordinator will also benefit from knowledge, expertise, and training by other staff through the teamwork approach practiced among the diverse projects with MountainTrue.

Qualifications – Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  • Must have: Education or experience in natural resources management, biology, or environmental science/studies/education/policy. Strong organization, communication, and project management skills. Ability to work independently. Gregarious personality. Ability to work outdoors and maintain a positive attitude in challenging conditions and inclement weather. Respect for diverse groups and interests.
  • Would prefer: Community organizing/engagement or event planning skills and experience. Education/knowledge in native and non-native plant identification.
  • Eligible applicants must be at least 18 years of age, be a citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States, and consent to a criminal history check.

Preferred Service Hours / Weekly Schedule:
9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. A number of weekend hours of work will, however, be required, so an appropriate number of weekdays/hours will be excused to offset these as determined by the member’s supervisor. (Approximately 2-3 weekend days per month; more in spring and fall, less in winter.) 

Position Responsibilities and Duties:

Conservation Education: 25%

  • This aspect will primarily consist of educating volunteers and members of the public through organized education events and workdays. This could also include participation in/presentation at conferences; high school and college PowerPoint presentations and workshops; designing and producing posters and brochures educating about, or promoting events relating to, nature education, forest ecology and management, climate change, non-native invasive plants and insects, and other education projects of interest and need.

At-Risk Ecosystems and Trails: 25%

  • Field inventory/data collection of non-native invasive plant species;
  • Same for the non-native invasive insect, emerald ash borer, which also includes ash tree (several species) ID and measurement training;
  • Manual and chemical treatment of non-native invasive plants, both along trails (National Forest, AT, state, municipal) and in conservation easements;
  • Participating in tree live-staking in riparian zones.
  • Working to address reported issues in the public lands of WNC with ecological sensitivity.

Volunteer Infrastructure Program: 50%

  •  The Forest Keeper Coordinator will be responsible for assisting in the recruitment of volunteers for the Forest Keeper program as well as other opportunities to improve the public lands of WNC. This will include reaching out to diverse groups, and offering regular training/recruitment events.
  • In addition, they are responsible for the management of those volunteers, which includes teaching them restoration techniques, informing them of the risks associated, and supervising them during the workdays.
  • The Forest Keeper Coordinator will also help coordinate our annual BioBlitz, which will entail the recruitment and management of up to 50 volunteers.
  • As part of this work, the FKC will maintain social media presence (Instagram, Facebook) and help promote events and programs.
  • The Forest Keeper Coordinator is expected to keep detailed records of volunteer personnel (including names and contact, liability waivers, hours served, and frequency of participation) in keeping with Project Conserve standards.

PLEASE NOTE: In addition to fulfilling host site service responsibilities, all Project Conserve members are required to fully participate in team trainings, service projects and statewide AmeriCorps events. Project Conserve team events will occur approximately twice per month in locations throughout the service area and may require up to three overnight stays.

Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident
  • Be at least 18 years of age at the commencement of service
  • Be available and commit to full-time service for the entire service term: members will serve a minimum of 1700 hours over the 11-month term, which is roughly full-time (40 hours per week).
  • Consent to a criminal history check and be cleared for service
  • Meet minimum education requirements (see individual service descriptions)
  • Meet additional qualifications as listed in the service descriptions
  • Meet essential functions for each position as listed in the individual service descriptions


Compensation & Benefits
For full-time (1700 hour) positions in the 2021-2022 program year, members will receive:

  • $16,350 living stipend (paid in equal installments via direct deposit, twice per month, minus taxes)
  • Health insurance reimbursement if eligible. Members are eligible for reimbursement for the full cost of a Health Insurance Marketplace bronze or catastrophic plan, OR up to $100 for a higher-level Marketplace plan. Members who maintain health insurance through a parent or spouse’s employer are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • Childcare assistance if eligible. See eligibility requirements for full-time members enrolled in AmeriCorps State & National programs on the AmeriCorps Childcare Fact Sheet
  • Education award of $6,345 upon successful completion of the program. This award can be used to repay qualified student loans and to pay current educational expenses at eligible institutions of higher education and training programs. Learn more about the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award on AmeriCorps.gov
  • Mentorship, training, and professional development opportunities. Training may include Wilderness First Aid, CPR/AED, Conflict Resolution, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and more



To Apply
Please go to conservingcarolina.org/americorps/projectconserve/ for more information and to apply. Deadline to Apply is May 31, 2021. Contact Amy Stout with any questions at (828) 697-5777, ext 217 or projectconserve@conservingcarolina.org. Conserving Carolina is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to individuals with known physical / mental disabilities.

AmeriCorps Water Quality Administrator (Hendersonville)

AmeriCorps Water Quality Administrator (Hendersonville)

AmeriCorps Water Quality Administrator (Hendersonville)

MountainTrue, through AmeriCorps Project Conserve, is seeking dedicated individuals to fill 4 full-time positions serving critical conservation needs in western North Carolina. Each full-time member will serve 1700 hours from September 1, 2022 through July 31, 2023. Members serve with host site organizations working to protect the unique natural resources of the southern Blue Ridge Mountain region.

Members connect people with nature and enhance quality of life through conservation education, volunteer recruitment/coordination, and trail creation/improvement. Members also improve environmental conditions in WNC through activities including habitat restoration, water quality monitoring, and public land and river improvements projects.

Project Conserve strives to foster a culture that celebrates and supports equity, diversity, and inclusion, learning and continuous improvement, and high-quality community service. AmeriCorps positions provide unique opportunities for members to develop leadership and professional skills to support their future career goals. Members participate in training and service days up to three days per month with the full Project Conserve team and on an ongoing basis as part of their host site service. Training may cover a broad range of topics including conflict resolution, wilderness first aid and CPR/AED, project planning, non-native invasive species identification, trail construction, volunteer management, and education program development.

Water Quality Administrator Position Summary:
This position encompasses many facets: working with volunteers on many levels (recruiting, training, mentoring, organizing); learning and understanding meaningful ways to connect applied science to community needs at the local level; evaluating, designing, and implementing impactful programming for the betterment of the community and environment; and collaborating with all types of groups, from government agencies to civic organizations, school groups, other nonprofits, and community groups. The member is in charge of communications with the Water Quality Team, administers resources for all WQ-focused programs, and connects with the broader community to solve water quality challenges.

Qualifications – Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  • Related educational background preferred: environmental sciences/studies, natural resource
    management, sustainability/technology, etc.
  • Experience working with or managing volunteers of various demographics preferred
  • Public Speaking experience a plus
  • Member must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Experience with Microsoft Office, Google suite, Facebook, and GIS preferred
  • Eligible applicants must be at least 18 years of age, be a citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States, and consent to a criminal history check.

Preferred Service Hours / Weekly Schedule:
9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, some evenings and weekends

Position Responsibilities and Duties:

Conservation Education: 20%

  • Collaborate with other organizations to organize and execute Kids in the Creek and other water quality youth education events;
  • Focus educational efforts around climate change adaptation and mitigation, litter and plastic pollution, and other emerging areas of interest;
  • Collaborate with other organizations to conduct public education events across Transylvania, Henderson, Polk, and Rutherford Counties;
  • Pursue other opportunities to engage with children through local schools, etc.

At-Risk Ecosystems and Trails: 30%

  • Plan and assist with live-staking events in the region;
  • Utilize water quality data to prioritize and address water quality issues;
  • Conduct stream clean-ups and other work days

Volunteer Infrastructure Program: 50%

  • Lead MountainTrue’s Southern Regional Office Clean Water Team;
  • Manage the SMIE biomonitoring, VWIN chemical monitoring, Swim Guide bacteria monitoring, and microplastic monitoring programs through effective volunteer recruitment, training, and management;
  • Expand the reach of the Adopt-A-Stream program; Coordinate Big Sweep and other volunteer focused stream clean-up events;
  • Host a volunteer appreciation event;
  • Help guide the organization’s efforts around equity, diversity, and inclusion by targeting volunteer recruitment and service activities to reach underserved people and communities;
  • Pursue other opportunities to engage volunteers as they arise

PLEASE NOTE: In addition to fulfilling host site service responsibilities, all Project Conserve members are required to fully participate in team trainings, service projects and statewide AmeriCorps events. Project Conserve team events will occur approximately twice per month in locations throughout the service area and may require up to three overnight stays.

Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident
  • Be at least 18 years of age at the commencement of service
  • Be available and commit to full-time service for the entire service term: members will serve a minimum of 1700 hours over the 11-month term, which is roughly full-time (40 hours per week).
  • Consent to a criminal history check and be cleared for service
  • Meet minimum education requirements (see individual service descriptions)
  • Meet additional qualifications as listed in the service descriptions
  • Meet essential functions for each position as listed in the individual service descriptions


Compensation & Benefits
For full-time (1700 hour) positions in the 2022-2023 program year, members will receive:

  • $19,880.00 living stipend (paid in equal installments via direct deposit, twice per month, minus taxes)
  • Health insurance reimbursement if eligible. Members are eligible for reimbursement for the full cost of a Health Insurance Marketplace bronze or catastrophic plan, OR up to $100 for a higher-level Marketplace plan. Members who maintain health insurance through a parent or spouse’s employer are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • Childcare assistance if eligible. See eligibility requirements for full-time members enrolled in AmeriCorps State & National programs on the AmeriCorps Childcare Fact Sheet
  • Education award of $6,495.00 upon successful completion of the program. This award can be used to repay qualified student loans and to pay current educational expenses at eligible institutions of higher education and training programs. Learn more about the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award on AmeriCorps.gov/americorps-education-award
  • Mentorship, training, and professional development opportunities. Training may include Wilderness First Aid, CPR/AED, Conflict Resolution, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and more



To Apply
Please go to conservingcarolina.org/americorps/projectconserve/ for more information and to apply. Contact Susan Bean with any questions at (828) 258-8737 x218 or susan@mountaintrue.org. MountainTrue is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to individuals with known physical/mental disabilities.

French Broad River Paddle Trail Internship (Asheville Office) – Summer 2022

French Broad River Paddle Trail Internship (Asheville Office) – Summer 2022

The French Broad Riverkeeper was founded in 2001, and serves as the primary protector and defender of the French Broad River watershed in western North Carolina. The Riverkeeper works for healthy and safe waterways in the French Broad River watershed by partnering with citizens and communities to identify pollution sources, enforce environmental laws, advocate for stronger environmental laws, engage in restoration, build recreation options, and educate and empower the public. The French Broad Riverkeeper is a program of MountainTrue, a conservation non-profit that champions clean water, resilient forests, and healthy communities.

The French Broad River Paddle Trail is a series of campsites and access points that now connects over 140 miles of the French Broad River. MountainTrue built six new campsites and opened the paddle trail in the summer of 2012. These campsites are all located on private land maintained by MountainTrue and our partners. 

LOCATION: Asheville Downtown Office with travel throughout the French Broad River Watershed

DURATION: May- September. Flexible schedule and hours working 2-4 days a week with some weekend work required (specific work hours will be laid out at the beginning of the internship).

COMPENSATION: $5,000 stipend, plus gas mileage, with academic credit possible

FOR MORE INFORMATION: frenchbroadpaddle.com

The French Broad River Paddle Trail intern will work with the French Broad Riverkeeper to maintain and patrol all aspects of the French Broad River Paddle Trail. This will include visiting each site on a regular basis, checking and working on maintenance issues at the sites including mowing, weed eating, cleaning compost toilets, shoveling access steps, fixing broken tables, etc. Work will also include patrolling the river to monitor for problems, updating the paddle trail website and mobile app, working with the public on paddle trail reservations, and helping with paddle trail trips. 


  • Ability to work outdoors in all conditions
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Able to operate power tools and perform landscape maintenance
  • Good social media skills preferred
  • Ability to manage time effectively
  • Ability to work on many projects at once and maintain attention to details
  • Ability to work as part of a team as well as independently
  • Paddling skills preferred, but not necessary

TRANSPORTATION: Will need reliable transportation to our truck and equipment, but can use the MountainTrue truck for most of the work that is needed.

TO APPLY: Send a statement of interest and resume to Hartwell Carson at hartwell@mountaintrue.org. 

Water Quality Intern (Asheville Office) – Summer 2021

Water Quality Intern (Asheville Office) – Summer 2021

MountainTrue and the French Broad Riverkeeper are currently seeking an intern to help with monitoring for E.coli and microplastics in our local waterways. Bacteria is one of the biggest pollutants within the French Broad River basin. We have two monitoring programs aimed at tracking its sources.  Our intent with these programs is twofold— 1). to alert the public of high E. coli levels to ensure safe water for safe recreation, and 2) pinpointing sewer/septic leaks and agricultural runoff problems in order to get them fixed. Microplastics are an emerging issue we are tackling. Not many studies have been done on microplastics on freshwater systems, especially on headwater watersheds. It is our goal to begin quantifying this pollution. 

Ideally, this intern would help facilitate both programs, 2 days per week.  It’s a paid position, and the experience is a particularly excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to demonstrate skills in science, leadership and project management with measurable outcomes. The ratio of inside to outside time is about 50:50.

The position involves coordinating sampling volunteers, performing lab and field work, managing data, conducting research, and distributing results to the public. The ideal candidate will possess charisma and leadership skills, and an above-average attention to detail. No prior knowledge or experience in water quality monitoring is necessary; training will be provided.  Special attention will be given to individuals who historically have been underrepresented in the environmental field. It is a paid internship, working two days a week.


  • Strong attention to detail and organization 
  • Ability to adhere to strict, but simple, Quality Control measures 
  • Ability to lift and carry cooler full of ice, bend over to collect sample up to 30 times per day, and maintain a steady hand in the lab 
  • Familiarity with Excel and ability to keep accurate records 
  • Ability to teach others 
  • Willingness to drive your own car up to collect samples (mileage is reimbursed at a rate of approximately $0.43/mile) 
  • Commitment to the goal of improving water quality through citizen science
  • Experience with communication around environmental issues preferred
  • Must be able to work 2 days a week, Wednesdays and Thursdays, running from approximately May 26 – September 2, 2021 (end date is negotiable).
  • This internship is a paid position and compensation will be discussed in the interview process.


Email a statement of interest and a resume to Anna Alsobrook at anna@mountaintrue.org. Deadline to apply is May 10.