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Climate Interactive Role Play

First Congregational Church 20 Oak Street, Asheville, NC, United States

Join the Creation Care Alliance and MountainTrue as we share the Climate Interactive’s World Climate Role Playing Experience in collaboration with theCollider’s Climate City Expo Faith Track. This will be an interactive experience that explores global poverty, power, politics and spirituality. This role-playing activity provides participants with an intimate and interactive experience with U.N. Climate negotiations by allowing them to take on the role of various stakeholders and try and address the most pressing climate-related issues we face today. Learn more about World Climate here. Light food and beverages will be provided. You can see a short video of the basis for this experience here.

From the Ashes Film Screening

First Congregational Church 20 Oak Street, Asheville, NC, United States

From the Ashes captures Americans in communities across the country as they wrestle with the legacy of the coal industry and what its future should be under the new Administration.